Strings of Fate

Chapter 249
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Chapter 249

Cam 6- Sharing and sneakingnovelbin

“Well... now that we're all here, not that | knew we were actually expecting so many people, would you be able to answer somequestions about magic for us Cam?” Ryann asks. | agree. and lead them into my workroom slash storeroom out back. | open thedoor myself as | keep it warded. If anyone other than me tries to open it they will not like the outcome. | did plan to bring theAlphas here and | don’t mind including their Oracle friend. But | did not count. on letting Harrison into my personal space. | lovemy workroom, it’s a perfect combination of work and extras. | have a Witches circle, a secure area to keep my more dangerouspotions and enough alcohol to hide all sorts of spells. Alcohol is actually a weirdly good base for a lot of potions. Some of themore traditional Witches refuse to use it, preferring to stick with purified water or water from obscure springs or lakes insistingthat it works better. It doesn't, it’s about the same, it just doesn’t taste as good. Plus I’ve found that alcohol makes some potionsmore potent, particularly ones that affect the mind more than the body. Probably because it reduces inhibitions. A person canfight a spell, even if they don’t know they’re doing it. | also find that most potions work best if the person doesn’t know thatthey've imbibed it. It’s why | keep my more dangerous potions locked away. | don’t have to worry about the ingredients at least.Only a Witch can make potions, they have to be infused with magic to work. Still, back to the issue at hand. I’m not sure | wantHarrison in my workspace, but | don’t want to offend the Alphas by refusing him. Sigh. | stop him in the doorway with a hand onhis chest and have to ignore how firm his muscles feel and the rush of heat that goes through me. | don’t think I’ve ever touchedhim before. My knees feel a little shaky. What the hell? Stupid Incubus magic. | glare at him, tempted to tell him to leave.

“Touch. Nothing. Do you understand me?” He nods and smiles but | don’t miss the slight smirk on his face. His eyes are dartingaround the room and he looks far too interested in everything

Te. | just know I’m going to regret this.

Ryann explains to me all about how there are these people who have been stalking her and how they've been going aroundkilling people and how they’ve taken a little girl. It’s absolutely awful. | wish they had come to me sooner. If | had known it wasthis important a problem | would have come to see them immediately. She then tells me about some of the spells that theysuspect the criminals have been using. They sound kind of familiar, definitely not the kind of magic | usually use so I'll have tolook it up.

“| have a couple ideas about what it could be. Let me double check something.” | approach my secure storage and unlock it withmy assigned magical phrase and a dose of my personal

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magic. It’s a lock that no one can open but me, even if they know the password they would need my magical signature and that’spretty much impossible to replicate. To copy someone's magical signature you need to know and understand it. To do that youhave to basically have a perfect understanding of a person, of what makes them who they are. It’s very rare that someonemanages something like that and usually if you know someone that well, that intimately... Well you wouldn’t have a reason to bestealing from them now would you? | locate my grimoire. It’s my personal one, not the family one. It has a record of every spellI've ever studied. | could probably find out more if | had access to my family grimoire but if the cost of that information is myfreedom it’s just not worth it. | lock up and drop the leather bound book on the table. Technically it doesn’t need to be a dramaticleather bound book, it could be a regular notebook or something. But there is just something so appealing about the

aesthetic that | can’t resist.

“What's that?” Harrison asks, leaning over my shoulder. | can feel his breath in my hair. | didn’t realise that he was so close. |snap my grimoire shut. | might be planning to share SOME information, and | might be more open that most Witches, but this isMY grimoire. It’s practically a diary of all my knowledge and experiences. It’s not something | want just anyone reading. | realiseI've not moved away from him and | quickly duck out under his arm. clutching my grimoire to my chest and hoping no one cansee how rattled | am.

“It's my grimoire. Not something for you to read. | tell him, trying to keep my cool. Harrison seems like he’s going to argue andI'm prepping to send him packing when Ryann prods him. in the arm with a finger and tells him off.

