Strings of Fate

Chapter 238
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Chapter 238

Aaron 2- Sisters and sleep

| stayed at the club until the end of the woman’s set then went home in a daze. After not sleeping the night before | was morethan ready to get some good rest. | slept better last night than | have in years. | woke up early this morning and felt incrediblyrefreshed. | have some time before | need to go meet Alpha Ryann so | take the chance to look the club up online. | find theircontact information and through a series of emails determine that the singer only performs Friday through Sunday. | also manageto get banking information. | send through payments to cover my entry for the next Friday through Sunday and an additionalhundred dollars which | note is a tip to go to James who assisted me at the door. | can afford it. | work a lot and running around inmy feline form isn’t exactly an expensive form of entertainment. Not to mention renting a place on the compound is always cheapfor Shifters. We all tend to prefer to live in large groups, although | might be the exception to the rule. | have three sisters and |was eager to move away from them. Not too far away, just to the other side of the compound. They're as loud as | am quiet.Actually, Alpha Ryann reminds me of them quite a bit. So | suppose as much as | want space from them | do enjoy being aroundthem or | wouldn't have chosen to work for her.

The next week is agony. | used to enjoy my quiet little one bedroom place, but now it's empty, it’s TOO quiet. | make it toWednesday until | realise | won't be getting to sleep. I’m getting drowsy at work and it’s absolute hell. Thursday night | end upback at my sister’s place. My parents are away on some extended road trip, enjoying their retirement. But my sisters should bemore than loud enough on their own.

“Not that we’re not glad to see you.” Kassie starts.“And we ARE glad to see you.” Mara adds.

“But is there a reason you suddenly want to stay over when your place is like five minutes from here?” Jay finishes. The three ofthem are technically all a year apart in age. At ages nineteen, twenty and twenty one they act more like triplets and since they alllook

very alike with dark hair and eyes they enjoy messing with people. It doesn’t work on me though, much to their disappointment. |learned to tell them apart when they were growing up. To answer their question, | just shrug. All three of them exchange loadedlooks that | can’t quite interpret.

“Is there someone in your house, like a friend you agreed to have over that you're avoiding?”1/4Aaron 2- Sisters and sleep

Jay suggests. | roll my eyes and shake my head. Does she seriously think | would move away from them only to invite someoneelse to stay?

“Is there some problem with your job? | haven't interacted much with Alpha Ryann but sheseems really nice. You were happy when you first took the job. Has something changed?”Mara demands.

“No.” | answer out loud this time. | don’t want to leave any space for doubt. Ryann is great to work for. Kassie considers carefullybefore taking her turn to guess.

“Are you having problems with a girl? | can’t think of anything else you might need our help for. You’ve always been theindependent one.” She points out. | consider what she’s asked. Is my problem because of a girl? | mean, | want to hear her singagain, but I’m not sure that my place feeling empty is ‘because of a girl’. | just shrug.

“Not really.” | answer. All three of my sisters squeal and jump around in excitement. | stare at them hopelessly.

“Don't give us that ‘I said not really‘ look. You took way too long to answer us. Which means you were totally thinking about a girl.We know you big brother. Don’t think you can get away

with this!” Mara insists.

“Tell us her name!” Jay demands. | blink in surprise. Am | really that easy to read? I’m alsorealising that this conversation is not going to get my sisters anywhere.

“| don’t know her name.” | admit. My sisters all pout, disappointed.

“Where did you meet her?” Kassie persists.

“| haven’t met her. Not really.” This is getting awkward, I’m sounding more and more like a stalker. But I’m not stalking her, notreally....Am I? | mean, supporting an artist who is performing is perfectly acceptable. She wouldn’t sing in public if she didn’twant people to watch. Right? Damn, | need to find out her name. Not to mention | need to tell my sisters to stop getting carriedaway. I’m not looking at dating this woman. | just want to hear her sing


“Where did you see her then?” Mara asks suspiciously. | roll my eyes. She can’t seriously2/4

Aaron 2- Sisters and sleep

think I’m going to tell them something like that? They'll have the place staked out before

morning.“Ugh, fine. If you don’t want our help, what ARE you here for?” Kassie asks, frustrated.novelbin

“To sleep.” | answer simply. | spend another avoiding and outright ignoring questions from my nosy but well meaning sisters, then| excuse myself and head up to my old bedroom. | had hoped the sounds of my sisters bickering would be enough to help merest, but no such luck. Sleep eludes me until the early hours of the morning.

During the day Friday | find myselfstruggling to stay awake at work.Admittedly, watching Alpha Ryannand Megan pick out eek: samplesisn't the most inter rg wayct

spend reharterRoberian ue, | shouldknow better. If Darrien weren't sofocussed on Megan all the time hewould probably have noticed myattention wandering. I’m so tired that| gratefully accept. when Ryannoffers me a piece of cake. Maybe thesugar will help. Still, I’m glad whenthe day is over. Much more of thisand people are going to start tonotice. When I’m dismissed for theThe content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

day | shift and run straight back tothe club, not even stopping to eatbefore | go. | make it before thewoman takes the stage and I’mgreeted cheerfully by James thsoma ese othahks fe 6r the tipahd\greets me by name havingapparently received my payment forthe night. | claim the same couch |sat on last week and when thewoman starts her set | find myselfpurring. | thought | had to beimagining how beautiful her voicewas, that | had tricked myselfsomehow, but no. It’s just assoothing as it was before and | amjust so tired. | find my eyes aredrifting closed as | listen. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| jerk awake when James the doorman gently prods me in the side.

too scared to

“Uh, hello? We... We're closing now.”He clears his throat uncomfortably. |crack my eyes open and see Jamescrouched next to me and a couple ofother staff members standing a fewfeet behind him exeind newly:supposdthay\ were wake me. | give anod to show my understanding andwhen he backs away | step downfrom the couch and stretch before |head to the exit. | nod at the otherstaff members on the way out toshow my thanks. | can’t believe | justfell asleep in a public space like that.Actually maybe | can. | have beenreally tired, even now | just feel sleepyand relaxed. | run home at a leisurelypace, feeling calm after my nap.When | get back to my place, | shift bThe content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

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