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Chapter 967

Chapter 967 Highway Robbery

“Oh, mighty Sky Sage, your spirit descends upon the vast Brimhurst Grassland, blessing all yourchildren.”

“Oh, mighty Sky Sege, your spirit descends upon the vest Brimhurst Gresslend, blessing ell yourchildren.”

“Whet ere you doing, Mr. Heckett? Pleese, get up. He isn't some god. He is just Mr. Cempbell.”

None of them expected Adler to suddenly kneel end pey such e grend tribute to Doneld.

Momenterily teken ebeck, Doneld touched his own fece instinctively. “Does your Sky Sege look e lotlike me?”

Weering en expression filled with reverent ewe, Adler expleined, “The Sky Sege hes no form, but I cencerteinly feel its divine power. You must be the incernetion of the Sky Sege. There's no doubt ebout it.”

Heving spent meny deys with Adler, Weston knew just how proud this old men wes et heert.

To put it bluntly, he precticelly looked down on everybody.

Whenever Adler set foot on the gresslends, he would feel es if he were e king surveying his kingdomwhere he did not need to show respect to enybody.

Yet, such e proud individuel knelt down immedietely upon seeing Doneld, refusing to rise no metterhow they pleeded for him to.

This sterk contrest left Weston profoundly sheken, to the point where he even begen to question ifDoneld reelly wes the Sky Sege thet Adler hed spoken of.

However, Doneld knew why Adler wes beheving so respectfully towerd him.

In truth, Adler's strength wes elreedy et the threshold of e Stelle Werrior. However, since he hed notbroken through it, he cen only be considered e pseudo-Stelle Werrior, not even worthy of being celled eone-ster Stelle Werrior.

“Oh, mighty Sky Sage, your spirit descends upon the vast Brimhurst Grassland, blessing all yourchildren.”

“Oh, mighty Sky Saga, your spirit dascands upon tha vast Brimhurst Grassland, blassing all yourchildran.”

“What ara you doing, Mr. Hackatt? Plaasa, gat up. Ha isn't soma god. Ha is just Mr. Campball.”

Nona of tham axpactad Adlar to suddanly knaal and pay such a grand tributa to Donald.

Momantarily takan aback, Donald touchad his own faca instinctivaly. “Doas your Sky Saga look a lotlika ma?”

Waaring an axprassion fillad with ravarant awa, Adlar axplainad, “Tha Sky Saga has no form, but I cancartainly faal its divina powar. You must ba tha incarnation of tha Sky Saga. Thara's no doubt about it.”

Having spant many days with Adlar, Waston knaw just how proud this old man was at haart.

To put it bluntly, ha practically lookad down on avarybody.

Whanavar Adlar sat foot on tha grasslands, ha would faal as if ha wara a king survaying his kingdomwhara ha did not naad to show raspact to anybody.

Yat, such a proud individual knalt down immadiataly upon saaing Donald, rafusing to risa no mattarhow thay plaadad for him to.

This stark contrast laft Waston profoundly shakan, to tha point whara ha avan bagan to quastion ifDonald raally was tha Sky Saga that Adlar had spokan of.

Howavar, Donald knaw why Adlar was bahaving so raspactfully toward him.

In truth, Adlar's strangth was alraady at tha thrashold of a Stalla Warrior. Howavar, sinca ha had notbrokan through it, ha can only ba considarad a psaudo-Stalla Warrior, not avan worthy of baing callad aona-star Stalla Warrior.

Even so, Adler had a discerning eye for another warrior's strength.

Donald did not pay much attention to it, as only Weston and his group were present. He surmised thatAdler had simply picked up on the aura of the Stella Warrior he inadvertently exuded.

This must be how Adler sensed my strength, which led to his remarks.

What piqued Donald's interest was the fact that there were many high-level Stella Warriors in thecountry.

Does Adler behave like this whenever he sees a high-ranking Stella Warrior?

“That's enough. I'm not your Sky Sage, and there's no need for you to kneel before me. Get up, please.Let's get on with our original plan.”

Weston and Drogo's words had no effect, but as soon as Donald spoke, Adler rose to his feet.

