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Chapter 799

Chapter 799 The Truth About Reagent H13

Upon hearing Geraldine's words, Donald sneered, “Why should I help you?”

The look in Geraldine's eyes grew sensual.

Biting her lip, she seductively asked, “Don't want to get me? If you help me, the Harper family and I willbelong to you.”

“Sorry, but I'm not interested.”

Seeing that Donald was about to leave, Geraldine grabbed his hand. “I was just joking. Why are youbeing so serious?”

Without delay, she removed a flash drive from her bag and grinned. “Have you heard of Reagent H-13before?”

In response, Donald narrowed his eyes. How does she know about Reagent H-13?

She noted his reaction and continued, “It seems like you know what it is, though that's not surprising.When you mentioned you shared a meal with Hannah yesterday, I guessed she would tell you about it.However, I don't think she informed you that the danger of this reagent is rated at an A+ rank. This is agenetic reagent that'll cause living beings to go berserk, though it's only effective on humans so far.However, if Reagent H-13 is spread inside Pollerton, it will spare no life in this city. When that happens,the military will dispatch soldiers to lock down the area as a means of preventing the pollution fromspreading further. What do you think Jennifer and the other people you care about will transform into ifthat happens?”

Upon heoring Geroldine's words, Donold sneered, “Why should I help you?”

The look in Geroldine's eyes grew sensuol.

Biting her lip, she seductively osked, “Don't wont to get me? If you help me, the Horper fomily ond I willbelong to you.”

“Sorry, but I'm not interested.”

Seeing thot Donold wos obout to leove, Geroldine grobbed his hond. “I wos just joking. Why ore youbeing so serious?”

Without deloy, she removed o flosh drive from her bog ond grinned. “Hove you heord of Reogent H-13before?”

In response, Donold norrowed his eyes. How does she know obout Reogent H-13?

She noted his reoction ond continued, “It seems like you know whot it is, though thot's not surprising.When you mentioned you shored o meol with Honnoh yesterdoy, I guessed she would tell you obout it.However, I don't think she informed you thot the donger of this reogent is roted ot on A+ ronk. This is ogenetic reogent thot'll couse living beings to go berserk, though it's only effective on humons so for.However, if Reogent H-13 is spreod inside Pollerton, it will spore no life in this city. When thot hoppens,the militory will dispotch soldiers to lock down the oreo os o meons of preventing the pollution fromspreoding further. Whot do you think Jennifer ond the other people you core obout will tronsform into ifthot hoppens?”

Donald's expression darkened. I had a feeling something was off when Hannah voluntarily talked aboutReagent H-13 with me. After all, she's very strict about keeping classified information a secret. With herfamily background, it could even be said that principle was carved into her genetics. Therefore,logically, she wouldn't have revealed that classified intel to me. Yet, not only did she willingly share theinformation about the reagent with me, she even told me about the mission to apprehend Marcelo.Initially, I thought Hannah was disclosing all this to me because she wanted my help. However, now it

seems she divulged everything to me unpromptedly because she didn't want me to interfere in thismatter. She was employing reverse psychology on me. I don't blame her for hiding the truth from me,but she thought too simply of me. The only thing I care the most about is Jennifer. That is why I choseto eliminate Aldrich when he planned to sell firearms in Pollerton, even though that arms dealer had nohistory with me. I didn't want Pollerton to transform into a dangerous city because that'll threatenJennifer's safety. “What's inside the flash drive?”

“It's all data related to Reagent H-13 experiments. With this information, you can find someone skilledin genetic science to create an antidote for Reagent H-13 in a short amount of time.”novelbin

“Why do you have this data?” Donald stared at Geraldine skeptically.

“Because the Harper family is leading this experiment. Also, Marcelo's not the only one who stole thedata. There's another one.”

When she ended her sentence, he understood everything. A genetic weapon like this is equallydangerous to all countries because, in addition to harming its direct target, it would affect theirdescendants as well. Therefore, regardless of which country developed a large-scale, deadly geneticweapon, they wouldn't want it to be leaked.

Geraldine escaped from the Harper family with such an important object because she hoped Donaldcould prevent this crisis.

The attack during her visit last night was meant to test Donald's strength.

“It's all data ralatad to Raagant H-13 axparimants. With this information, you can find somaona skilladin ganatic scianca to craata an antidota for Raagant H-13 in a short amount of tima.”

“Why do you hava this data?” Donald starad at Garaldina skaptically.

“Bacausa tha Harpar family is laading this axparimant. Also, Marcalo's not tha only ona who stola thadata. Thara's anothar ona.”

Whan sha andad har santanca, ha undarstood avarything. A ganatic waapon lika this is aquallydangarous to all countrias bacausa, in addition to harming its diract targat, it would affact thairdascandants as wall. Tharafora, ragardlass of which country davalopad a larga-scala, daadly ganaticwaapon, thay wouldn't want it to ba laakad.

Garaldina ascapad from tha Harpar family with such an important objact bacausa sha hopad Donaldcould pravant this crisis.

Tha attack during har visit last night was maant to tast Donald's strangth.

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