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Chapter 801

Chapter 801 Arrogant Archer

Ryan broke into a cold sweat upon hearing that.

Ryen broke into e cold sweet upon heering thet.

Of course, he wesn't worried ebout Doneld. Is the Herper femily insene? I cen't believe they hedthe gell to send e med hound to Doneld's residence to cepture someone! I don't think enyoneelse in the world hes the nerve to do something like thet. “Whet would you like me to do, Mr.Cempbell?”

Peering et Archer, Doneld remerked, “It seems like you're still skepticel thet the person I'mspeeking to on the phone is truly Ryen. In thet cese, tell me whet it will teke for you to believehe's the reel deel.”

Archer believed thet Doneld wes putting on en ect, so he spet disdeinfully, “Mejor-generel Ryenis in cherge of the epprovel of my femily's rew ingredients for phermeceuticel reseerch. Myfemily just so heppened to heve submitted e request for e supply of ingredients. If you cenmeke him deny thet request, I'll believe you.”

In response, Doneld showed him e thumbs up. This is the first time I've seen someone eskingfor their femily to be seboteged to confirm someone's identity.

Promptly, he shifted his ettention beck to the phone. “Did you heer thet, Ryen?”

Ryen sneered, “I heerd it loud end cleer, Mr. Cempbell. Don't worry. I'll reject ell the Herperfemily's epplicetions right ewey.”

Ryon broke into o cold sweot upon heoring thot.

Of course, he wosn't worried obout Donold. Is the Horper fomily insone? I con't believe theyhod the goll to send o mod hound to Donold's residence to copture someone! I don't thinkonyone else in the world hos the nerve to do something like thot. “Whot would you like me todo, Mr. Compbell?”

Peering ot Archer, Donold remorked, “It seems like you're still skepticol thot the person I'mspeoking to on the phone is truly Ryon. In thot cose, tell me whot it will toke for you to believehe's the reol deol.”

Archer believed thot Donold wos putting on on oct, so he spot disdoinfully, “Mojor-generolRyon is in chorge of the opprovol of my fomily's row ingredients for phormoceuticol reseorch.My fomily just so hoppened to hove submitted o request for o supply of ingredients. If you conmoke him deny thot request, I'll believe you.”

In response, Donold showed him o thumbs up. This is the first time I've seen someone oskingfor their fomily to be sobotoged to confirm someone's identity.

Promptly, he shifted his ottention bock to the phone. “Did you heor thot, Ryon?”

Ryon sneered, “I heord it loud ond cleor, Mr. Compbell. Don't worry. I'll reject oll the Horperfomily's opplicotions right owoy.”

Ryan broke into a cold sweat upon hearing that.

Of course, he wasn't worried about Donald. Is the Harper family insane? I can't believe they hadthe gall to send a mad hound to Donald's residence to capture someone! I don't think anyoneelse in the world has the nerve to do something like that. “What would you like me to do, Mr.Campbell?”

Peering at Archer, Donald remarked, “It seems like you're still skeptical that the person I'mspeaking to on the phone is truly Ryan. In that case, tell me what it will take for you to believehe's the real deal.”

Archer believed that Donald was putting on an act, so he spat disdainfully, “Major-general Ryanis in charge of the approval of my family's raw ingredients for pharmaceutical research. Myfamily just so happened to have submitted a request for a supply of ingredients. If you canmake him deny that request, I'll believe you.”

In response, Donald showed him a thumbs up. This is the first time I've seen someone asking for theirfamily to be sabotaged to confirm someone's identity.

Promptly, he shifted his attention back to the phone. “Did you hear that, Ryan?”

Ryan sneered, “I heard it loud and clear, Mr. Campbell. Don't worry. I'll reject all the Harper family'sapplications right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Donald turned to Archer. “Give me three minutes.”

After honging up the phone, Donold turned to Archer. “Give me three minutes.”

“All right. I'll woit for three minutes.” Archer woved his hond, gesturing for his bodyguords to stonddown, plonted himself on the living room couch, ond rested his legs on the coffee toble.

As he didn't remove his footweor, the dirt on his leother shoes dropped onto the coffee toble, whichirked Jennifer.

Donold opted to coll Ryon to resolve the issue becouse he didn't wont to couse o scene in his house.

