Strings of Fate

Chapter 276
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Chapter 276

Strings of FateCam 33- Consent and concernHarry takes a deep breath and exhales heavily as if soothing himself before he begins.

“lam really sorry Cam. | didn’t realise | was making you uncomfortable, that you didn’t like what | was doingel won't touch youagain without waiting for you to actually say it’s okay. | don’t want you to be uncomfortable and | definitely didn’t intend tomanipulate you or ignore your wishes.” he apologises sincerely. Wait, does he think I’m angry about him touching my legs? If |had a problem with that | wouldn’t have lashed out after several minutes of contact. It would have been immediate. | raise aneyebrow.

“Why exactly do you think I’m upset?” | ask. Harry frowns.

“Because | initiated physical contact without waiting for you to expressly consent to it and in the process, | made youuncomfortable.” He sums up, almost robotically. Like he wants to distance himself from the thought. | narrow my eyes.

“And you can’t think of anything else that you might have done?” | prompt. Harry looksalarmed.

“Something else? | was completely focussed on that one thing. What else could | have done? Am | missing something reallyobvious?” He asks. | just shake my head. Is he not aware that he was using his magic on me? | don’t know how aware Incubi areof their abilities, not to mention that he seems to believe that his magic doesn't really affect me. Apparently my acting skills aren’tso terrible after all. But what does that mean for this situation? | mean, if he doesn’t know that he’s doing it, can | really be angryat him? Based on how horrified he is at this situation, he would probably be more careful with his magic if | tell him, but thatwould mean admitting to him that | basically

med out in a temper because | was embarrassed because due to the fact that | was so turned on. | think | prefer it with himthinking his magic doesn’t work on me. | know there’s nothing to be ashamed of. | mean, what heterosexual woman WOULDN'Tbe turned on with an Incubus giving them so much attention? It’s very nearly impossible to avoid their magic. | have no idea howRyann and his other female friends do it. | don’t know how much control Incubi have over their magic, but since | don’t see everywoman in this place throwing themselves at him all the time he probably has SOME control. But they do tend to pursue himeither way. | don’t know how much of that is because of his magic, how much is due to the reputation that Incubi have and howmuch is just because Harry is stupidly hot. I’m not going to solve this dilemma without

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more information. | could ask Harry, but again that would mean bringing it up with him and | don’t want to have that conversationright now. Maybe | can ask Ryann about it sometime. She seems fairly good at being non-judgemental. But what to do rightnow? | was angry at him for trying to manipulate and control me, but if he didn’t intentionally use magic, or at least didn’t think itwould affect me, then he really wasn’t actually manipulating me so | don’t actually have a reason to be angry. I’m fairly sure thata good eighty percent of my anger was just embarrassment anyway. Harry clears his throat and | realise that while I've beenthinking this through, he’s been waiting anxiously as | stayed quiet for far too long. | need to say something. | also notice thatthere are at least two people waiting for drinks. | would wonder why they haven't said anything, but Harry and | haven’t beenparticularly quiet. They're watching the show, eager to see how I'll respond. | need to get back to But first, to put Harry and myaudience out of their misery.novelbin


“It's fine. | misunderstood something. It doesn’t matter. I’m not angry anymore.” | tell him calmly, trying not to let myembarrassment show on my face. Really Harry probably deserves an apology for my outburst more than | did, but he doesn’t askfor one. He just sighs in relief. | serve the customers who are still eying Harry and | curiously. They definitely wish that they hadmore information. | know a few of my regulars like to gossip about Harry and I. They’re going to have a lot to talk about whenthey realise that | finally agreed to go out with him.

Even though the argument with Harry has been resolved, I’m having a little bit of trouble meeting his eyes. | can’t seem to erasethe feeling of his hands on my legs or the feeling of contentment that | felt from his attentions. I’m also just feeling straight upembarrassed that | caused a scene. I’m also sort of concerned that if | meet Harry’s gaze, he’s going to realise exactly how | wasfeeling and he’s going to be able to see the attraction | feel. That would be terrible. It's one thing when he thinks his magic isn’taffecting me, that I’m not lusting after him all the time like so many women do. But if he knew... he would use it against me. |don’t know how, | don’t even know if it would be intentional. But if he knew just how much | want him, | doubt he would ever backoff. He would keep pushing, keep hinting and asking and wanting to know why I’m NOT throwing myself at him. | could do it. |could cave in and fall into his arms and bed and it would probably be amazing. But it would end. Eventually he would get boredof me and move on and I’m not sure | could do the same. | enjoy having him. as a friend and | enjoy his company. If | have tokeep him wanting to keep his attention then that’s the way it has to be. I’m going to be walking a fine line going out with him. I’msure he knows that I’m attracted to him at least a little, but | don’t think he knows how much and | want to keep it that way. As atype of apology, | take him a drink, a decent one that he might actually like. He sips at it and then stares at the glass, as if waitingfor it to catch fire or something. | forgot how weird he is when I give him actual nice drinks.

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“There’s nothing wrong with it. | just thought you deserved a drink that doesn’t make you need mouthwash afterwards for once. |tell him.

“So you're trying to be nice... You're not still upset with me?” he asks warily. | roll my eyes.“| told you I’m not. Are you going to be like this every time | try to be nice?” | say with a laugh. Harry shrugs.

“Maybe, I’ve gotten used to you picking on me. It’s kind of like when a kid picks on someone they like. | see it as a sign ofaffection.” He says smugly. | narrow my eyes.

“Well now | don’t want to make you awful drinks anymore. You'll just see it as flirtatious.” It frown. Harry smirks at me.

“Yeah, but if you’re nice I’m going to interpret that as you like me too.” He insists.

“Then what am | meant to do?” | laugh.

that you like me, obviously.” Harrystates as if it’s th RyoShsixapsle thingin-the WOH the

in-the v I) Fhe-content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

and maybe to him it seems that way. But for me it isn’t.

“| just want to confirm. You sayyou're not upset gureStil) eeayoidindNte. Youre not The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

cancelling our plans for tomorrow...right?” He seems anxigus.agéin!stake my head The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“I'm not cancelling.” | promise.

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