Strings of Fate

Chapter 233
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Chapter 233

Megan 5- Will or won't

| have trouble getting out of bed on my own wedding day. | was up late with Darrien, cleaning up the mess Bellamy made in thekitchen. | think he��s been in his office pretty much all night, although | heard him stomping up the stairs a few minutes ago. |quickly shower and let Lauran in. She is awesome at hair and makeup and agreed to help us get ready today. Only a fewminutes after she arrives, Ryan turns up. Early, which is odd for her. Particularly since | know she had a late night. | hug her andimmediately drag her into getting ready. She

looks as tired as | feel so Lauran has her work cut out for her.

Hours later, our hair and makeup are done and I��m struggling to button my dress. | call Ryann in to help. She seems to bestruggling with something. She looks conflicted and she��s opened her mouth to say something at least three then notgone through with it.

Ry? What is it? It is because of my brother again? He messaged earlier, he��s already headed down to the hall.�� | feel bad formaking her deal with him and | still feel like their fight is kind of my fault.

��No, for once this has nothing to do with him, well not directly anyway. I... | wanted to tell you something, but I��m worried abouthow you're going to react.�� Well that doesn��t sound good. She isn��t pulling out of the wedding is she?

��What is it?�� We head back into my room and she clutches my hand tightly. | can tell thatshe��s shaking and it��s making me even more nervous.��You shouldn't get married today.�� She blurts out.

��Tristan isn��t your fate. He��s already met the person he��s fated to be with but it isn��t you. The reason your brother bought me herewas to try and get more information on him and to confirm what he already suspected because he doesn��t trust Tristan. They��refated to benovelbin

enemies. | was there the day Tristan proposed and because you're meant to be my friend | wrote you a note telling you that heisn��t right for you and left it in your bag, but you didn��t find it. Bellamy did. We wanted to get proof about Tristan, find some kind ofevidence that he��s doing something wrong which is why neither of us said anything to you, but we haven��t been able to. So nowthere��s nothing else | can do but to ask you, beg you, to please trust me.

He isn��t the one for you. I��m so sorry | waited this long to say something. | should have told you from the start but | was so.caughtup in my own emotions | just didn��t know what to do.��

4/4Megan 5- Will or won't

| need a second to process this. | pull away from Ryann and start to pace. I��m upset that she didn��t tell me this. But I��m moreupset that I��m not... more upset. | think deep down | knew that Tristan isn��t right for me, why else would | be getting so jealous ofRyann and Bellamy, at least | was before they were fighting. No, if anything, | feel relieved. | couldn��t admit it to myself but I'vewanted to end things with Tristan for a while but | couldn��t think of a single good REASON. Ryann has finally given me one. |keep my back to her when | ask, feeling a little ashamed of myself.

��Ryann, did you ever wonder why | haven't asked you about my own thread or fate?����| always assumed it was because you were already sure of Tristan.�� | whirl and face her.

��That��s the same thing that | told myself. That | didn��t need to ask because | already knew. But, that��s not true. | never askedbecause | was scared you would say what you just said. That you would tell me I��ve messed up, wasted the last year and a halfof my life on a man who isn��t right for me. He is just so perfect, we��ve never fought or yelled at each other. Everything has alwaysbeen so easy with him.�� | sigh. | should have known better. Nothing is that easy. It was only easy because | don��t care enough toargue. | suspect he doesn��t either.

��No one has ever said anything negative about him, until this moment | couldn��t think of a single reason why | might not be inlove with him. I��ve been perfectly comfortable.�� | collapse backwards into my bed, suddenly exhausted..

��But watching you and Bellamy, I��ve been starting to think that��s a problem. Comfortable is good, great even. But comfortabledoesn��t challenge me, doesn��t encourage me to be better. I've been thinking that never fighting might not be a sign ofcompatibility but rather a signi that there is no passion, for anything, including each other.�� Ryann is staring at me in shock. |suppose she expected a different reaction.

��What are you going to do?�� She asks.

��I'm done lying to myself. | need to tell Tristan | can��t get married today. It��s going to be hard. I'd be lying if | said | don��t careabout him. Ten minutes ago | had every intention of marrying him. | guess | just needed... permission. Permission to change mymind. Or maybe just support to do what | want.�� | confess.

��What can | do to help?�� Ryann immediately offers and | appreciate her so much.2/4Megan 5- Will or won't

��Help me out of this dress? It definitely sends the wrong message. Then we need to get over to the wedding so | can apologiseto Tristan. Could you maybe call Bellamy, let him know?�� 1 say thoughtlessly then immediately regret it.

��Never mind, | can do that 1-�� She interrupts me.

��| can call him.�� She tells me firmly. | let out a sigh of relief. Finally, it looks like things are changing. No more being stuck in thisendless loop of nothing.

Bellamy returns and Ryann heads outto speak with him. | take a minute to

compose myself. | Cer esteatinata going to sayetd ristan, or toeveryone else for that matter. Theyare probably all waiting for mealready. | step into the hall and | takea minute to lecture The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Bellamy. He couldn��t have mentioned something sooner? With my brother and my best friend at my side, | head to my wedding.We pause at the doors.

��Wait here? | think | need to do this myself.�� Bellamy looks unhappy with this plan, but after a glance at Ryann he agrees.

��Well, here | go.�� | slip through thedoors, trying not to draw attention tomyself. I'd like a chance to tell Tristanwithout everyone watching, but I��mnot that lucky. The door squeaks. andeveryone turns to wae) me Onelook at fyGasvel \cl��t s artd they

k W something is wrong. | freeze upin the doorway as | see the horrorand disappointment on everyone'sfaces. Maybe | should have hadRyann and Bellamy come with me.Just one person. | just need oneperson to look supportive. | lookaround the room until my eyes landon Darrien. We make eye contact andhe doesn't look horrified like everyoneelse. He just gives me a sad smileand nods his head. | let out a sigh ofrelief. | can do this. | hurry down theaisle to where Tristan The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

is waiting for me..

��I��m so sorry Tristan. But... | can't dothis. Can we go somewhere andtalk?�� | ask. | expect him to be upset,or angry. _| don texpc�Rintto reactPara Ke) lashes out and before |can react, he smacks me across theface, making me stumble back a fewsteps. Darrien is at my side inasecond and growling angrily. | glareat Tristan. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

��Stand down.�� | order, putting every bit of dominance | have behind the words. But dammit, he might not be my soul mate, but he

is my equal in dominance. He stares back at me defiantly and | can feel the pressure as we both stare at each other. Neither oneof us willing

to give.

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