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Chapter 356

Chapter 356

“All right. I’ve sent all the evidence to Mr. Lane, and now, I can send you off. You are the one whosmashed the fishbowl and stained the famous painting. You have a motive for doing so,to eat theArapaima fish.” Simon felt satisfied with his cleverness. “Now, I can send you off. Only a corpse can keepa secret.”

It was effortless for him to earn twenty million while making everyone think he was still a powerful man.That was hitting two birds with one stone.

A storm seemed to be brewing in Donald’s eyes. One could feel his hazardous aura exuding when heopened his eyes.

Just when Simon was about to approach Donald, his phone suddenly rang at an ear piercing volume.

He looked at the caller on the screen and was shocked. Flustered. be answered the call gingerly, “Hello,Mr. Lane!”

Everyone held their breath instantly, knowing that it was Tristan who called.

“Kncel before Mr. Campbell now! Do it right now!” Tristan roared furiously at the other end of the phone.

Startled, Simon was unable to respond as though he had gotten struck by lightning.

Tristan added, “And prepare a few Arapaima dishes for him. Do you hear me?” .

Once Tristan received the footage, he instantly figured out what had happened and wished he couldreturn from West Epea to get rid of Simon right away.

“W-What’s going on?” Simon asked, unable to speak coherently. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“He’s someone with the most distinguished status!” Tristan uttered in a low voice.

Upon hearing that, Simon knew he was in deep trouble.

He was well aware of Tristan’s background as the leader of the Azuro force outside the country. That wasthe most powerful underground force that would send chills down everyone’s spine.

The chief of the Azuro force went by the code name “Dynasto.”

Rumors had it that the chief of the force was only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. Six years ago,he ended the war with his power alone and surprised the whole world.

“C-Could he be Dy…” Simon feli engulfed by a huge shadow, and his body became icy cold.

Before he received any response, Donald snatched his phone away and spoke to Tristan. “I’ll handle itmyself.”

Upon ending the call, Donald stared at Simon coldly.

Trembling in fear, the latter dropped to his knces immediately and pleaded for mercy, “Mr. Campbell, I’msorry. You may punish mc!”

Seeing Simon kneeling before Donald, everyone was stunned as they stared at the two, their pupilsconstricted.

After all, Simon was the former Prince of Pollerton. In terms of power, he could rival Noah Rodriguez

Though he had retired, he still possessed some power. Otherwise, Tristan would not have hired him torun Grand Myer Hotel.

However, that man was now kneeling before Donald.

Widening her eyes, Jennifer gazed at Donald in disbelief. Even though she knew, Donald was GoldenLord, she assumed he was simply a skillful lighter. She had no idea he was actually Lord Campbell.

After all, Lord Campbell was an astounding ligure. He was the leader of the young generation in thewhole world and led the way for the other important figures of the same cra. He was known as theundefeatable man.

Simon’s body shivered in horror. He knew how terrifying Tristan was.novelbin

A year ago when he headed to West Epea, he had witnessed Tristan’s power with his own cyes. Thatman was almost insurmountable. Nonetheless, lie was also aware that there was a chief in the Azuroforce that went by the name “Dynasto.”

The only man that could make Tristan on tenterhooks was no one but Dynasto!

“Mr. Campbell, I’m sorry. I sincerely apologize for my mistake. Please forgive me!” Simon repeatedhimself.

onlapter 350


+10 peary’s

Jeremiah and Adrian stumbled backward at that sight. Incredulity filled their faces.

In their eyes, Simon was someone who could not be offended. Yet, the same person was kneeling beforeDonald right now. What the heck is happening?

* Jennifer’s mother, Linda, also stared at the scene in disbelief.

She was afraid that Donald was powerful and influential, but at the same time, she could not bringherself to believe the latter could be this terrific.

Even Kevin was so dumbfounded that countless questions filled his mind.


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