Strings of Fate

Chapter 285
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Chapter 285

Strings of FateCam 42- Thrill and torment

| watch on in delight as a group of young women gush over the magic lanterns. They even take photos to post on their socialmedia. According to them, an unexpected bonus of the unusual lighting is that ‘everyone looks prettier by firelight' and | have tosay | sort of agree. The lights are bright enough to show off a person’s features, but soft enough that they don’t draw attention toblemishes or bad dye jobs. Any time someone commented on the new decor up at the bar, Harry would loudly declare that this isjust the beginning and that there are plenty more magical displays to come. | expected people to be interested but | didn’t realisejust how popular the magical decor would be. | mean, it’s basically just rainbow fire. But apparently magic really is even lessaccessible than | thought these days and even this simple display is enough to keep people captivated. Although I’m sure thedraw will wear off eventually. But that's why I’m planning plenty of other magical decorations plus a few that | can rotate outseasonally and for special events.

The entire shift goes really well and I’m practically bouncing with glee as | lock up. Even the kitchen staff stopped to chat beforeheading out.They made sure to complement the new additions and to encourage my efforts. | know not everyone will love this,eventually I’m

going to get pissed off Witches and grumpy morons who think that magic is evil or whatever who will come by and cause trouble,but even that will eventually pass. | want this place to feel magical, but also comfortable and | want people to see that usingmagic can be normal. It isn’t something limited to prissy Witches or the very wealthy, or at least it shouldn't be. This is the exactspeech I’m giving to Harry as he walks me home, our fingers intertwined. He is nodding along, agreeing at the correct intervalsand being generally attentive. I’m pretty much on top of the world. My day has been just about perfect. | DO kind of wish myfamily weren’t being so stubborn because | would love to show off my most recent spell to them and -show my appreciation forsome of the lessons they taught me over the years. But unless they

decide to pull their heads out of their asses in the next few minutes I'll just have to get along without it. I’m fairly sure they woulddisapprove of the entire venture anyway which was part of the appeal before | started but now | just kind of want them to be asproud of my accomplishment as | am. We reach my door and | don’t realise that I’ve fallen silent until Harry clears his throat,drawing me from my internal dilemma. He’s hovering very close to me and is obviously aiming for another kiss but is unsure if heshould initiate one or not. | give him a half smile and lean in closer, resting my free hand against his chest and tugging him.forwards with our joined hands. With permission essentially given, Harry wastes no time in stooping down and kissing me untilI'm dizzy. When he finally pulls back, it's only the smallest amount and he rests his chin on my head holding me in a tight hug.



Cam 42- Thrill and torment

“Can | come inside?” He murmurs into my hair and | sigh and force myself to step back.

“No.” | refuse in what | intend to be a firm response but it comes out as almost wistful. | like Harry, | really like him if I'm beinghonest. He’s practically everything | would want in a partner. But he is an Incubus. They love a challenge, he might believe heloves me now, but if | sleep with him he will lose interest. If | sleep with him he’s going to leave me and that will be the end of it.Pknow | can’t keep things like this forever, but there’s no need to hurry. anything along. | can enjoy his company and attention fora little while longer. Harry doesn’t argue or object to my decision to turn him down and put a little space between us, instead hejust says good night and heads on his way. He’s going to have to walk back to the bar and collect his car then drive home. | knowhe brought it today since he needed it to collect the lanterns. But he didn’t even suggest driving me home, choosing to dragthings out and walk. Since | really enjoy holding his hand | didn’t say anything. Still, after all that... | think | need a cold shower,and maybe some chocolate.


The next week is both blissful and agonising. It’s blissful because | don’t think I’ve ever felt so accomplished and satisfied withmy work. We make floating shot glasses, menus that hand. themselves out and any number of other magic themed decorations.| really wish that | could sell some of my magical drinks, but | need a permit to sell anything magical and | need to be part of acoven to get the permit. Still, | can’t help but daydream and plot out increasingly dramatic and impressive magical drinks andcocktails that | can never sell, although that doesn’t stop me from making a few of them anyway and Harry is always willing totest them

out for me. I've even drafted a menu of special drinks | will never get to serve. | could give them away for free occasionally, butthat’s not really a great way to make money. Plus | need to be a little more cautious with the magic | give people now that I’mpublicly demonstrating spells. The MRO either are or will be aware of the use of magic in my bar. I’m not breaking

y rules and technically giving away spells isn’t illnovelbin

but | should definitely avoid doing anything too sketchy. My week is blissful because | have breakfast or lunch with Harry almostevery day, either stopping somewhere on the way to work or ordering something in while I’m working on the decorations andHarry does his own work. He takes any excuse to kiss me and | continue to respond enthusiastically. The week is agonybecause every night Harry walks me. home and asks if he can come in and every night | turn him down and kiss him goodnightwhen all | want is to drag him into my home and make him mine completely. I’m fairly sure that everyone believes that we arealready sleeping together. | can’t blame them. Harry is at fairly demonstrative person and who WOULDN'T want to sleep withhim? But | just can’t. Because as much as | want him, | want to keep him more and this is the price | pay, although there is animpending sense of dread with each day because | know I’m walking a fine line and it can’t last forever. Harry is patient, morepatient than | ever would have believed that


Cam 42- Thrill and torment



he could be. But there is no way he’sgoing to be okay with this. forevel.’Evemndw (@ndticed The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

07 that it takes him a few momentslater to let me go each night, a fseconds longer tobe) Ahd everynight) ft) | end a few seconds longerwatching him walk away before |head inside. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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