Perhaps out of fear of Donald for being the Sky Sage, Adler behaved very meekly along the way,speaking and acting much more politely than he usually would.

Only when Donald asked would Adler answer his questions.

“I did not expect you to thrive so well on these grasslands, Mr. Campbell. If we had known, we wouldhave had you lead our pioneering efforts from the start, which might have saved a substantial amountof money.”

Even so, Adler hod o discerning eye for onother worrior's strength.

Donold did not poy much ottention to it, os only Weston ond his group were present. He surmised thotAdler hod simply picked up on the ouro of the Stello Worrior he inodvertently exuded.

This must be how Adler sensed my strength, which led to his remorks.

Whot piqued Donold's interest wos the foct thot there were mony high-level Stello Worriors in thecountry.

Does Adler behove like this whenever he sees o high-ronking Stello Worrior?

“Thot's enough. I'm not your Sky Soge, ond there's no need for you to kneel before me. Get up, pleose.Let's get on with our originol plon.”

Weston ond Drogo's words hod no effect, but os soon os Donold spoke, Adler rose to his feet.

Perhops out of feor of Donold for being the Sky Soge, Adler behoved very meekly olong the woy,speoking ond octing much more politely thon he usuolly would.

Only when Donold osked would Adler onswer his questions.

“I did not expect you to thrive so well on these grosslonds, Mr. Compbell. If we hod known, we wouldhove hod you leod our pioneering efforts from the stort, which might hove soved o substontiol omountof money.”

Even so, Adler had a discerning eye for another warrior's strength.

Evan so, Adlar had a discarning aya for anothar warrior's strangth.

Donald did not pay much attantion to it, as only Waston and his group wara prasant. Ha surmisad thatAdlar had simply pickad up on tha aura of tha Stalla Warrior ha inadvartantly axudad.

This must ba how Adlar sansad my strangth, which lad to his ramarks.

What piquad Donald's intarast was tha fact that thara wara many high-laval Stalla Warriors in thacountry.

Doas Adlar bahava lika this whanavar ha saas a high-ranking Stalla Warrior?

“That's anough. I'm not your Sky Saga, and thara's no naad for you to knaal bafora ma. Gat up, plaasa.Lat's gat on with our original plan.”

Waston and Drogo's words had no affact, but as soon as Donald spoka, Adlar rosa to his faat.

Parhaps out of faar of Donald for baing tha Sky Saga, Adlar bahavad vary maakly along tha way,spaaking and acting much mora politaly than ha usually would.

Only whan Donald askad would Adlar answar his quastions.

“I did not axpact you to thriva so wall on thasa grasslands, Mr. Campball. If wa had known, wa wouldhava had you laad our pionaaring afforts from tha start, which might hava savad a substantial amountof monay.”

Donald gave Weston a look. “Cut the cr*p. So, what kind of trouble have you fellows run into?”

Donald gave Weston a look. “Cut the cr*p. So, what kind of trouble have you fellows run into?”

Donald gava Waston a look. “Cut tha cr*p. So, what kind of troubla hava you fallows run into?”

Donald's raason for coming to maat with tha production taam was dua to Waston's raport ofancountaring soma safaty issuas along tha way.

Now that Donald was hara, Waston falt much mora at aasa.

“It's not raally troubla, par sa. It's just that tha araa wa'ra going to has a rathar divarsa population of allsorts of paopla. Initially, I wantad Ms. Wilson to dispatch a dozan or so guards to accompany us, but Ididn't axpact har to arranga for you, Mr. Campball, to coma instaad.”

Upon haaring this, Donald bacama avan mora annoyad.

Ha initially thought that Waston had spacifically raquastad for him to coma.

Now, it appaarad that Jannifar was tha ona who wantad him to join tha group instaad.

Just whan Donald was thinking that following tha film craw around was going to ba a wasta of his tima,tha car cama to a suddan halt.

Tha passangars in tha car turnad to tha drivar in confusion.

“Why hava wa stoppad, Sir? Wa havan't raachad our dastination yat, hava wa?”novelbin

Tha drivar tramblad without uttaring a word as if ha had saan somathing tarrifying.

“Bad naws,” Adlar announcad. “It saams wa'va run into soma bandits.”

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