“Leave it Harry.” Harrison reluctantly steps away and begins to wander the room, looking at my shelves. Seriously? One warmingfrom her and he shuts up. Where can | learn that trick? | start flicking through my grimoire again when | see him reachingtowards some of my


“Hands in your pockets Harrison.” | order without looking up. | resist a smug smile when he shoves his hands in his pockets.Good. | don’t think he could do any harm with what was on that shelf, but | don’t especially want to have to replace any of mysupplies. Some of that stuff is expensive. After a few minutes of flicking through pages | find what I’m looking for. Stealth spells. |focussed on them for a while as a teenager when | wanted to sneak out without getting caught. | guess it’s nice that it’s finallypaying off. The spell she described isn’t EXACTLY like the one | learned, but it would requiry similar magic.

“Okay, so it looks like it’s probably a spin off version of a basic stealth spell. Instead of hiding2/3Cam 6- Sharing and sneaking

magic. It’s a lock that no one can open but me, even if they know the password they would need my magical signature and that’spretty much impossible to replicate. To copy someone's magical signature you need to know and understand it. To do that youhave to basically have a perfect understanding of a person, of what makes them who they are. It’s very rare that someonemanages something like that and usually if you know someone that well, that intimately... Well you wouldn’t have a reason to bestealing from them now would you? | locate my grimoire. It’s my personal one, not the family one. It has a record of every spellI've ever studied. | could probably find out more if | had access to my family grimoire but if the cost of that information is myfreedom it’s just not worth it. | lock up and drop the leather bound book on the table. Technically it doesn’t need to be a dramaticleather bound book, it could be a regular notebook or something. But there is just something so appealing about the

aesthetic that | can’t resist.

“What's that?” Harrison asks, leaning over my shoulder. | can feel his breath in my hair. | didn’t realise that he was so close, |snap my grimoire shut. | might be planning to share SOME information, and | might be more open that most Witches, but this isMY grimoire. It’s practically a diary of all my knowledge and experiences. It’s not something | want just anyone. reading. | realiseI've not moved away from him and | quickly duck out under his arm, clutching my grimoire to my chest and hoping no one cansee how rattled | am.

“It's my grimoire. Not something for you to read.” | tell him, trying to keep my cool. Harrison seems like he’s going to argue andI'm prepping to send him packing when Ryann prods him in the arm with a finger and tells him off

“Leave it Harry.” Harrison reluctantly steps away and begins to wander the room, looking at my shelves. Seriously? One warningfrom her and he shuts up. Where can | learn that trick? | start flicking through my grimoire again when | see him reachingtowards some of my


“Hands in your pockets Harrison.” | order without looking up. | resist a smug smile when he shoves his hands in his pockets.Good. | don’t think he could do any harm with what was on that shelf, but | don’t especially want to have to replace any of mysupplies. Some of that stuff is expensive. After a few minutes of flicking through pages | find what I’m looking for. Stealth spells. |focussed on them for a while as a teenager when | wanted to sneak out without getting caught. | guess it’s nice that it’s finallypaying off. The spell she described isn’t EXACTLY like the one | learned, but it would require similar magic.

“Okay, so it looks like it’s probably a spin off version of a basic stealth spell. Instead of hiding

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a person's presence WHILE they're ata place, it hides it afterwards.” |explain. I’m happy to actually haveuseful information for them. | wasworried | wouldn't know the answersto their questions, wi @pompetentWitch, aut tds tdve the benefit ofa coven’s worth of knowledge or theoption to consult my elders when I’mstumped. I’ve been doing my best toexperiment and learn, trying not to letthat limit my progress. | can’t evenlearn from another coven becausethey're too secretive. They wouldworry that | would just be trying tosteal their secrets for my family. |can't blame them. | used to feel thatway too, it wasn’t until | left my coventhat | realised how inaccessiblemagic is for most people. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Is there anything about it that we could use to find the caster?” Bellamy prompts. Damnit. It wanted to be useful, but honestly |don’t think identifying the magic is actually all that

helpful. | hate to admit it but it won't tell them anything.

“Well... it’s a spell that technically anyWitch or Warlock could cast... but itisn’t a super well known variation.Most people who "Se étpalth@pellsare worteMabout being seen, heardor smelled WHILE they're actually ata place, less concerned aboutafterwards. It’s not a variationsomeone stumbles across byaccident, they would have had to golooking for it.” As The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| said, not all that helpful. All it tellsthem is that someone who wanted tocommit a crime, went out of their,way to researchma iGhatviould befeemiivecciae ine a crime. I’mreally just stating the obvious. All wereally confirm is that there is a Witchor Warlock involved because it’s notthe kind of spell that can be preparedin advance. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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