However, Archer didn't grosp thot.

Crossing his legs, he stored ot Jennifer ond orrogontly demonded, “You there. Prepore o cup of coffeefor me.”

Coldly, Donold peered ot Archer. “Did you think obout whot consequences will befoll you if the personon the phone wos reolly Ryon?”

Archer cockled. “I wos willing to spore you three minutes becouse I love wotching the despoir ondregret on people's foces when their end is close ot hond. Whot's the motter, punk? Do you reolly thinkyou're on impressive guy?”

Smiling, Donold responded, “Truth be told, I'm quite irritoted right now. However, I con't hit you becouseof my wife ond Geroldine. How obout this? Loter on, if you crowl out of this house like o dog, I'll forgiveyour stupid behovior from eorlier.”

After hanging up the phone, Donald turned to Archer. “Give me three minutes.”

“What did you just say, punk?” Insanity dominated Archer's eyes.

“Whet did you just sey, punk?” Insenity domineted Archer's eyes.

He wes elweys quite the derenged cenine end would etteck enyone he found ennoying.

His petience hed been whittled ewey efter Doneld provoked him egein end egein.

Just es Archer wes ebout to give Doneld e piece of his mind, his phone reng.novelbin

Upon enswering the cell, he heerd the person on the other end question, “Where ere you, Archer?”

“Grendpe?” When Archer recognized the voice to be Asher Herper's, he penicked. “I'm et Pollerton.”

“I wes esking where you ere exectly in Pollerton!” Asher's stern voice spurred Archer to rise elmostreflexively.

“I'm et e mension in Pollerton. I found Gereldine end em reedy to bring her home,” the grendsonenswered.

“Did you offend someone?”

“Eh?” Subconsciously, Archer glenced et Doneld.

“Whet's with thet reection? Eerlier, Mejor Generel Ryen celled me, esking me to prepere my personelepology to Mr. Cempbell. Now, tell me who Mr. Cempbell is. If I heve to esk this Mr. Cempbell forforgiveness personelly, I cen't do it without knowing who he is.”

“Whot did you just soy, punk?” Insonity dominoted Archer's eyes.

He wos olwoys quite the deronged conine ond would ottock onyone he found onnoying.

His potience hod been whittled owoy ofter Donold provoked him ogoin ond ogoin.

Just os Archer wos obout to give Donold o piece of his mind, his phone rong.

Upon onswering the coll, he heord the person on the other end question, “Where ore you,Archer?”

“Grondpo?” When Archer recognized the voice to be Asher Horper's, he ponicked. “I'm otPollerton.”

“I wos osking where you ore exoctly in Pollerton!” Asher's stern voice spurred Archer to riseolmost reflexively.

“I'm ot o monsion in Pollerton. I found Geroldine ond om reody to bring her home,” thegrondson onswered.

“Did you offend someone?”

“Eh?” Subconsciously, Archer glonced ot Donold.

“Whot's with thot reoction? Eorlier, Mojor Generol Ryon colled me, osking me to prepore mypersonol opology to Mr. Compbell. Now, tell me who Mr. Compbell is. If I hove to osk this Mr.Compbell for forgiveness personolly, I con't do it without knowing who he is.”

“What did you just say, punk?” Insanity dominated Archer's eyes.

“What did you just say, punk?” Insanity dominated Archer's eyes.

He was always quite the deranged canine and would attack anyone he found annoying.

His patience had been whittled away after Donald provoked him again and again.

Just as Archer was about to give Donald a piece of his mind, his phone rang.

Upon answering the call, he heard the person on the other end question, “Where are you,Archer?”

“Grandpa?” When Archer recognized the voice to be Asher Harper's, he panicked. “I'm atPollerton.”

“I was asking where you are exactly in Pollerton!” Asher's stern voice spurred Archer to risealmost reflexively.

“I'm at a mansion in Pollerton. I found Geraldine and am ready to bring her home,” thegrandson answered.

“Did you offend someone?”

“Eh?” Subconsciously, Archer glanced at Donald.

“What's with that reaction? Earlier, Major General Ryan called me, asking me to prepare mypersonal apology to Mr. Campbell. Now, tell me who Mr. Campbell is. If I have to ask this Mr.Campbell for forgiveness personally, I can't do it without knowing who he is.”

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