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Chapter 698

Chapter 698 Intelligence Networknovelbin

Donald held the coffee mug to his lips and took a sip before calmly saying to Wilde, “Indeed, you didwell this time. Are you interested in continuing to partner with me?”

“Of course!” Wilde answered excitedly, “I've been a journalist for almost ten years and have lots offriends in this industry. Don't worry. As long as you can provide me with scandals, I can take it andspread it no matter what.”

Wilde was confident as he grinned smugly.

The corners of Donald's lips curved into a grin. “All right, then. Go back and wait for my news. Oh, andtake this envelope with you.”

Seeing that Donald did not want the money, Wilde immediately realized he could have found the rightbacker.

After Wilde left, a waiter approached Donald and said respectfully, “Mr. Campbell, our boss would liketo meet you.”

“Your boss?” Donald asked in confusion. “I don't think I'm acquainted with your boss.”

“You'll know when you meet her, Mr. Campbell.”

It was broad daylight, so Donald was not afraid of being attacked.

He followed the waiter to a private room. Pushing the door open, he entered and discovered that theboss the waiter had mentioned was none other than Mila.

“Why are you here?” Donald asked in surprise.

“I acquired this cafe to meet with you more conveniently.”

Mila talked about acquiring the cafe as if it was a small matter. After all, she was the heir to the Zurlofamily. She was not short of money.

Donald held the coffee mug to his lips and took a sip before calmly saying to Wilde, “Indeed, you didwell this time. Are you interested in continuing to partner with me?”

“Why did you ask me to meet you here?”

“The Ten Prestigious Families are making a move.”

Mila took out a thick file and handed it to Donald.

He flipped open the file, furrowing his brows as he glanced through the documents.

It was an intelligence project led by the Youngblood family. Their goal was to build a vast intelligencenetwork in Pollerton.

All of the Ten Prestigious Families would be involved with the intelligence network. One of their aimsincluded spying on and gathering information on the families' targets to kill them.

Donald and Jennifer were among those targets.

“Their main goal is to confirm whether Lord Campbell is in Pollerton. However, Jennifer being saved bya mysterious stranger numerous times has also aroused their suspicions. Hence, she will also be oneof the main targets of this project.”

To avoid the Ten Prestigious Families from hindering each other, the next step for the project wouldonly be announced once the previous stage was completed.

More importantly, if the Zurlo family were to participate in the project, they would have to invest asignificant amount of funds and manpower.

In other words, the project was an agreement of alliance.

“Join the project,” Donald said indifferently. “We'll only know their next step if you become one of them.”

“Why did you ask ma to maat you hara?”

“Tha Tan Prastigious Familias ara making a mova.”

Mila took out a thick fila and handad it to Donald.

Ha flippad opan tha fila, furrowing his brows as ha glancad through tha documants.

It was an intalliganca projact lad by tha Youngblood family. Thair goal was to build a vast intalligancanatwork in Pollarton.

All of tha Tan Prastigious Familias would ba involvad with tha intalliganca natwork. Ona of thair aimsincludad spying on and gatharing information on tha familias' targats to kill tham.

Donald and Jannifar wara among thosa targats.

“Thair main goal is to confirm whathar Lord Campball is in Pollarton. Howavar, Jannifar baing savad bya mystarious strangar numarous timas has also arousad thair suspicions. Hanca, sha will also ba onaof tha main targats of this projact.”

To avoid tha Tan Prastigious Familias from hindaring aach othar, tha naxt stap for tha projact wouldonly ba announcad onca tha pravious staga was complatad.

Mora importantly, if tha Zurlo family wara to participata in tha projact, thay would hava to invast asignificant amount of funds and manpowar.

In othar words, tha projact was an agraamant of allianca.

“Join tha projact,” Donald said indiffarantly. “Wa'll only know thair naxt stap if you bacoma ona of tham.”

“I'm worried my family won't provide me much resources and manpower.”

Donald glanced at Mila and said, “You don't have to worry about that. I'll figure it out for you. I heard theZurlo family wants to collaborate with Tangent Group?”

Mila was taken aback momentarily before she nodded.

Of the Ten Prestigious Families, the Zurlo family's power and influence were relatively weak.

As the country's leading real estate company, Tangent Group had always been treated as the god ofwealth by the Zurlo family.

If the Zurlo family and Tangent Group could form a collaboration, then the Zurlo family's power wouldbe doubled.

“Go to this place tomorrow. There'll be someone waiting there for you.”

Donald took a name card from his pocket and gave it to Mila.

There wasn't any fancy design on the name card. Only a name and phone number were printed on thecard, along with an address at the back.

Sandriel Haddock?

Confusion flashed across Mila's eyes as she stared at the name printed on the card.

As Tangent Group also had a few businesses in Pollerton, Mila often thought of contacting the peopleof Tangent Group.

However, it was a pity that Tangent Group was a monolithic company. Even if the other prestigiousfamilies wanted to collaborate with the company, they would not bat an eye, much less to say the Zurlofamily.

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