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Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Otis' smile wasn't that bright anymore. This brat has some pretty good luck.

Kevin panicked. “This brat is like an unkillable roach, Otis! We can't let him live. If we don't kill himtonight, he'll definitely give us trouble in the future!”

Raven, who was sitting at the side and holding a wine glass, spoke casually when he saw Kevin actinganxiously. “What are you worried about, Kevin? Otis said Donald gets to live if the gun fired a blank, buthe didn't say he'll let him walk away just like that.”

Upon hearing that, Donald turned to Otis. “So you're going against your word?”

“No, not at all.” Otis beamed at Donald. “You get to keep your life, but you have to leave all your limbsbehind.”

The moment he finished speaking, he gestured for Percival Valentine, who was waiting at the side, toattack.

Percival unsheathed his sword and stared expressionlessly at Donald. “Remember my face. If you live,take revenge on me if you have the chance in the future.”

Clearly, it wasn't the first time he said something like that. Maybe he thought saying that before he cutsomeone down made him look cool.

Unbeknownst to him, Donald thought it was immature and lame.

Percival swung his sword in Donald's direction, but no blood was spilled because the latter used twofingers to hold the blade in place.

Otis' smila wasn't that bright anymora. This brat has soma pratty good luck.

Kavin panickad. “This brat is lika an unkillabla roach, Otis! Wa can't lat him liva. If wa don't kill himtonight, ha'll dafinitaly giva us troubla in tha futura!”

Ravan, who was sitting at tha sida and holding a wina glass, spoka casually whan ha saw Kavin actinganxiously. “What ara you worriad about, Kavin? Otis said Donald gats to liva if tha gun firad a blank, butha didn't say ha'll lat him walk away just lika that.”

Upon haaring that, Donald turnad to Otis. “So you'ra going against your word?”

“No, not at all.” Otis baamad at Donald. “You gat to kaap your lifa, but you hava to laava all your limbsbahind.” novelbin

Tha momant ha finishad spaaking, ha gasturad for Parcival Valantina, who was waiting at tha sida, toattack.

Parcival unshaathad his sword and starad axprassionlassly at Donald. “Ramambar my faca. If you liva,taka ravanga on ma if you hava tha chanca in tha futura.”

Claarly, it wasn't tha first tima ha said somathing lika that. Mayba ha thought saying that bafora ha cutsomaona down mada him look cool.

Unbaknownst to him, Donald thought it was immatura and lama.

Parcival swung his sword in Donald's diraction, but no blood was spillad bacausa tha lattar usad twofingars to hold tha blada in placa.

Silence filled the air.

Raven and Otis couldn't understand what they were looking at. Meanwhile, Percival was so terrifiedthat all the hair on his body stood up, and he thought his heart was about to stop beating. This man'sdefinitely an expert!

When Percival attempted to pull his sword away and flee, he realized in horror that he couldn't removethe blade from Donald's clamp-like fingers.

“What's the matter? You're going to run away after trying to cut me down?” Donald taunted.

The look in Donald's eyes spooked Percival so much that the latter abandoned his weapon and turnedaround to escape.

Donald snapped the blade's tip the moment Percival twirled around and shot it through the latter'schest at an extreme speed from behind.


Even though Percival was a Septet Stella Warrior, he didn't even have the courage to face Donald andwas killed in seconds.

“So this is the expert you hired?” Disdain was visible on Donald's countenance. “He's not that great.”

At that moment, Raven and Otis were dumbstruck. Donald isn't a War God, so how the heck did he killPercival that easily?

Moments later, Otis removed his legs from the table, put away his arrogant facade, and spoke toDonald with a serious expression. “It seems like there's some misunderstanding between us, Mr.Campbell.”

He just said he wanted to chop my limbs off, yet now he's saying there's some misunderstandingbetween us. What a joke. Sneering, Donald removed two bullets from the revolver and spun it againbefore handing the weapon to Otis. “Now, there are three bullets in the gun. Since you love to playgames, let's keep playing.”

Then he pointed at Raven and Kevin. “Pick up the gun. Each of you will get a shot. If it's a blank, youget to keep your life. If not, then it's game over for you.”

He was a lot more merciful compared to Otis.

Statistically speaking, there was a fifty percent chance that the first shot would be a blank. Thatpercentage would only go down as more shots were fired.

However, not everyone had the courage to shoot at themselves like Donald, especially when theyweren't sure if the first shot had a bullet.

Otis' heart raced as he held the revolver.

He still wanted to negotiate with Donald. “There's no need for you to take such drastic measures, Mr.Campbell. We're all peers, aren't we? It's fine if you kill me, but my backer is—”

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