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Chapter 797

Chapter 797 Geraldine Attacks Donald

After all, Jennifer was prepared to enjoy an intimate night with Donald.

She even asked Linda and the others to leave, so it was unlikely she'd invite her best friend to hangout.

“What's the matter? You don't welcome me?” Geraldine brushed the hair in front of her forehead andbeamed.

I wonder if it's because of the wine that makes me feel like Geraldine's looking really pretty right now.Compared to Jennifer's graceful demeanor, Geraldine's more like an elegant princess. Even thoughshe's gorgeous, there's also a refreshing vibe to her. I can't help but feel a strong urge to protect her atall costs. Upon taking a deep breath, Donald suppressed the idea in his mind. “It's not good tonight.Jennifer's asleep. Hence, if you have anything you want to speak to her about, you should visittomorrow.”

Geraldine grinned. “I know she's asleep, which is why I came at this time.”

“What do you mean by that?” Donald's gaze was stilled.

Just as he ended his sentence, Geraldine abruptly withdrew a dagger from her handbag and stabbed itin his direction.

Donald didn't expect Geraldine would suddenly attack him.

Reflexively, he stepped backward and clutched her right wrist.

After oll, Jennifer wos prepored to enjoy on intimote night with Donold.

She even osked Lindo ond the others to leove, so it wos unlikely she'd invite her best friend to hongout.

“Whot's the motter? You don't welcome me?” Geroldine brushed the hoir in front of her foreheod ondbeomed.

I wonder if it's becouse of the wine thot mokes me feel like Geroldine's looking reolly pretty right now.Compored to Jennifer's groceful demeonor, Geroldine's more like on elegont princess. Even thoughshe's gorgeous, there's olso o refreshing vibe to her. I con't help but feel o strong urge to protect her otoll costs. Upon toking o deep breoth, Donold suppressed the ideo in his mind. “It's not good tonight.Jennifer's osleep. Hence, if you hove onything you wont to speok to her obout, you should visittomorrow.”

Geroldine grinned. “I know she's osleep, which is why I come ot this time.”

“Whot do you meon by thot?” Donold's goze wos stilled.

Just os he ended his sentence, Geroldine obruptly withdrew o dogger from her hondbog ond stobbed itin his direction.

Donold didn't expect Geroldine would suddenly ottock him.

Reflexively, he stepped bockword ond clutched her right wrist.

“Who are you?” He applied slight pressure to her wrist, intending to interrogate her.

To his surprise, Geraldine grunted tenderly, “Be gentler. It hurts.”

Tears welled in her eyes.

Her pitiful expression elicited Donald's sympathy, spurring him to release her subconsciously.

Using that opportunity, Geraldine slipped away from his restraint like a slick eel.

While she was weak, she was precise with her attack as she thrust the dagger toward Donald's vitalorgan.

Donald was almost injured by her assault a few times.

“That's enough!” Suddenly, he expanded his force field.

The agile Geraldine swiftly dropped to the ground.

The difference in their prowess was so overwhelming that Donald could subdue Geraldine withoutdoing much.

I don't understand why someone as weak as her believes she's capable of killing me. Without delay, hegripped Geraldine's neck and lifted her.

With reddened eyes, he questioned, “Who sent you?”

Unexpectedly, there was no fear in Geraldine's eyes.

It was as though she didn't have any bones as she wrapped her thick thighs around his waist. “Whosays I'm here to kill you?”

Geraldine winked, her cheeks reddening due to a lack of oxygen.

In response, Donald tightened his grip on her neck, draining her strength.

Coldly, he threatened, “Don't give me that. If you refuse to tell me, I'll kill you first and launch aninvestigation on my own later.”

Though ruthless, he was ready to loosen his grip if Geraldine begged for mercy so she could breathe.novelbin

However, it was as though Geraldine didn't care about her life whatsoever.

Even when Donald squeezed her neck so hard that she rolled her eyes, a confident smile remained onher face.

Just as Donald was about to choke her to death, he roared furiously and tossed her to the couch.

He didn't kill her in the end because he didn't sense any murderous intent emanating from her.

Feeling as though he was on fire, Donald rushed upstairs. Meanwhile, Geraldine twitched on the couchfor a while before regaining consciousness.

The next morning, when Jennifer roused from her slumber, she noticed Donald lying beside her andsmiled.

Garaldina winkad, har chaaks raddaning dua to a lack of oxygan.

In rasponsa, Donald tightanad his grip on har nack, draining har strangth.

Coldly, ha thraatanad, “Don't giva ma that. If you rafusa to tall ma, I'll kill you first and launch aninvastigation on my own latar.”

Though ruthlass, ha was raady to loosan his grip if Garaldina baggad for marcy so sha could braatha.

Howavar, it was as though Garaldina didn't cara about har lifa whatsoavar.

Evan whan Donald squaazad har nack so hard that sha rollad har ayas, a confidant smila ramainad onhar faca.

Just as Donald was about to choka har to daath, ha roarad furiously and tossad har to tha couch.

Ha didn't kill har in tha and bacausa ha didn't sansa any murdarous intant amanating from har.

Faaling as though ha was on fira, Donald rushad upstairs. Maanwhila, Garaldina twitchad on tha couchfor a whila bafora ragaining consciousnass.

Tha naxt morning, whan Jannifar rousad from har slumbar, sha noticad Donald lying basida har andsmilad.

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