Strings of Fate

Chapter 274
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Chapter 274

Cam 31- Stubborn and stunning| hold out my hand for my phone so | can see what the hell Harry is going on about, but he holds it out of my reach.

“One sec. I’m trying to find my contact. Hah, | should have known I'd be down as number one.” He taps the phone again and asecond later his own phone chimes. He glances at it with a satisfied smile then hands my phone back. My phone is open to thetext conversation with him and he’s forwarded himself a photo from a different chat. | open the picture and find that

it is indeed a picture of Harry and |. Clearly taken yesterday while we were walking back from the grocery store. He’s carrying mybags and looks ridiculously photogenic despite the fact that he’s laughing. I’m even half smiling although | can’t place exactlywhat we were saying. This had to be taken by Simon. Why would he text me stalkerish photos? Is he trying to give me evidenceto get a restraining order? | flick back and I’m surprised to see the photo was

sent by my mother.

Mum- Cam | demand an explanation for this.

Mum- Simon went to meet you for breakfast and instead of the positive update | expected hesent me a very disturbing photo.

Mum- Img 01

Mum- What are you doing out with that man? You were meant to be meeting Simon!

Mum- That's not the Incubus | heard about, is it? You know better than to associate withIncubi.

Mum- Cam what are you thinking?!?

Mum- Answer me. We need to sort this out before it gets out of hand.

Mum- Or should | say MORE out of hand.

Mum- Call me.


Cam 31-Stubborn and stunning

Right so Simon sent my MOTHER stalkerish photos of Harry and |. How is this not a red flagfor her? | can’t comprehend why she and my grandmother still think that he’s a ‘great guy’.

Like there is not a single great thing about him! Also the photo isn’t that great, | mean Harry looks alright but | don’t think it'spossible for an Incubus to look anything other than perfect. But I’m in my daggy clothes and | clearly need to run a brush throughmy hair. The only positive thing I can say is that my hair looks like a nice colour in the bright sunlight and at least I’m sort ofsmiling. Why would Harry send himself THIS photo. Surely we could just take a better one. Like where we're actually puttogether and looking at the camera for example. Actually, no. that might go badly for me. If Harry puts in effort too I’m going tolook dreadful in comparison. Ugh, | need to stop comparing myself to someone whose entire species revolves around beingattractive. It’s seriously not good for my self esteem.

“| see your mother is very supportive of our relationship.” Harry remarks dryly and | roll myeyes.“What was your first hint?” | sigh.

“Don’t mind her. She’s just stubborn. Also I’m not sure I'd call this a relationship. More like... well... | don’t know. Somethingelse.” | fail to find the words and Harry grins.

“Your mother isn’t the only one who is stubborn, | see. But that’s alright, I’m kind of into it. It’s sort of fun having to work for it. Atleast | know that whenever you DO give in and admit to something, it wasn’t on a whim.” He winks at me and | scoff. I’m not thatstubborn. At least, | don’t THINK | am. Harry carries on talking, perking up and leaning forward on the


“Speaking of admitting things, when can | take you out? That is, assuming you haven’t changed your mind?” He says it casuallybut there’s an edge of anxiety to his tone. He is genuinely concerned that | won’t want to go out with him. He’s an Incubus, wherehas all his confidence gone? It’s so strange to see him acting insecure. | try to ignore Cora’s eyes which | can feel boring into theback of my neck. | suppose | can’t blame her. If some guy was in here. hitting on her every night, I’d be pretty invested in thesituation as well. It's not like she has anywhere else to go to give us privacy.

“| haven’t changed my mind.” | answer awkwardly and | hear Cora drop a glass, it doesn’t break thanks to that handy spell | puton all the good glassware to make it less breakable but it's enough to make me jolt in place. Harry blesses me with a gorgeousgrin.

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“Great. Are you free for lunch tomorrow?” He presses on. Why do | get the impression that he still isn’t actually convinced that I'llgo through with this? It feels like he’s hoping to make it happen as soon as possible, | suppose so | don’t have a chance torethink my decision. | don’t mind. Going sooner rather than later will give me less time to overthink things and will help toencourage the charade for Simon.

“Okay, tomorrow is fine. Although I’m working in the late afternoon and evening so | can’t. stay out for too long.” | warn him. It’sprobably for the best. Needing to go get ready for work. will give me a good escape if | need one. Plus it will avoid the wholeawkward walking to my door and hoping to be invited in issue from arising again too soon. No chance I'll cave and just sleep withhim when I’m coming back here anyway. | try to ignore the inappropriate little voice in my head which is pointing out that my workroom is private and the door locks. | am not that kind of a person. | don’t think... but this damn Incubus could make anyone feel alittle extra daring.


won't be a problem. I'll come pick youup at twelve? | have everything allplanned out. | just needed to be sureyou were available.” I’m suddenly alittle concerned. Planned out? What ishe planning? Will he tell me if | ask?I'm not sure Like sdkpfidesal thatmuah | Stnanaging things, and |like to know exactly what's going on.Letting him arrange things requires asort of trust I’m not totally sure thatI'm capable of. But | suppose | don’treally have a choice. If | bail now | willnever hear the end of it from him.Besides, how bad can it be? His ideaof a good time is hanging out here,going grocery shopping with me andbuilding blanket forts while watchingcartoons. Hardly anything to beafraid of. Except... If | don’t knowwhat we're doing | won't know whatto wear... The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

“So... as much as it goes against everything in me to ask this, what should | wear?” Harry’s face lights up and | just know thatI've made a mistake.

“There are plenty of things I'd LOVEto see you in.” He winks at me and |cross my arms oven phestatiyingt look giumpy, Gut his eyes just dropto the cleavage that this top showsoff. | knew | shouldn't have dressedup today! His eyes dart back up to myface. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“BUT | know better than to make requests like that. At least not at this point in our relationship. Besides, you look good no matterwhat you wear.” He flashes a charming smile and | roll my eyes.

“Glossing over the entire first of of that statement, you are being entirely unhelpful. Just give me a real answer!” | insist. | shouldhave known that he wouldn’t make this easy.

3/4Cam 31- Stubborn and stunning

“Areal answer? | really think that you look gorgeous today and that if I’m lucky the extra effort was meant for me.” He smirksmischievously and | want to hit my head on the bar.

“If | can’t figure out what to wear, | won't go.” | warn him.

“Spoil sport. It won't matter what youwear, just something casual andcomfortable. We will stopsomewhere to eh, but@wantbe'|fanay oladything.” He assures me.Okay, | can work with that. The goalis casual but cute. Maybe | can wearmy new green dress. Customers.entering through the front door drawmy attention and | give Harry a quicknod before getting to work.. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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