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Chapter 691

Chapter 691 Meeting Wilde

Of course, Jennifer understood the points that Donald was trying to make. She was just acting jealousto tease him a little.

“All right, we'll do as you say. Oh, by the way, Weston told me that the new variety show has aired, andthe response has been great. I think he has a new idea and would like to discuss it with you. When willyou be contacting him about this?”

Donald glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was still fairly early. If I head over to PollertonTV Station now, I should be able to get it done before we get off work.

With that in mind, he said, “I'll head over right away. You make sure to keep an eye on Winslow, okay?”

Jennifer flashed him an “OK” sign and motioned at him to get a move on.

Donald drove all the way to Pollerton, only to realize that the entrance of the studio had beensurrounded by journalists.

“Excuse me, could you tell me what happened here?” Donald asked.

“The newcomer, Evelyn, made the diva, Ruth, mad on the show, so Ruth threatened to teach her alesson. How do you not know that?” The journalist then eyed Donald from head to toe as he continued,“Are you not a journalist?”

“No, I'm not.”

The journalist's eyes lit up when he heard that. He quickly dragged Donald aside and handed him abusiness card.

“My name is Wilde Gibson. I'm a journalist from Silver Hound Entertainment. What's your name?”

“Donald Campbell.” novelbin

“What are you doing here if you're not a journalist, Donald? You must be someone important if you'rehere at this studio, right? Mind telling me who you really are?”

Wilde sure is a smart one! He shifted his attention toward me the moment he realized the Pollerton TVStation staff wouldn't let them in. The entertainment industry is all about gaining views by twisting thefacts and creating a huge scene.

Donald wasn't planning on entertaining Wilde at first, but he changed his mind when he recalled Wildementioning Ruth earlier. “You were saying something about some diva getting into a fight with Evelyn.How did that happen?”

Realizing that Donald didn't want to reveal his identity, Wilde knew better than to push him any further.

He then whipped out his phone and showed Donald a short clip from the show last night.

Donald understood what happened the moment he saw the clip.

Weston told me a while back that he was coming up with a new reality show. Not only would he invitebig shots onto the show, but he would also let newcomers like Evelyn make their debut.

For most reality shows, the topics of discussion were mostly similar. The only difference was the guestsbeing featured on the show. Not wanting to be like the others, Weston would research the topics thatthe fans were interested in and incorporate them into the show.

For example, Ruth had recently starred in a drama series about food.

She played a beautiful chef who excelled in cooking and, in the final episode, received the ultimate titlethat was awarded to the best chefs in the world.

Most of the fans were curious about Ruth's cooking skills in real life and asked about it in thecomments.

Any other director would only have the guests bring it up casually during the show and have Ruthprovide a simple answer.

Weston, however, dedicated a segment of the show for the guests to whip up their best dish.

They would keep it a secret from the other guests and have strangers as well as their fans review theirdish.

After that, the guests would try out and review each other's dishes as well.

If Ruth's cooking was truly amazing, then a segment like this would benefit her greatly.

However, Ruth's dish received bad reviews from everyone on the show despite her claiming to be agood cook. Some of the fans even suspected that the director deliberately set up a dish that tastedhorrible in order to make the other guests look good.

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