Strings of Fate

Chapter 198
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Chapter 198

2/2Strings of Fate198- Stolen and sure

When we pull up to the house, there’s a police car waiting. There are two cops standing by it, one looks bored and irritated andthe other has a fake ‘customer service‘ type smile plastered on his face that | know well from experience. Yeah neither of theseguys want to be here. They’re probably pissed that we made them come down here. Not to mention uncomfortable being in theShifter compound. Non-Shifters aren’t invited here often, although | suppose that isn’t exactly true anymore with all our newfriends stopping by regularly. Standing beside them looking awkward and uncomfortable is Alex. | bet they've been taking theirimpatience out on him. | narrow my eyes at them and prepare myself. One snotty comment and | am going to tear into them, it’sbeen a long night. Bellamy parks the car and | wait for him to get out. He speaks with the police briefly and Alex escorts theminside the house. Bellamy returns and opens the door next to Kiara.novelbin

“Hey, can | help you get inside? The police want to talk to us a bit but we will make it as fast as we can, then you can have a nicebath and later our doctor friend promised to stop by to see if there is anything she can do to help you feel better. Does that soundokay?” Bellamy asks. Kiara scrunches up her face when he talks about speaking with the police, but nods along to the rest of theplan. She even lets go of me and holds her arms out to wrap them around Bellamy’s n*ck as he carries her. He meets my eyesover her shoulder and gives me a smile. This is progress, she trusts him too. | do my best to follow along, staying close by themand in her sight. Aaron gives me his arm and escorts me inside. We settle into the living room where Bellamy places Kiara on themiddle of the biggest couch. He and | sit on either side of her. Aaron positions himself against a wall standing and lookingintimidating. Apparently he’s taking his b*dyguard role seriously right now. Kiara looks on approvingly though so | appreciate hisefforts if they comfort her. Her small hand finds its way back into mine. Alex sits in one of the recliners. The two police choose notto stand and honestly it

annoys me. Kiara is freaked out enough as it is, she doesn’t need them standing over her.

“Please, take a seat.” | say pointedly. One of the cops opens his mouth as if he is going to argue but he makes the mistake ofmeeting my eyes. | glare at him and moments later he takes a seat, dragging his partner with him. | can’t help but smirk andBellamy looks proud. Maybe I’m finally getting the hang of this being bossy thing.

| watch on tiredly as Bellamy explains how we rescued Kiara and how we were looking for her due to my visions. He doesn’tmention Cam’s tracking spell since it isn’t exactly legal for her to make it and give it to us, or if it is legal then it’s definitelyfrowned upon. Annoyingly, the cops do notice the omission.

“How is it that you were able to find her in the first place? We've been searching and haven't had a single clue this whole time.”One of them complains. He seems almost annoyed that we found her. Okay, maybe not that she was found, but that WE foundher.

“Bellamy told you that | have been having visions of her, | used one to figure out a general area and then we basically searcheduntil we found her.” | tell him. It's not TECHNICALLY a lie.

“Are you an Oracle or a Seer? Show us your k.” One of the men demands. Bellamy lets out a low growl, i appreciating hisdemanding tone. | reach a hand over Kiara and pat him on the knee prompting him to cool it and let me answer. He settles down,trusting me to take care of it.

“I'm neither. My magic is more one of a kind. I’m technically considered a representative for Ananke, she’s kind of like one of thefates, but a little different. Still, my magic interacts and compliments the magic held by the representatives of the three fates, oneof which is Kiara here. So when she was in trouble, | started having visions of her and that’s how | tracked her down.” | explain.Kiara is looking up at me curiously. It doesn’t seem like she knows much about her magic either. I'll have to tell her more about itlater, and put her in contact with the other two. I’m sure they will be relieved to see that she’s safe and sound. The police don’tseem thrilled with my answer, but our marks and magical registrations confirm it so there isn’t much they can say about it. That'sone bright side of rare, mostly unknown

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magic. No one can really tell you if you can or can’t do something. There’s so little information they have to kind of take yourword for it.

The second cop who has been fairly quiet so far flicks through a little notebook that he’s been taking notes in thiswhole time.

“What about the Witch? They identified her as Jenna Warrens by the way, how did she die? Another officer called us from site totell us about it while we were waiting for you and at a glance they said it didn’t look like a Shifter kill. What happened to her?” heasks slowly.

“No idea, the place was burning with Witch fire, then suddenly it vanished and she was dead on the floor. | don’t think it wasanything we did.” Bellamy answers grimly. The cops then turn their questioning on Kiara. She just nods or shakes her head.Sometimes she shrugs. When they ask questions that can’t be answered in this way she just stares at them until they rephrasethe question. | know she’s staying silent because she’s traumatised, but it’s a very effective method for making peopleuncomfortable. I'll have to remember that. When the police finally give up on getting any more useful information from Kiara, theystand to leave.

“Well, come along child. Social services will be wanting to talk to you. Best get ready to go.” One of the men, the angry. one saysfirmly. Kiara instantly starts bawling tears. She quite literally crawls into my lap and clings tightly to me, nearly hysterical. Thepolice seem confused and annoyed.

“We would like to Keep Kiara here with us until we find her actual family. She is scared and trusts Ryann. There is plenty ofspace here and it would help her feel more comfortable. She clearly doesn’t want to go with you.” Bellamy points out to the policesettling in beside me. His eyes clearly exhausted.

“Look we get it, but there are rules you know. You can’t just keep a child because you picked her up on the street.” Thepoliceman responds wearily. | open my mouth to answer but Alex stops and tells us that he’s taken care of it. Huh?

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