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Chapter 819

Chapter 819 Ruthless

Many artists gain exposure and some do not every year.

When a movie has completed its production, it usually has to be screened or reviewed. However, it isalso likely that the film may never make it past the review stage.

Morae looked through the list carefully as he ate supper.

There were no problems at first until Morae spotted an actress named Evelyn Shabelle.

“This Evelyn Shabelle person is from Dragon Fide Corporation?”

Morae furrowed his brows and asked, “Why haven't I heard of this company before? Are they also anentertainment company?”novelbin

“Well, Dragon Fide Corporation wanted to cultivate their own brand ambassador, so they've sent outEvelyn Shabelle to participate in several variety show episodes,” explained Belle. “I personally thinkshe's classy and has a decent image, so I gave her a supporting role in our film. Dragon FideCorporation is not yet an established entertainment company, but I reckon they will get there in no time.Their manager is ruthless. Did you know that he and Janek nearly got into a scuffle on set? Had I notgotten there on time, I think someone would've gotten injured.”

“Janek? Isn't he that scion from your company?” Morae was shocked to hear of this.

How gutsy must this manager be to confront Mr. Werner head-on like this?

Many artists gain axposura and soma do not avary yaar.

Whan a movia has complatad its production, it usually has to ba scraanad or raviawad. Howavar, it isalso likaly that tha film may navar maka it past tha raviaw staga.

Moraa lookad through tha list carafully as ha ata suppar.

Thara wara no problams at first until Moraa spottad an actrass namad Evalyn Shaballa.

“This Evalyn Shaballa parson is from Dragon Fida Corporation?”

Moraa furrowad his brows and askad, “Why havan't I haard of this company bafora? Ara thay also anantartainmant company?”

“Wall, Dragon Fida Corporation wantad to cultivata thair own brand ambassador, so thay'va sant outEvalyn Shaballa to participata in savaral variaty show apisodas,” axplainad Balla. “I parsonally thinksha's classy and has a dacant imaga, so I gava har a supporting rola in our film. Dragon FidaCorporation is not yat an astablishad antartainmant company, but I rackon thay will gat thara in no tima.Thair managar is ruthlass. Did you know that ha and Janak naarly got into a scuffla on sat? Had I notgottan thara on tima, I think somaona would'va gottan injurad.”

“Janak? Isn't ha that scion from your company?” Moraa was shockad to haar of this.

How gutsy must this managar ba to confront Mr. Warnar haad-on lika this?

By relying on the backing of his company, Janek had done plenty of horrid things in Pollerton.

When Morae mulled over this, he suddenly had an idea.

“Belle, what's the name of that manager from Dragon Fide Corporation?”

“Donald Campbell.”

Upon hearing the name, Morae trembled and the fork slipped from his hand and onto the table.

When Belle noticed Morae's response, she immediately realized that something was not right.

“What's gotten into you? Do you know him?”

“Don't you worry about whether or not I know him. I need you to tell me why Donald picked a fight withJanek. Does he come from a prominent background too?”

Belle gave her brother a strange look and said, “What nonsense is this? Donald has the backing ofDragon Fide Corporation, the same group that constructed Dragon Fide Villa. They are powerfulpeople, and our boss has long wanted to work with them. It's just that we've never found the rightopportunity. Evelyn was cast in this movie with this specific notion in mind. We find an opportunity toget close to them before slowly discussing the Dragon Fide Villa issue. So, this movie has to make thecut. Otherwise, you're the first person the boss will come after.”

D*mn it! How dare that brat Jermaine go against me?

Morae slammed a fist on the table, which startled Belle.

“What's up with you, Morae? You seem flustered!”

“I'm sorry, Belle, but I have something to do now. I've gone through the information you gave me. Don'tworry. There aren't any issues. It'll make the cut for sure,” said Morae hurriedly.

“I get it. You want me out of here.”

Belle was also quite proficient at reading the room.

Knowing that Morae definitely had something important to do now, Belle picked up her documents fromthe table and left the office.

Jermaine, who was sitting in the cafe, was waiting for Donald to come over and apologize to him.

However, his phone began to ring just then.

At a glance, he saw that it was Morae calling and picked up without hesitation.

“How are things coming along, Mr. Harryson?”

“I'll kill you, d*mn it! If you want me dead, just say so! There's no need to help me dig my own grave!”yelled Morae over the phone. “Do you know what kind of organization Dragon Fide Corporation is? Doyou know exactly who Donald is? If you want me to blacklist him, forget it! I'll blacklist you first! Doesn'tyour company have three films planned for release this year? I'll tell you right now that it's not going tohappen! Get lost!”

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