Strings of Fate

Chapter 283
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Chapter 283

Strings of FateCam 40- Paint and presents

We arrive at my bar and I’m immediately struck by rage. Right across the front door and the bricks of the building is a huge.Graffit

drawing of some unidentifiable symbol or tag or something. | can’t help but reach out to touch it and my fingers come back stickywith black paint that hasn't quite dried yet. For goodness sakes, why would someone even vandalise the front of my building?This is ridiculous! What were they hoping to accomplish? It’s not even GOOD graffiti!

“Do you think it will wash off? It’s not quite dry yet so | reckon there’s a good chance we can get it clean.” Harry says softly. Heseems concerned that | might be really upset or delicate.

No, mostly I’m just pissed off.

“| know a potion that should get it off, I’m just angry that someone would waste my time like this.” | grumble, waving a handdismissively. Harry brightens.

“Oh, well | can help with the cleaning. Do you have any ideas who might have done this?” He queries. | consider who might havean issue with me or my bar. My family might have problems. But they’re big rule followers. Breaking the law like this to make apoint isn’t their style, plus they know how easy it will be for me to get it clean. They wouldn’t waste their time. Besides, theyconsider themselves too ‘classy‘ for something like graffiti. Simon is another option, but again | suspect that he thinks far toomuch of himself to stoop to something as petty as vandalism. He’s more likely to try to ruin my reputation with nasty rumours orreviews. The only other arguments I’ve had lately would be with those Witches. who opposed me using magic in public andgiving it away for free. Maybe it was them? The graffiti DOES kind of look like a symbol, maybe they attempted a spell and justfailed.novelbin

“I'm not really sure, those Witches were pretty angry with me. Maybe they, or someone else from their coven, decided to try tomake a point. Although in a very childish and immature way.” | sigh. Harry crosses his arms over his chest grumpily.

“You should put in a police report. We can’t just let them get away with this.” He suggests. |shake my head.

“There’s no point. We don’t know for sure who did it. | don’t want to make a big deal out of it.” | reason. Harry frowns and | cantell that he doesn’t agree but he also doesn’t argue. I'll let it be this once. If it happens again THEN I'll take the issue further. As itis, | need to make

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a cleaning potion. | unlock the door (thankfully there’s no paint over the actual lock.) and we head inside. | direct Harry to bringme a sample of the paint mess. He uses a spoon and scrapes off a little of the black paint and brings it to me in my work roomwhere | am already mixing the ingredients for the simple potion. Cleaning potions work great for hard to remove messes, butthey're a little pointless for regular cleaning. Usually soap and water will do the job just fine. Plus they require a sample of themess you're cleaning to add to the potion which just isn’t always possible.

Twenty minutes later, I’m just waiting for the potion to cool enough that | can tip it on a rag and apply it to the paint. A spray bottlewould probably work too but | don’t think | have a spare one right now so a rag it is. Harry insists on helping me with thecleaning. | would insist on doing it myself but as he helpfully points out, | would need to stand on a ladder or something just toreach the top edges of the graffiti and it is much faster for him to do it. | sigh and give in, but | promise myself that I’ll get himdinner on the house tonight. Even with the potion, it takes almost an hour to remove all the paint. When Harry comes back insidehe’s sweaty and his clothes are a mess with streaks of black paint over them as well as the usual dust and dirt that you wouldfind on the outside of a building. | haven’t gotten anything much done because | was too busy fretting and feeling bad aboutHarry basically doing my job for me. Seeing how messy he is now, | feel even more guilty.

“Hey, | might run home for a bit to have a quick shower and to grab my work stuff. Do you need me to bring anything?” Harryasks, heading for the door. Impulsively | chase after him. He turns to me expectantly, not sure what | want. | pause, not sure whatmy goal was in following him. Just that | wanted to thank him. Screw it, risking the paint, | throw myself at him in a hug. Heseems startled but immediately wraps his arms around me. He’s warm from working outside and he smells like my cleaningpotion. | stay there for a minute before releasing him and stepping back.

“Okay, you go get cleaned up. Thanks for your help.” | thank him, trying to act natural. Harry seems a little bewildered as heheads out the front doors, but there’s a bounce to his step and as the doors close | can hear him beginning to hum to himself. Itreally is very validating to have such an attractive guy always seem so elated from just the smallest gesture from me. Actually, |probably owe Harry a lot more than a hug at this point. Sure, he annoys me sometimes, but he’s been helping me out for weeks.What is he even getting from this relationship? I’m prickly and sarcastic and | come with a whole slew of emotional baggage andtrust issues. I’m still trying to figure it out when Harry returns. Sick of contemplating the problem, | just ask him.

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“Harry, why do you like me? I’m rude and untrusting and | just don’t see why you’re trying so

hard.” | tell him bluntly. Harry ralgesan eyebrow. The.coxtént

FR rove om! Read the latestchapter there!

“You're not as awful as you're makingyourself sound. You're funny andgenerous, true you trust slowly butyou're also quick to forgive and onceyou care about someone you put inthe work. Your family have beenhorrible to you lately and you haven'tgiven up on them. You defend mewhen people arejens@hd go doittreabmevike Some dumb piece ofarm candy. | could go on butbasically what it comes down to isthat I’m working so hard because |want your acceptance. If you trustedme right away | wouldn't believe itanyway because you can't really trustsomeone you don't know. So I’mhappy to prove myself until | haveyour unconditional love too.” He saysfirmly. Woah, he thought this througha lot more than | expected. | figuredhe would give me a sentence or twoabout how | can be nice, or how I’mso capable or some rubbish like that.| don’t know how to respond so | justnod and. Gesture for Harry to set uphis stuff in my work room. Hecomplies, apparently unaffected bythe heavy atmosphere. He settles inon the floor where he usually sits and| frown. This might be my Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

work room, but there’s no reason |can't make it comfortable for himtoo. | grab my phone and after a fewminutes of sorqhingn Gdo&art order(Sed table looking beanbag tobe delivered with same day delivery. |can store it under the work benchwhen he isn't using it, but at least hewon't have to sit on the flooranymore. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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