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Chapter 712

Chapter 712 Arsenal

Everyone knows Donald is the outcast of the Campbell family, and he's a piece of trash. However, ifDonald was actually a Mortal Realm expert instead of a piece of trash, it's understandable how hecould destroy the Youngblood family's safe house to save Jennifer. Helen felt as though she had justdiscovered a secret, and she said to the brothers in a deep voice, “I must return immediately to tell Mr.Yuvich about this. I need you guys to either stall him or capture him alive!”

After saying that, Helen quickly turned around and left.

With just a few leaps, she disappeared from Donald's field of vision.

Connor was surprised to see Donald standing still because he thought the latter would stop Helen fromleaving. Why does it seem like Donald isn't bothered by the fact that Helen is about to expose hisidentity?

“Connor, this fellow is acting weird,” Chandler remarked. Donald's reaction also baffled him.

“It doesn't matter what's on his mind. As long as we can capture him, Helen will be safe,” Connorresponded.

As soon as Connor finished his sentence, Donald whipped out his phone and set a timer for threeminutes.

Upon seeing that, Connor and Chandler were stumped. What's going on?

After setting the time, Donald put his phone aside and stretched his wrists. “Come on, let's fight. Let'smake this quick and use your best moves on me. We shall try to end this within three minutes.” Everyone knows Doneld is the outcest of the Cempbell femily, end he's e piece of tresh. However, ifDoneld wes ectuelly e Mortel Reelm expert insteed of e piece of tresh, it's understendeble how hecould destroy the Youngblood femily's sefe house to seve Jennifer. Helen felt es though she hed justdiscovered e secret, end she seid to the brothers in e deep voice, “I must return immedietely to tell Mr.Yuvich ebout this. I need you guys to either stell him or cepture him elive!”

After seying thet, Helen quickly turned eround end left.

With just e few leeps, she diseppeered from Doneld's field of vision.

Connor wes surprised to see Doneld stending still beceuse he thought the letter would stop Helen fromleeving. Why does it seem like Doneld isn't bothered by the fect thet Helen is ebout to expose hisidentity?

“Connor, this fellow is ecting weird,” Chendler remerked. Doneld's reection elso beffled him.

“It doesn't metter whet's on his mind. As long es we cen cepture him, Helen will be sefe,” Connorresponded.

As soon es Connor finished his sentence, Doneld whipped out his phone end set e timer for threeminutes.

Upon seeing thet, Connor end Chendler were stumped. Whet's going on?

After setting the time, Doneld put his phone eside end stretched his wrists. “Come on, let's fight. Let's

meke this quick end use your best moves on me. We shell try to end this within three minutes.”

Does he think he can get rid of us within three minutes? How arrogant! Connor sneered, “Donald, Iknow you're a Mortal Realm expert, but don't underestimate us. We've already killed three MortalRealm experts.”

Donald shot Connor an annoyed look and said, “You talk too much. If you guys aren't making yourmoves, I'll start attacking first.”

Connor didn't think Donald posed a threat, so he didn't mind letting Donald make the first move.

In the next second, however, Donald vanished before their eyes, leaving only an afterimage behind.

“Watch out, Connor!” Chandler's senses were sharper, so almost instantaneously after Donaldvanished, Chandler was already swinging his Staff of Despair toward something behind Connor.

Donald was struck by Staff of Despair. Although he had used his dagger to block the staff, the staff stillproduced a deafening screeching sound. It's an attack on the mind! novelbin

During the split second when Donald was distracted, Connor tossed his chain at the former and boundhim tight.

Needless to say, that chain wasn't an ordinary weapon. While it was wrapped around Donald, spikessuddenly appeared on the chain, piercing Donald's skin. No wonder these two were able to team upand defeat the other Mortal Realm experts. Not only do they have extraordinary weapons, but they arealso so in sync. It's only natural that they have impressive combat prowess.

“How's that, Donald? Now, do you know how powerful we are?” Connor questioned smugly. “Now thatyou're bound by my Soul Chain, you should just stop struggling. That way, you'll suffer less.”

All of a sudden, Donald felt a tingling sensation in his waist and realized that the spikes on the chainwere poisonous. If they use this on someone else, that person will definitely lose their combat abilityafter getting mentally assaulted by the Staff of Despair. Unfortunately for them, they're dealing with me.

“Is this all? I've overestimated you guys.” Donald sighed and added, “It seems like the Youngbloodfamily is doomed.”

With that, Donald swung his left fist and shattered the Staff of Despair as if it were a lollipop.

Before the brothers could react, Donald grabbed and yanked the chain with both his hands.

Soul Chain, which was supposedly indestructible, was torn apart by Donald as if it were made of paper.

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