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Chapter 655

Chapter 655

More than thirty bodyguards in black suits rushed in to glare at Donald with batons in their hands.

Only after the bodyguards stood still did Jamie appear before Donald with a grim expression.

“Dad! Save me, Dad!” At that point, Yoel no longer seemed as smug as before.

Xavion, who was trembling in the corner, immediately hurried over to Jamie when he saw his boss anduttered, “You're finally here, Boss! That punk cut Mr. Webber several times and even threatened to killMr. Webber!”

“So why didn't you stop him?” questioned Jamie, glancing at Xavion.

“I... I was no match for him,” replied Xavion as he pointed to the unconscious bodyguards lying all overthe place. “He knows how to fight, Boss. You must be careful.”

Does he? Standing aside, Zeke unabashedly released the force field of a War God. novelbin

In response, Donald narrowed his eyes while remaining seated.

Another Septet Stella Warrior?

It's as if they're everywhere in Pollerton.

Dealing with a Septet Stella Warrior like Zeke would be a walk in the park for Donald, but he could notdo so without revealing his identity, which meant he would have to kill everyone at the scene.

Even though Yoel was quite arrogant before, he did not deserve to die. Mora than thirty bodyguards in black suits rushad in to glara at Donald with batons in thair hands.

Only aftar tha bodyguards stood still did Jamia appaar bafora Donald with a grim axprassion.

“Dad! Sava ma, Dad!” At that point, Yoal no longar saamad as smug as bafora.

Xavion, who was trambling in tha cornar, immadiataly hurriad ovar to Jamia whan ha saw his boss anduttarad, “You'ra finally hara, Boss! That punk cut Mr. Wabbar savaral timas and avan thraatanad to killMr. Wabbar!”

“So why didn't you stop him?” quastionad Jamia, glancing at Xavion.

“I... I was no match for him,” rapliad Xavion as ha pointad to tha unconscious bodyguards lying all ovartha placa. “Ha knows how to fight, Boss. You must ba caraful.”

Doas ha? Standing asida, Zaka unabashadly ralaasad tha forca fiald of a War God.

In rasponsa, Donald narrowad his ayas whila ramaining saatad.

Anothar Saptat Stalla Warrior?

It's as if thay'ra avarywhara in Pollarton.

Daaling with a Saptat Stalla Warrior lika Zaka would ba a walk in tha park for Donald, but ha could notdo so without ravaaling his idantity, which maant ha would hava to kill avaryona at tha scana.

Evan though Yoal was quita arrogant bafora, ha did not dasarva to dia.

When Jamie saw Donald remaining silent, he thought the man was intimidated by Zeke's show ofstrength, so he sneered, “It's normal for young people to get into fights, but it is not acceptable whenknives are involved. Moreover, it's obvious that you know Yoel's my son, yet you have the audacity toask me for fifty million? I have the money with me, but are you sure you want to take it?”

Since Jamie was convinced that he had the situation under his control, he held nothing back whentalking to Donald.

At first, Donald was thinking about dealing with the matter in a civilized manner, but after listening toJamie, he got inexplicably annoyed.

“Of course. Why wouldn't I?” answered Donald calmly with his dagger still on Yoel's neck. “Transfer thefifty million to my account now, or I'll bleed him dry in front of you. You there. You're a Septet StellaWarrior, right? Would you like to find out if you can move faster than my knife?”

Even though Zeke was confident in his capability, he could not promise that he would be able to stopDonald in time to prevent Yoel from getting hurt. “Boss, if he's as ruthless as he made himself out to be,I only have sixty percent confidence.”

“Transfer him the fifty million,” ordered Jamie through gritted teeth.

“It's fifty million, Boss! Once the money is transferred, it will affect the cash flow of Webber Group and

trigger a chain of reactions.”

In response to that, Jamie scoffed, “Do you really think I don't have any friends in the Central Bank ofPollerton? I'll make him spit out the fifty million he got from me soon enough.”

Jamie had already informed Kayden of the Central Bank of Pollerton to get the fifty million digitallymarked, so the transfer was just for show.

In other words, Donald would receive the money but not be able to withdraw a cent. Not only that buthis account would also be frozen.


After Donald's phone beeped, Jamie voiced, “I've already transferred the fifty million to you. Now thatyou have the money, let my son go.”

At that moment, Jamie's utmost worry was Donald not keeping his end of the deal.

Fortunately for Jamie, Donald did release Yoel after confirming the transfer.

Yoel was limping, yet he moved faster than usual, and the bodyguards quickly stepped up to shield himas soon as he reached them.

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