Strings of Fate

Chapter 279
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Chapter 279

Strings of FateCam 36- Whispering and winningnovelbin

I'm definitely surprised when | find myself sitting in a smallish cafe/ restaurant watching as Harry tries to come up with a teamname for the two of us. | can’t believe he’s taken me to a trivia contest. How did he even know that | enjoy this kind of thing? |don’t think he’s ever asked me before. We walked in and Harry was absolutely beaming with joy as he watched met for myreaction. When | responded positively he immediately went and grabbed us a sign in sheet. I’m checking out the menu for lunchwhen Harry runs off to submit our team name. | have a sneaking suspicion that | should have asked to check what he wrotebefore letting him hand it in. Oh well, too late now. Some battles aren’t worth it. Besides, Harry seems to be on his bestbehaviour today. Probably because if he embarrasses me in public | would definitely have to retaliate. Still, so far this issurprisingly nice. Actually, | shouldn’t be surprised. He’s an Incubus, seducing and flirting is what he’s good at. | immediatelymentally scold myself for the unkind thought. Harry has clearly put a lot of thought into this outing, he even brought me a gift, andsomething | would like that isn’t super generic. It’s not fair of me to: judge him for... what? Being charming? For being a gooddate? What am | even bothered by? Of course he’s good at this, he’s gone out with a lot more people than | have. Oh, shit.That’s what the problem is... I’m jealous. This is not a good sign. | am well on my way to getting my heart broken. | need toremember that Harry can’t be a real, long term option for me. Incubi don’t DO long term, committed relationships. Then again, |never imagined an Incubus would be so excited about cartoons or so enthusiastic about a quiz night. He is surprisingly...

wholesome. He is even good with his friend

ann’s adopted child. An Incubus wouldn’t have been my first thought as a babysitter, but | have to admit he is very suited to it. |think I’m getting caught up in stereotypes again. It’s not right to view Incubi as one dimensional sext objects. He’s still an actualperson after all! Ugh this is stressful. | was always taught that Incubi are shallow and promiscuous and he’s tipping all thoselessons over and leaving me second guessing myself. What was that saying? Your first thought is what society has conditionedyou to think and your second thought is what you actually believe? What about my third and fourth thoughts, or my hundredth?Where’s the handy labels for them? How much of what | believe is unfair stereotyping and how much is accurate. Besides | haveno idea if Harry is the norm, what if he’s just weird for an Incubus?

“Have you decided what you want to order?” Harry asks, appearing beside me causing me to jump and drop the fork | had beenfiddling with as | thought.

“Oh, uh... not yet.” | respond, a little flustered. He looks at me curiously but ignores it.1/3Cam 36- Whispering and winning

“We need to get our order in soon, they bring the food out between rounds and we don’t want to be the last ones to eat. You saidyou didn’t want to risk being late for work. This event is meant to last two hours but you know how people fall behind schedule.”He takes both of our orders up to the counter and returns with a table number on a little silver stand

so that the waitstaff know where to bring the food. The first round of the quiz event starts. There is no theme to this event. It’s justa general knowledge trivia thing, although the MC does take the time to point out that the questions are designed to be broadand to appeal to Humans and Magics alike. | do notice that most of the teams have between four and six members. When | pointthis out to Harry he just tells me that it will be more fun with the challenge. We're only a few questions in and already mycompetitive side is kicking in. I’m determined to win, or at least to make the top three. Most of the general knowledge questionsare easy enough and Harry absolutely aces the pop culture sections. I’m starting to wonder how much time he spends watchingTV because | swear there wasn’t a single question where he even hesitated. | try to subtly check out the other tables to assessthe competition. No one looks too alarmed but whenever the ‘inclusive’ questions designed to appeal to Magics turn up there isat least a few groups who start to whisper under their breaths. | suppose that no one really knows all that much about groupsoutside of their own in this stupid, decided society. At least not beyond the superficial. | actually think that these questions mightbe what gives Harry and | a bit of an edge.

“Name as many Alpha Shifters as you can. Any species is fine. It’s one point per Alpha you name with a bonus three points if youcan name all the Alphas that live in this city.” The MC

announces the bonus points 1

it's an insane ask that no one will be able to accomplish. Harry and | immediately get to work. | hear another table whisper loudly,in that ‘whisper’ that isn’t actually quiet but is actually just talking in a weirdly breathy voice that accomplishes nothing.

“There are four Alphas in the city. | know all of them. Those bonus points are OURS!” Harry. and | exchange gleeful expressions.

Do these people not realise that each pack has TWO: Alphas. A male and female. | do hear someone listing some of the women

at another table though so | suppose not everyone here is completely oblivious. | know a few of the Alphas and Harry finishes thelist. Apparently Ryann complains about them a lot and how they refuse to pull their heads out of their asses. (Except for the bearAlphas, | met them and | have to agree that they were lovely.)

| obviously ace the questions about Witches and we do fairly well with all the other groups of Magics as well. You learn a lotabout people as a bartender and overhear a lot of gossip about current events. Plus my bar is one of the few in the area thatcaters to Humans and Magics so.

2/3Cam 36- Whispering and winningWe

as far as I’m concerned we are flying through this competition. If we don’t win I’m going to be so pissed. | wait eagerly, markingoff the answers and trying to add up how many points

got as they read out the answers to the questions. There were a few general knowledge ones where we were a little off, althoughto be honest it was more that our answers weren't specific enough. Maybe we will get a few half points? | think we deserve halfpoints. When they read out the results of the Shifter Alpha question | frown when they only list seven Alphas and leave Ryann offthe list. One other table listed seven and got ten points for having all the names. We were given seven but didn’t get the bonuspoints because we included an extra name. But Ryann IS the Alpha.

“Ryann is officially the Alpha, isn’tshe? | was prett sugeCh gearhible.|Harry ghswers'a the judges. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Yes she is. She's registered with theMRO and everything.” We listen Jorthe final resultsandete Yisappointedtefind NaQour team (The terrifyingtwo... interesting choice Harry.) Camein second and only by two points.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“But we’re RIGHT! They got the Alpha question wrong!” | complain.

“We've gotta fix this, for Ryann’s

reputation of cour ec” ERLE WINKS atme and\NgehY Having The content is

on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

someone around who is willing to cause a scene might be fun after all.

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