Strings of Fate

Chapter 267
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Chapter 267

Cam 24- Pride and permits.“Problem solved.” He tells me with a proud grin. | have to fight not to roll my eyes at him.“It sure is.” | answer without looking up from the drink I’m making.

“It's a good thing they were women, I’m not nearly so good at deescalating arguments between men. They tend to just get pissedoff when | intervene. Actually men just seem to be pissed off at me all the time.” Harry sighs, but he doesn’t really soundbothered, it seems more put on than anything else.

“| can’t imagine how that would feel.” | say sarcastically.“| know, it’s so unfair that they hate me, | haven’t done anything to them. At least not usually.” Harry complains.

“| was talking about the feeling of being pissed off with you all the time, but sure whatever.” 1 walk to the other side of the barand collect a couple of empty glasses. | clean them and put them away slowly. | drag my feet as | return to where Harry iswaiting. He smiles at me.

“What, no thank you?” He prompts. | shrug.

“Sure, thank you.” | tell him flatly. His eyes narrow suspiciously.

“Why didn’t it sound like you meant that? Actually why are you avoiding my eyes...” He as he studies me.

“Are you... angry with me?” He asks, a little surprised.

“No.” | instantly deny it. I’m not mad at him. He can flirt with whoever he wants. Actually, yes | am angry. This was my fight, hedidn’t need to step in, although it was helpful 1 suppose. But does he not care how it makes him look? He goes on and on abouthow dedicated he is to me, then makes a fool of himself in my bar, He hasn't made a fool of me because I’m not with him. Butdoes he not realise that it makes him look like a flighty, womanising liar? Still, ’'m not going to tell him that.


Cam 24- Pride and permits

“You definitely are angry with me.” He announces confidently.

“But why... | mean, all | did was talk with the women.” He wonders aloud. | roll my eyes.“You mean flirt.” | correct him then immediately regret my words, Harry's eyes light up.

“You're jealous! You're upset that | called them beautiful and gave one of them my phone number. He observes, practicallyglowing with glee.

“You gave them your number? Why? You can’t actually want to spend time with those stuck up hags, can you?” | ask,incredulously. Harry laughs.

“Of course | don’t. I’ve told you dozens of times, | only want you. But | didn’t want them harassing you so | distracted them thebest way | know how, besides, | gave them a fake number anyway.” He assures me. | sigh, hating how that actually does makeme feel a little

bit better.

“Don't you feel any shame? Acting that way? Lying to them? It makes you look like the player that everyone assumes you are.” |point out. Harry frownlS.

“| know that, but it doesn’t matter. | wanted you to be safe and | made it happen the best

way | know how. That's far more important to me than how everyone else looks at me. The only opinions | care about are yoursand my own.” | states firmly. Cora has apparently been eavesdropping because she steps in close and elbows me.

“Where can | get myself a guy like that?” He jokes and Harry winks at her.“A flirt?” | tell her flatly. She rolls her eyes at me.

“No, a guy who cares more about me than he does his pride.” She smiles approvingly at Harry before rushing off to get to backto work before | can ask any more questions. Is she seriously trying to tell me that she APPROVES of Harry flirting with otherpeople in my defence? | give

1. up.“I'm not angry.” | promise Harry.“And I’m not jealous.”2/5Cam 24- Pride and permits.Walking home that night, Harry is in a great mood and I’m grumpy as hell. He practically skips along next to me.

“Oh come on now Cam, are you still mad at me? Would it help if | apologised?” Harry asks. It’s almost offensive that he’s socheerful when I’m annoyed with him. It’s like he is totally unbothered by everything.

“Do you think you have something to apologise for?” | answer carefully. Harry thinks for atmoment.

“Maybe? | don’t regret what | did, but | do acknowledge that it might come across as disloyal and I’m anything but that. So |guess | think | need to apologise if my actions came across as disrespectful to you. I'll try to find other methods of resolvingconflict in the future.” He promises. | shrug and keep walking.

“Please stop sulking Cam, | like it better when you fight with me. Do you want to talk about plans for creating magical decorationsfor your bar? | bet it would piss off those Witches even more. Is that going to be a problem?” Harry asks. | know he’s just goadingme into it, but honestly I’m grateful for the excuse to change the topic.

“Oh they are definitely going to cause problems. But what | want to do isn’t illegal or unethical so there is really nothing they cando to stop it short of committing a crime themselves. Magical crimes are dealt with harshly since they are very likely to causeproblems. | will check with the MRO to confirm | don’t need any licences or permits for displaying magic, but | shouldn't becausethe bar isn’t public, it's technically private property so the rules applying to Witches using magic in their own homes should apply.Technically the customers are guests and as long as they’re not paying for the magic it should be legal. So | won't be able tocharge an entry fee, but it’s a bar, not a club so | don’t see a problem with that. I’ve never charged one in the past. If | am doingmagic more obviously though | will probably have to be a little more careful with giving out spelled drinks. Since | can’t sell them.”| contemplate.

“Can'tYou got

a permit to sell them? You're a perfectly competent Witch. | don’t see why your wouldn't be allowed to.” He suggests. | sigh.

“No, only covens can get permits to sell magic. Something about making sure there are people available to check the quality ofthe work and such. | don’t have a coven anymore. |

3/5Cam 24- Pride and permitswould need at least three magical members including myself to get a permit.” | explain.

“Oh, | didn’t know there were so many rules. Does that mean your mother and grandmother can’t sell potions anymore? Sinceyou left their coven?” He asks curiously. | shake my head.

“Nah, | have a few aunts and cousinswho are Witches and are part of thecoven. Plus there Fe RPA

gieinectub'derh fried into thefamily. Technically their magic is.different to ours but it works wellenough. Simon is a Warlock.” | sigh.Harry nods his understanding. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Ah, | thought only Witches could be a part of a coven.”

“Technically only a Witch canmanage a coven, but they adaptedthe rules a while back to allow

Warlocks to be me bers. that Ways alenibiy UR could still gettheir permits. But either way you haveto basically be willing to sell yourselfoff for a political marriage to end upwith your own coven. Something that| am not willing to do. So I’m stuck asa loner for the foreseeable future.” |explain. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Hmm... That seems like a dumb system.” Harry complains and | shrug.“It is what it is.” We reach my place and | turn to Harry, waiting.“Well? Do you have another question for me tonight? I’m still not inviting you in.” | warn him. Harry laughs.


“| know that, and | don’t think you'llaccept. But there’s no harm in trying.Cam, would you-aprarta date withmyer’ Sks with a charming smile.| shake my head, still picturing himwalking The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

away with the two Witches hanging off of him.

“Nope. Thanks for walking me home. Good night Harry.”

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