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Chapter 430

Chapter 430 Donald Is Alive The Golden Sentinels said, “Let’s take him down together. We get half hishead each.” Chills ran down the care worker’s spine at the threat. How can there still be such cruelpeople in this time and age? Raymond smiled without a flicker of fear in his eyes. “It looks like Tyronedoesn’t have much time left. As for Francesco, I’ve seen him lately. He will have a catastrophe befallhim recently, too.” Bang! A member of the Eighteen Copper Men smashed the marble desk in front ofhim before charging toward Raymond and grabbing his neck. Raymond’s breathing turned rapid, but hemerely shut his eyes. Ever since he heard about Donald’s death, his willpower had died along withDonald.

His consciousness began to fade as he slowly gave up on struggling. As he gradually fell intodarkness, he suddenly sensed a faint golden glow appear in front of him. He was stunned by what hesaw when he opened his eyes. A tall, lean figure with shoulder-length hair was standing in the room.The man’s dark, lush mane had obscured his face. The Eighteen Copper Men were stunned to theircore. The man with a chokehold on Raymond’s neck frantically released him, letting Raymond slump tothe ground as he rushed back to his team to get into formation, preparing themselves to attack.Meanwhile, the Golden Sentinels were thunderstruck. It was as though a lightning bolt had struck theirpreconceived notions into smithereens. All members of the Campbell clan had evaluation glasses on.They could access the power level of the man standing in front of them and saw that the manpossessed a power level of five million. Through the evaluation glasses, they could only see a wall ofred. Their glasses weren’t for evaluating the power level of humans.

Instead, the glasses’ purpose was to measure the power level of assault weapons, such as nuclearbombs, aircraft carriers, and intercontinental missiles. The power level of assault weapons ranged fromthree to five million, but the glasses measured a five-million power level on a human. It was horrifying.The man before them was practically unrivaled. “Who are you?” A member of the Golden Sentinels felta mix of emotions surging within his heart. Donald stood there motionlessly and merely stared atRaymond dazedly. When he saw the fingerprint on Raymond’s neck and his flushed face from

shortness of breath, murderous intent stirred within him. “All of you… have to die!” he declared with ahoarse voice. Raymond gasped as agitation filled him. I know this voice! The next moment, tears filledhis eyes. Donald had slowly raised his head, and his hair parted to each side of his face to reveal hisfeatures. He had a handsome face. It was fair without a beard. His gaze was abnormally sharp. Onecould even see a faint golden glow gleaming within his eyes. It’s Donald! “Donald!” The EighteenCopper Men and the Golden Sentinels were familiar with Donald’s face.novelbin

They could recognize him from a glimpse. After the initial shock, chills ran down their spines ascomprehension dawned on them. Donald was the one who defeated Javon from the overseas Order ofthe Infinite with one strike. He was also the one who crushed Leviathan’s destroyer with a stomp of hisfoot. He has a five-million power level! The men merely stood there, not daring to move even a singlemuscle. A member of the Golden Sentinels wanted to send the information to the Campbell clan butrealized something was blocking his signal. It was Donald. His body was exuding some kind ofradiation that could jam signals. At that moment, Donald was still staring at Raymond. The tangledmess in his mind began to unravel. Memories about Raymond were starting to unfold and filled everycorner of his brain.

“Grandpa,” Donald called out with a hoarse voice. He still had a lot of blank spaces in his memoriesthat he needed to scour for and fill in. His memories would only fully recover if he saw the person inquestion with his own eyes. Especially Jennifer. Tears began streaking down Raymond’s cheeks. “It’sgood to have you back!” A member of the Eighteen Copper Men couldn’t stand the pressure Donaldexuded and chose to attack him first. With clenched fists, he charged toward Donald. The sound ofsomething slashing through the air echoed across the room.

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