Strings of Fate

Chapter 252
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Chapter 252

Strings of FateCam 9- Exes and expectations

l intended my refusal to be angry, or at very least louder and more demanding. Instead it comes out almost as a plea. My heart isracing. What if he doesn’t stop? Incubi aren’t exactly known for their self control. Or for respecting boundaries. Harrison freezesin place and stares at me with a furrowed brow. It’s like he doesn’t understand what just happened. | suppose he isn’t used tobeing rejected. | doubt it happens to him all that often. At least not when he’s making an effort and blasting people with his magicthe way he is with me. His grip on me softens and | know he’s about to release me when my phone starts to ring loudly. Hetightens his grip again for half a second then releases me entirely. | step away to check my phone, trying to shake off the tightfeeling in my stomach and the part of me that regrets leaving his


Aglance at my phone tells me it’s my mother calling. Ugh. Dealing with her is hard enough, I’m not doing it in front of Harrison. |decline the call. It immediately starts to ring again. | sigh, switch my phone to silent and drop it face down on my work bench. I'lljust let it go to

voicemail.“Who is it?” Harrison asks curiously.

“No one. Don’t worry about it.” | step around him to recover my partially completed potion. My phone starts ringing for a thirdtime. Vibrating loudly against the table. | pretend not to notice. | breathe a sigh of relief when it finally stops vibrating only totense up again when a series of text messages start coming through. No doubt my mother berating me for ignoring her and forjust about every other life choice I’ve ever made.

“Are you sure it's nothing? Sounds like someone is really desperate to get ahold of you.” Harrison comments, reaching towardsmy phone. | slam a hand down over it before he can

touch it.

“| said it’s nothing. Which means it is none of your business so back off.” | tell him aggressively. He frowns.“You don’t want me to see...” He states thoughtfully, his expression changes and he glares at my phone.“It's that other Incubus, isn’t it?” He demands. | roll my eyes.


Cam 9- Exes and expectations

“No, it’s not.” | answer. I’m done with the conversation. Actually, | just want him to leave. I’m tired and | want my privacy so | candeal with my mother without judgement or pity. | put my phone in my pocket so he won't try to pick it up again. Harrison narrowshis eyes.

suspiciously.“Then why are you hiding your phone?” He points out. | feel it ringing in my pocket again. and | snap.

“I'm hiding it because it’s none of your damn business. We aren’t friends, we’re barely even acquaintances. You’re not someone |want to confide in and you have no right to any of my secrets. So BACK. OFF. Now, you need to leave so | can take this call.” |insist, moving to open. the door. | wait by it, gesturing for him to leave. A hurt expression crosses his face and | feel a twinge ofguilt which is quickly crushed by the feeling of my phone vibrating in my pocket again. | cross my—arms over my chest and glareat him. His expression changes to one of anger and | can practically see steam coming from his ears. He stomps out of the roomin what has to be the most abrupt movement I’ve ever seen from him. Leaving no space for regret, | close the door behind him. |have to work not to slam it but | remind myself the bar is still open and | don’t want to draw attention to myself.

My phone has stopped ringing when | pull it out of my pocket but | know it will start again any moment now. | choose to read themessages first.

Mum- Sweetheart, why aren’t you answering your phone?

Mum- Pick up, | have something important to tell you.

Mum- Stop sulking and pick up the phone. You're an adult, act like one.Mum- ANSWER. YOUR. PHONE. NOW

Grandma- Your mother is trying to contact you. You might be throwing a tantrum but you are still a member of this family and thatmeans being available when we try to contact you. | am very disappointed in your behaviour. Call your mother back immediatelyor there will benovelbin

consequences.Mum- | need to talk to you. Your grandmother is very upsex You know stress is not good forher health.


Cam 9- Exes and expectations

| can’t help a snort of laughter at that one. My grandmother is as healthy as a horse. | doubt any illness could kill her. A plaguecould pass through the city and she would simply refuse to be infected. Not to mention that they keep enough healing potionsand remedies around that | don’t think anyone in my old coven has been unwell a day in their life. | caught a cold a few monthsago and without access to the family grimoire it took me two days to figure out how to make the remedy in the right dosages. All |can say is | had never realised that being sick was so uncomfortable. Like | didn’t think it would be FUN but a stuffy nose issomehow worse than all the headaches or sprained ankles in the world. My phone starts ringing again. | stare at it for threewhole rings before forcing myself to pick up the phone.

“Hello?” | answer blandly.

“Camille! It’s about time you answered me. | don’t know what you thought you were doing but you need to prioritise your covenmore.” She scolds me.

“I'm not part of your coven anymore. | left, remember?” | remind her. She snorts and | can practically see her eye roll.

“You're just throwing a tantrum. You'll get over it. You belong with us, who else would take you?” She comments rudely and |have to work not to flinch. A tantrum? It’s been over two

years! Have they not figured out that | won't be coming crawling back to them? That I’m doing just fine without them?

“Whatever. What was so importantthat you had to call me repeatedlyand try to guilt trip me intoanswering?” | ask. The sooner shetells me, the Ce andahis!

C vergations| no | should juststop answering and cut my familyoff. But she is right about one thing.Despite a few years having passed,I'm still alone. | don’t have anyone.My family might be awful, but at leastthey still remember that | exist. Noone else remembered my lastbirthday. They called and complainedat me, but at least | was worth theirtime. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Oh! Darling, | have wonderful news.Simon is back in town and he’sasking after you! | thought he mighthave given up on you after youignored him for so long but | was

wrong. Apparently Ke @stil ? laa}interest (A Naving you for a wife. Soyou haven't ruined everything. afterall. He’s coming over at two thisSunday, so I'll need you to put onsomething appropriate and comehome by one-thirty.” She rattlesaway. | feel sick. | thought they hadfinally given up on this marriagescheme. After Simon left town theydespaired that he would marrysomeone else and | was thrilled. Theguy always gave me the creeps. Thisis the worst The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


Cam 9- Exes and expectations

“Mother, | am not marrying Simon.” | tell her calmly.



“Of course you will. Don’t be such achild. | know what's best for you and |will be expecting you here SupdeyThat is ecret eat hear on thematter’ With that she hangs phone.Jokes on her | guess. Sunday she isgoing to be sitting there with Simonwith no wife. to present to him and I'llbe here, as independent as ever. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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