Strings of Fate

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271

Strings of FateCam 28- Cooking and cuddling

I'm not sure how things turned out this way but I’m standing in my kitchen watching as Harry cooks me dinner. He is alsomessing with my coffee machine which has me very concerned.

“Careful, that machine is expensive and if you break it | can’t afford to-”

“| know, | know. | have the same one at home. Don’t worry. | know what I’m doing.” Harry answers easily. He has the same coffeemachine as me? Why? Like seriously, | know how much that machine costs. It is far too expensive for one person living alone.Either he likes coffee as much as | do or he’s worse with money than | thought. He turns back to cooking which has me just asanxious.

“Do you even know how to cook? | could-” Harry cuts me off by pushing a fresh cup of coffee (made exactly the way | like) intomy hands. | don’t know how he remembers the way | like it, | think | might have mentioned it once while he was asking hisneverending streams of questions.

“Stop fretting, sit down and relax. I’ve got this covered. You're always serving me at your bar, let me take care of you for once.”He insists. | want to argue, he was just meant to be bringing in the groceries. But somehow | find myself sitting on the couch,sipping my coffee and watching him work.

“| can’t believe you know how to cook.” | comment. Harry shrugs.

“Who else is going to cook for me? I’ve lived alone since | turned eighteen. | can’t make anything too complicated but | have thebasics down.” He explains. | can’t imagine living alone at eighteen. | only left my parents house when they tried to marry me offand before that | would have been totally happy living there indefinitely. Most Witches tend to stay living in large family groups. |never really expected to be living on my own and | was definitely unprepared for it. The first few weeks | had so many issues as |had to figure out basic life skills like paying bills, making dinner, doing laundry that | had just never needed to do myself. | was aWitch in a Witch family. | contributed to the household with spells and magic. Chores and other household duties went to thosewho couldn’t contribute magically, like my father, or we would just hire someone else to take care of it for us. Even now, | feel likeI'm constantly struggling to keep on top of the housework. I’m only one person, how can

1/4Cam 28- Cooking and cuddling

there be so much to do? Maybe it would be easier if | took more than one day a week off of work, but | like being busy and thereis always more | can do at work, even if it’s just making or experimenting with my potions. | think | also just like being therebecause it’s so quiet at home by myself, which is alright sometimes. But I’m used to a busy household full of negging relatives.Too much silence gives me anxiety and makes me feel very aware of just how lonely


It's not long at all before Harry is dropping himself down on the couch beside me, taking my empty coffee cup and replacing itwith a plate with a pretty decent looking omelette on it. He has one for himself too. | didn’t exactly invite him for dinner, but | don’tthink | can realistically complain since | did sit here quietly and let him cook for me. | guess the least | can do is let him join mefor dinner. Quite literally the least | can do. Kicking him out at this point would probably be more work than just letting him eat,and it’s been a while since | had company for a meal. | don’t think I’ve had proper company for dinner since the dinner party atthe Alpha’s place and that was weeks ago now. I’m so caught up in eating and trying to figure out if I’m okay with Harry beinghere on my couch that | don’t even notice Harry picking up the remote or turning on my TV. | tune in when I realise he’s scrollingthrough my streaming services trying to pick a movie.

“Woah, wait a second. What are you doing now?” | demand. Harry looks at me, one eyebrow raised. His expression sayingwithout words are you stupid?”

“I'm finding us something to watch, obviously, Why? Did you want to talk while we’re eating?” He asks. | shake my head.

“No, | just...” | trail off. | think | lost this argument before it even started. Harry is already here, already on my couch and eatingmy food. What's the harm in letting him put a movie on? | know that if | really decide to kick up a fuss he will leave. Although |have to admit that the feeling of his magic has me a little on edge. But that could just be the fact that a stupidly attractive guy justmade me coffee, cooked me dinner and is currently sitting so close to me that | can feel the warmth of him beside me. Blaminghis magic is easier though. How the hell does Ryann stand it? Has she learned a way to avoid his magic? Or maybe she justdirects her lust elsewhere and her partner reaps the benefits? Because | can’t see how she can be friends with an Incubus andactually maintain functioning brain cells. | can’t imagine how bad it would be if | actually slept with him. I’ve already found myselfdaydreaming on more. than one occasion about how it felt to kiss him, and that was just a fake kiss to put on a show

for Simon!2/4Cam 28- Cooking and cuddling

Harry selects a slapstick style comedy about a baby travelling around the city and causing chaos for three grown men whoapparently don’t know the first thing about babies. We finish cating and Harry takes my plate from me, stacks it on his own andplaces it on my coffeenovelbin


“So, why are we watching a movie?” | ask again. Harry shrugs.

“We're both dressed for it. Again, I'll

available and more than willing.” Hat out that if you need someone to snuggle with | am

grins and | roll my eyes.

“Watch the movie. Another wordfrom you and I'm kicking you off mycouch.” | warn, but we both know that| don’t mean it. | start off she xtto Harry stiffly, put af Sohne point.durig-the movie | start to relax. Thenhe ends up doing the oh so clichestretch and placing arm over theback of the couch thing and again |eventually relax into it so that I’m notquite in his arms, but pretty damnclose. He keeps his promise to keephis hands to himself by keeping hisarm on the couch, but the invitatioThe content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

is Clear. All | would need to do is leaninto him a little, to give into themounting desire | have to just-perkupin his lap, BUM! stay St g and whenthe htovie ends | bounce up off thecouch and shoo Harry towards thedoor. Having here is making meuncomfortable, mostly because itfeels so comfortable and it shouldn't.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“It's getting late and it is time for you to go.” | insist...“But the dishes...” Harry half-heartedly objects. | wave him off.“| can wash the dishes. You go home.” | open the door and walk him out. He pauses on my doorstep.

“I'm going, |’m going. But before | do,one last thing. Cam, will YOU 99 eutwith me?” LautamatteLity go toSe the words stick on mytongue and | hesitate. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


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