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Chapter 374

The crowd was shocked. Then, they scanned their surroundings.

As expected, Mason had vanished into thin air.

Everyone started to have suspicions. They could not comprehend why someone as arrogant as Donaldand Kingsley was so willing to speak up for Ysabel.

Kingsley sensed the crowd’s suspicions and calmly spoke. “Adrian had locked down the tolls, blockingforeign machinery from entering and severely hampering the land reclamation project’s progress. LordCampbell wants to set things straight. As Adrian’s son, Mason was also involved in this matter andshould be held accountable. Donald personally doesn’t care about what Adrian did. Lord Campbell is theone taking action this time. Please don’t misunderstand!”

With that, Kingsley left with James.

Lord Campbell has made his move again!

Everyone quickly understood that Lord Campbell was the one behind the enormous investment. It madesense that Lord Campbell’s next move was to deal with Adrian.

Everyone glared at Donald with contempt. “Oh, it was Adrian’s back luck at play all along. It’s just acoincidence that Lord Campbell is dealing with Adrian and that Donald managed to take advantage ofthe circumstances. It almost made us think that Donald is stepping up his game!”

“Donald is going to be the outcast of the Campbell clan forever. He’s just waving the flag of LordCampbell like a sheep wearing wolf’s clothing!” Kevin was rather scornful. The regret in his heart hadlong disappeared.

“It’s Lord Campbell who was taking action behind the scenes all along! Donald’s acting was soconvincing. He even called the Freedman clan and made Ernest and James kneel. So dramatic!” Linda

pursed her lips in disdain.

Jennifer finally understood the truth and was rather disappointed. “It was pointless to waste my energythinking about it. Only Lord Campbell is capable of doing this. Could Donald be Lord Campbell?”

“Well, of course not! If he is Lord Campbell, I would be Dynasto!” The members of the Stern family burstinto laughter.

“Wait, how would that justify the doctors addressing Donald respectfully?”

“Are you crazy? Donald’s family name is Campbell, so it’s not surprising that they assume he is LordCampbell. Not many people had met Lord Campbell anyway!”

“That makes sense.”

In conclusion, no matter what, everyone wouldn’t believe that Donald was Lord Campbell.

Donald had no means of explaining it either.

At this point, he didn’t bother to argue about his identity.

Logan and the team of specialists had been in the room for an hour before they finally came out.

Beatrice was the first one to rush up to them. “Doctors, how’s Ysabel?”

Logan answered, “The bullet that first hit her was laced with poisonous snake venom, which is extremelyrare. The first time I discovered it was three years ago. If I remember correctly, the venom was usedunder James’ orders back then.”

Logan added, “However, don’t worry, as I have the antidote. It won’t be long before the patient regainsconsciousness since I injected the serum. After getting some rest, she should be fine.”

Beatrice kneeled on the ground. “Thank you, doctor. Thank you so much.”

Logan smiled and waved his hand. “There’s no need to thank me. If you want to, you should thank…Mm, thank Lord Campbell.”

Logan’s words confirmed the crowd’s guess that Lord Campbell was behind everything.

Logan looked around and realized that Donald had left. Hence, he also prepared to leave.

Suddenly, a member of the Stern family spoke. “Hey, do you all think that Lord Campbell has a crush onYsabel?”

As soon as he finished his sentence, the crowd was stunned. They all agreed that it was possible.

Making a big fuss teaching Adrian a lesson and going through all the trouble to seek doctors to treatYsabel was outrageous. The only possible explanation was that Lord Campbell had fallen for Ysabel.

Another member of the Stern family continued, “The more I think about it, the more it seems logical. Inthe beginning, when Jennifer placed her bid for the construction of Lord Campbell Avenue, LordCampbell was the one that gave her the green light. He rejected many other skilled companies and evenlectured the Wilson family. Lord Campbell must have done these to protect Ysabel’s reputation.”

Although it was a random guess, everyone present felt that it was the best reasoning.

Then, they surrounded Beatrice.novelbin

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