Strings of Fate

Chapter 181
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Chapter 181

181- Hostility and hearsay

“Okay, so since you met Alpha Kane, what arguments or uncomfortable interactions have you had?” Alex prompts, laptop at theready preparing to take notes. | make eye contact with Bellamy and grin. He suddenly looks VERY


“Well, my first negative interaction since meeting Bellamy would have been... my first interaction with Bellamy.” Alex starts typingthen freezes.

“Uh... what? But you and Alpha Kane are... | mean... oh damn. Am | supposed to know that? | can’t remember if I’m supposedto be pretending not to notice. AM | supposed to be pretending not to notice?” He anxiously asks, staring up at me. | can’t helpbut laugh.

“Alex... I’m literally sitting in Bellamy’s lap. | don’t expect you to act dumb or pretend everything. | just want to avoid gossip. |trust you, | didn’t think | needed to tell you that, but maybe | should have said something carlier.” Oops, | didn’t realise that | wasmaking Alex anxious, although he does seem to be a pretty anxious person anyway. I'll have to remember that. | guess part ofhis job is to worry about little details, and he’s good at his job. | think he’s also very nervous around Bellamy, Alex flushes red andmutters an awkward thankyou. Bellamy squeezes his arm around my waist, | think he appreciated me comforting Alex a little. It'ssomething that he’s not always so good at. Megan is smiling happily watching us and Darrien is smirking. He’s already heard mecomplain all about Bellamy plenty of times, | think he’s enjoying being ‘in the know,”

“Uh... well, I’m going to just assume that Alpha Kane isn’t the one threatening you... Maybe you could tell me who else is on thelist?” Alex says awkwardly. | swear even Aaron smiles a little.

“Oh alright, well while | was talking to Bellamy for the first time, there was my neighbour Paul who turned up and freaked out atme for ‘associating with Shifters.’ He got kicked out of the building for being threatening. So | guess he might be upset aboutthat.” | think aloud. Megan snorts out a laugh and Darrien elbows her grinning.

“Yeah... that would probably count. Okay, so your old neighbour Paul. Who else?” Alex prompts. | list a few other. people,random customers at work that threw tantrums or were problematic. Not particularly likely candidates.

“There were the Vampires you guys had a tussle with, and whoever it was that sent them.” Megan adds.

“| doubt it would be the Vampires, they already tried to make amends. | suspect they were sent by the Canine Alpha trying tocause trouble for me.” Bellamy concludes.

“| don’t think the Alphas particularly have a problem with Ryann, mostly because it hasn’t occurred to them that she matters.Well... except to Kohan who apparently sees a lot more than | realised.” Bellamy comments. Darrien rolls his


“Nah, the other two are just so caught up in themselves that they don’t notice anything else. Alpha Aspen is just the only one whopays attention. Alpha Kane, respectfully... you aren’t subtle.” Darrien looks like he’s trying not to laugh. | do appreciate howeveryone is trying to lighten the mood while we list people who might hate me and why. It makes it a little less depressing.

“| know someone who definitely didn’t like you.” Bellamy is smirking and | have to repress the desire to groan,“Don't say it.” | whine. But Bellamy won't be dissuaded.novelbin


181- Hostility and hearsay

“| remember a certain hostess when we went out to dinner that one time. She REALLY didn’t like you.” He is definitely enjoyinghimself waaaay too much. This is too much for Darrien who bursts out laughing.

“Wait, | know you were all pissed off that night, you complained about it later, but | thought it was because you fought with AlphaKane, now I’m thinking it's because you were JEALOUS.” He teases. | glare at him.

“| had nothing to be jealous of.” | answer primly. Bellamy is still smirking and | elbow him in the stomach. He lets out a grunt as |make contact but other than that, he doesn’t seem particularly bothered by my violence. Darn him.

“| seriously doubt the hostess of the restaurant is threatening my life because | threw away her phone number. She was the onehitting on you when you were clearly there on a non—date with me!” | object. At that, the entire room bursts out in laughter.Except Aaron. Seriously, what do | have to do to make him laugh? Does he laugh? I’m starting to think that he might be a robot.It takes a few minutes for everyone to sober up, but the smiles quickly fall from everyone’s faces when Megan speaks.

“Well, the most obvious answer on who you've had trouble with is Tristain. But... Well, | killed him. So | doubt that he’s involved.”She says grimly. | notice Darrien reaching to take her hand. He hesitates a moment. | stare at him until he makes eye contactwith me then raise an eyebrow and direct my eyes to his hand. He rolls his eyes, takes a deep breath then grabs her handquickly, clearly just doing it before he chickens out. | see Megan squeeze his hand back and I can’t help but smile. I’m so gladthat Darrien is around. | can’t imagine how awful Megan would feel after everything with Tristain if he wasn’t here to boost herself esteem again. I’m also weirdly grateful for my own weird magic right now. | would be super worried about this if | didn’t knowthat they’re meant to be.

sccmNot long later, Shaun returns from taking Amber home. He looks... elated. So | guess things went well for him. Things

to be going well for everyone to be honest. | definitely need to find Aaron’s soul mate. | REALLY wanna know who he will end upwith. But first things first, Kiara. Who else has a problem with me? Someone actually ALIVE would be more likely as a suspect,and while listing all these people has been sort of funny, | really don’t believe any of them dislike me enough to want to hurt me.Who am | missing? I’m so caught up in my own thoughts that | barely notice as Bellamy and Darrien are talking. When | finallylook up, Darrien is gone. At my confused look Bellamy explains.

“He went to go get some of his stuff, if he’s going to be staying here for a while, he’s going to need his things.” He points out. Oh,| totally forgot about that. It’s going to be interesting having him around, honestly | doubt much will change, he spends so muchtime here during the day anyway. I’m not sure I'll even notice having Aaron here. He just sits around quietly judging everyonemost of the time. I’m fairly sure we should all be scared of him, he probably knows every embarrassing thing we’ve ever done...mostly because he’s so non-obtrusive and non-gossipy that we just forget to hide things from him. It’s a good thing he’s quiet.The things he

must know....

Darrien isn’t gone long and when he gets back we decide it’s probably time to send everyone home. Harry has been quiet for awhile. He keeps looking at his phone. Probably wondering if it’s too late for him to go harass Cam some more. He's the first toleave.

“I need to go walk Cam home.” He declares.

“Uh, does Cam know that you’re walking her home?” | call after him as he leaves. He just waves at me. Okay, that’s suspicious.Soon, the house clears out and it’s just myself, Bellamy, Megan and Darrien left. Darrien’s phone rings and he smiles as heanswers it.



181—Hostility and hearsay“| did, I’m staying at the Alpha’s home for now.”

“Yes, she is here too. Yes, | know,” Helooks kind of erpbgtyatsedthecentént!i Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Yes, I'll call you tomorrow. Love youtoo.” He hangs up. | stare omsuspici sly at bis Badeas e carrieshis tut upstairs to the guest roomthat Megan picked out for him. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!


Chapter Comments


Hmmmm Darrien spill the beansmister. Who is it t at YOu leveotherthen Magttan’ fhe content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


1The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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