Strings of Fate

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254

Strings of FateCam 11- Pranks and potions

| am surprised to find that Harrison is actually not a bad assistant. He listens well enough that | never have to repeat mydirections more than once. He seems to be aware enough to not stand in my way when | move around and he even tidies up anyspills | make along the

way without being asked. | don’t even mind his stream of questions at each stage of the process. For once he remains totallyserious, not trying to flirt or make any kind of innuendo the entire time we work. It actually seems like he might be genuinelyinterested in what I’m doing. | try to imagine my grandmother’s reaction if she knew | was making a potion in front of a non—coven member. Somehow it makes the entire experience more entertaining and Harrison’s impressed exclamations every time |imbue the potion with magic and it changes colour or some ingredient dissolves away into it is far more satisfying than | would bewilling

to admit out loud. We work quickly, but by the time we finish I’m surprised to find that it’s been over two hours. Oops, | didn’tmean to leave Cora working alone for so long. Hopefully it hasn’t been too busy for her. | step out to check on her.novelbin

“Are you alright out here Cora? | didn’t mean to be gone so long.” | tell her apologetically.

“Oh don’t mind me. It’s been pretty quiet out here. If | had a guy like that trailing after me I’d be taking extra long breaks too.” Shewinks at me.

“Cora! It’s not like that. He was just helping me with a potion.” | insist. Cora raises aneyebrow.

“You've never asked me to do that.” She points out.

“Or left me alone in your work room for that matter.”

“What? | didn’t-” Oh shoot. | have left him there alone. | didn’t even think about it. How

strange, yesterday | hesitated to even let him in and now I've left him unsupervised. I’m suddenly struck with a bolt of fear andwithout another word | dash back to my work room. | expect to find that he’s gotten himself into trouble somehow or (please no)managed to ruin the potion which we just finished. But no, he’s... cleaning. | stop in the doorway, a little


“You... put my things away.” | state the obvious, but I’m a little confused. Harrison whirls onthe spot to face me.


Cam 11- Pranks and potions

“Did | get something wrong? | noticed you have them organised very specifically. | did my best to remember where you tookthem all from but | might have gotten something wrong.” He says earnestly. | don’t know how to respond. No one has everhelped me clean up AFTER making a potion before. Even in my coven after we finished making a potion | would end up doingmost of the clean up by myself. It’s why | developed such an obsession for keeping my supplies in order. My mother used toinsist that the most inexperienced Witch is in charge of the clean up and that if | didn’t want to do it anymore then | should getmarried and have a daughter of my own.

“You didn’t have to do that.” | told him quietly. Harrison frowns at me.

“You did most of the work. What kind of assistant would | be if | couldn't at least help tidy. up? Is it alright?” He asks. | glance atthe shelf. | swap over two herbs that he mixed up. An easy enough mistake to make, they do look fairly similar if you aren’tfamiliar with them. Other than that, everything's in its proper place.

“You did well.” | compliment him and he grins at me.

“Cleaning isn’t the only thing | do well.” He says suggestively, taking a step towards me. | throw a damp cleaning cloth at him. Ithits him square in the face.

“For you to wipe that look off your face.” | tell him primly. | expect him to be offended but Harrison just takes it in stride.sit

“| was talking about singing obviously. I’m a fantastic singer.” He winks at me and | roll my eyes at him.

“Of course you were.” | comment dryly.

| had every intention of delivering the tracking spell myself. | want to explain its use properly and | sort of want to see the Alphasagain. They were... more approachable than | had

expected and | wanted to talk to them more about my getting volunteers for my magical experiments. But it’s just getting late andthe bar is picking up. | really ought to work, not to mention | am expecting a delivery any time now and | don’t want to leave Corato deal with it herself. Not after I've been so slack this afternoon. When Harrison offered to deliver the

glass bottle for me it seemed like a good idea. But now th I’m faced with actually handing itover to him, | find I’m a little anxious. It was a lot of work and | don’t want to have to ask for2/4

Cam 11- Pranks and potions

another personal item from the little girl so | can start all over again.

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. | could just take it tomorrow.” | start to put the little bottle of purple potion away. Harrisonobjects, placing a hand over my wrist to stop me.

“Oh come on. You let me help make the spell. If | was going to ruin it | would have already done it by now.” | sigh. He’s right, I'mbeing unreasonable and a bit of a control freak.

“Oh fine. You can deliver it. But BE CAREFUL.” | stress the words as | reluctantly hand him. the little bottle. It immediately slipsfrom his fingers towards the floor.

“Whoops.” He catches it then grins mischievously.“Oh you menace. You did that on purpose!” | accuse him. He gasps in fake offence and presses a hand to his chest dramatically.

“| would never. I’m just so terribly clumsy you see.” He says in a mocking tone. | narrow my eyes. Well in that case. Before hecan react, | grab his right hand in between mine. He looks absolutely bewildered.

“Cam, what are you-” He’s cut off bymy murmuring the words to a spell.It's a simple enough enchantmentthat | don’t even need a potion to castit. It's essentially a super glue spell.My TER uSet to putup.décdr fons around the holidays.It’s invisible so bonus, no hooks! Toend the spell you just set a trigger. |could do it with magic, but since theAlphas won't have that option, |choose something a little moreaccessible and of course | make sureto add my own little flair to it. Spellcast, | snatch the potion fromHarrison's left hand and place itcarefully into his right hand. He looksincredibly confused. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“What was that?” he demands. | can’t help but smirk.

“Think of it as magical glue. Youwon't be putting that potion downuntil | give you the trigger for how-torelease it. So | suadsst Pouhurry upalhndideliverit to Ryann because yourright hand will be completely uselessuntil you make the delivery.” | tell himsmugly. | expect him to complain orat least to show some kind ofconcern but he just grins. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“It's a good thing I’m left-handed then.” He says with a sniger. | just stare at him.


Cam 11- Pranks and potions

“You know, | can think of plenty of fun things we could try with only one hand. | could-”

“NO, none of that.” | cut him off and begin to shove him towards the door. He goes willingly because there’s no way | could movehim if he didn’t.

“Now go, get out of here. | don’t want to hear from you until that potion has been delivered.”I insist.

“How am | going to tell you when I’ve delivered it? You should give me your phone number so that I can call you.” He suggests. |shake my head.

“Nope, | Suspect you would abuse theprivilege far too much. You can askRyann to call me wher Jourdeliver it.That pot Vgoes directly to her orBellamy. No one else, you hear me?Now go." | insist. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Oh fine. I'll drop it for now.” He stops in the doorway and hesitates.

“You... you don’t really think | would lose or damage the spell do you? | mean, this glue—spell is just a joke... right?” He asks. |just shrug in response. Let him make of it what he will.

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