Summon Of The Sword

Chapter 1633
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Chapter 1633

Lillian blushed slightly once she finished speaking.

She wanted to help Sean, and she finally found out something he was interested in. She wanted to

help him find it to gain his favor.

However, her offer to help was somewhat inappropriate for a girl. Because it would easily make people

think she pursued Sean first.

The average man would have been delighted. However, Lillian knew that Sean was not a man like that.

If he were such a man, he would not have been so angry with her when she climbed into his bed that


In case Sean got the wrong idea, Lillian quickly explained.

"Well... Don't take this the wrong way, but I only wanted to help you because my father works with

Dorodo's city defense army. I have no other agenda and ulterior motives..."

Lillian's slightly hurried words gave the impression that she was trying to hide something.

It was a good thing Gregory and Anthony were not here, or Sean would have been embarrassed in

front of


"No need to explain. Where's the second ancient bronze sword fragment?" Sean asked straight to the


He did not want Lillian to keep explaining because the more she explained, the more confused he was.

Lillian gradually calmed down when Sean got down to business.

"My father gave the second fragment to an antique lover friend. I call him Uncle Frederic."

"Just the average antique lover?" Sean asked again.

"No, he's an antique collector who runs an antique shop in Dorodo's antiques market."

Sean nodded slightly at Lillian's words.

If he was the average antique lover, he planned to pay for the ancient bronze sword fragment as he did

yesterday at the Townsend family house. However, it would be tricky if he was dealing with an antique


Such a man was either wealthy or aristocratic. He had no lack of money. It might be difficult to get the

ancient bronze sword fragment from them. Even so, he had to try. After all, he might get the ancient

bronze sword fragment if he went. If not, there was no hope at all.

Therefore, Sean stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go to the antiques market with you to meet Uncle


Dorodo had a huge antiques market.

It was now evening, but the antiques market was bustling. Particularly, some stalls selling antiques

were crowded.

Most items at antique stalls like these were fakes, but occasionally you would come across something


A genuine item was often mixed in with hundreds or even more fakes, and the people around these

stalls were here to try their luck.

It would take a lot of luck and a great eye to find something genuine among so many fakes.

Lillian could not stop looking around after entering the antiques market.

Sean looked around as he walked.

He was uninterested in antiques, but it was his first visit to Dorodo's antiques market. He was

somewhat curious about the place.

"Are most of the antiques here fake?" Sean asked casually.

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