Strings of Fate

Chapter 261
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Chapter 261

Cam 18- Damsels and debts

I'm still just standing stunned in Harry’s arms hiding my face when | feel his hand stroke down my hair and over my spinestopping midway down my back and | swear my knees buckle. Harry whispers in my ear.

“I'm happy to stay like this as long as you like and I'll probably regret telling you this but he left.” Harry’s voice is teasing butgentle like he’s trying to rile me up but isn’t completely convinced that it’s the right thing to do. | stay for a half second longer, takea deep breath, then step away

away from Harry who lets his arms fall to his sides. | stare at him, not quite sure how to explain what just happened. Do | evenneed to explain? It felt pretty self explanatory. My family sucks, Simon is an asshole and | was desperate. He happened to bethere and | knew he would be willing to help. But why did | assume he would be the one to help me? Just because he was theonly one here? Or was there another reason? | suppose | trusted him. enough to know that he wouldn’t ditch me or make thingsworse, and | have to admit | was actually pretty angry when Simon insulted him, even though I’ve been guilty of similar thoughtsabout Incubi. Maybe | should try to go a little easier on him. After this can | really continue to argue that we aren’t friends?

Not quite sure that I’m ready to answer the probably inevitable questions that Harry is going. to come up with, | swap back to mycustomer service bravado.

“Well that was an adventure. | didn’t know you were such a good actor.” | compliment him. See, I’m being nicer. | can totally dothis, although it might take a while for me to fight my automatic reaction which at this point is to say something snarky or insultingto him and walk away. Harry narrows his eyes at me.

“That was... actually nice of you to say. Usually you would just insist that I’m great at manipulating people or something.” Heconsiders for a moment before grinning at me, his smile makes him look even more attractive than usual and | have to forcemyself not to starenovelbin

and maybe swoon.

“Does this mean you're finally coming round? Are you willing to admit we’re meant to be together? You said as much to thedingbat.” He asks hopefully. | can’t help but snort out a laugh at his nickname for Simon. I’m going to have to start calling himdingbat too. It’s strangely satisfying.

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“Don't get carried away. | was just trying to get him to leave me alone. You know that. I’m not admitting to anything of the type...”| trail off then sigh.

“| WILL admit that | owe you one though. Thanks for your help.” | tell him gratefully. Now most people when you thank them, theyrespond with ‘no problem‘ or ‘your welcome’ or even “it was my pleasure. But not Harry. Nope, when | admit to him that | owehim, | instantly realise that | have made a huge mistake when the biggest smirk crosses his face. Shit.

“Aaah, a favour. One boon from the damsel in distress. Whatever shall | claim?” He asks dramatically, hand over his heart andfluttering his fingers. Pretending that he is flustered as he contemplates his decision.

“Well, | might have a FEW ideas.” He straightens up, dropping his drama queen act and swapping back to his usual flirtatiousself. He winks at me. | glare back. Why am | more comfortable with his inappropriate commentary than | am when he’s beinghelpful? Maybe because it’s easy to turn him down when he’s being inappropriate and much harder to sass back at him when hesays something that’s actually genuine.

“lam telling you right now | am not sleeping with you.” | tell him flatly. Harry rolls his eyes.

“As if | need to use a favour for that. No, when you decide to get in bed with me it won’t be because | had to bribe you. Although |think it’s interesting that sex is the only thing you’re worried | might ask for.” He points out. | flush red and turn away, headingback behind the bar. | start counting the till but honestly | just need to put a barrier between us and | need something to do so |have another option other than staring at him.

“Avoiding the question. Okay then. Well I'll try a different line of questioning. Why don’t | find out what exactly you WOULD do inexchange for this favour. Hmm, what about a drink, would you give me a free drink?” He asks, leaning his elbows onto the bar. |shrug.

“Sure, do you want a drink?” | offer. Harry shakes his head.

“Not right now, no. What about a hug?” He suggests.

“| suppose so, although that hardly seems like much of a prize. | hugged you like two minutes ago.” | point out. Harry laughs.2/4

Cam 18- Damsels and debts

“You're right, | should aim for something more unattainable. What about dinner?” he asks. | pause then try to play my hesitationoff with a casual shrug.

“| suppose | could buy you dinner.” | agree.

“| meant I'd take you to dinner. But it’s good to know.” He sighs deeply..“What about a kiss?” He tries. | narrow my eyes.

“You're really pushing it.” | warn him.

“You didn’t say no.” He points out. | sigh.

“Is that what you want, Harry?” | ask, suddenly exhausted.

“Always, but it's not what I’m going to ask for. | want a chance to spend time with you, outside of this bar | mean.” He explains,almost a little sad.

“So you want to go to dinner then?” | clarify. He shakes his head in refusal.

“No, | want you to choose to go on a date with me. | would hate it if you resented me because you feel tricked into it.” Heexplains. Oh, well... alright then.

“What do you want then?” | ask, kind of confused. He wants to spend time with me butdoesn’t want to ask for a date?

“You walk to and from work, right?” He confirms. | nod.

“Yeah, | live pretty close so | don’tusually bother bringing my car. Toomany drunk idiots hang arcundlinbers; Yeah) know i'm the one givingthem the booze, but I’m notresponsible for their stupid decisions,and neither is my car. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“| thought so. In that case, | was you to let me walk you home from now on.” He enunciates each word clearly and slowly, likehe’s concerned he is going to mess up his request somehow. | look up at him in confusion.


Cam 18- Damsels and debts

“Huh? How is that a reward? Isn’t it just extra work for you?” | point out. Harry shrugs.

“It's a few minutes longer before | have to say goodbye every night. Besides, you clearly have

some a stalker in the form of mr dingbat. If he turns up at your place, wouldn't it be better if I’m with you?” He points out. | stare.

“| suppose... but this still doesn’tseem like a reward for you.” | sayreluctantly. What is ePjanniag? ls

thinkigarha di Onvince me toinvite him into my home? That I'll bemore accepting of his advancesoutside of work? Harry just smiles atme. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Regardless, it’s what | want. Will youallow it?” He persists. | suppose |trust him enough to know where}live. If he turns uploKatAoys Re toomuah | Gra ask Ryann to intervene,and he could be using this chance toaim for something more intimate, buthe’s chosen something that willactually help me too. | can’t think ofany reason to refuse him. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Alright.” | agree, a little reluctantly. Harry beams at me and stands up straight.

“Wonderful. In that case, are you ready to go?”

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