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Chapter 350

Chapter 350 The Banquet Of The Stern Family More importantly, there was an autograph from the top international glass factory’s CEO on theaquarium. The aquarium alone would cost more than two hundred thousand with a high collection value. On the other hand, there was a pure gold statue the size of a human head on the right. It had a marketprice of over a million. However, Donald was a little speechless at the sight of it. As Tristan likes to be high-profile, he would paymoney to enjoy an extravagant lifestyle. “Dad, Ysabel is here!” An angry voice rang out. Looking in the direction of the voice, Donald saw a well-groomed young man, and he was none otherthan the son of Adrian, Mason. When the latter saw Ysabel holding Donald’s hand, he was so jealous that his eyes turned red. Deathly silence abruptly engulfed the space. Everyone’s eyes fell on Ysabel and Donald. In themeantime, Beatrice had also arrived and hurried over. She shot the duo a glare and whispered, “Don’tever talk if Adrian says anything later!” novelbin

Ysabel nodded obediently in response. Since Adrian worked with the Yund family as a professional manager to manage the toll stations, hiscapabilities practically had no limits, and he knew people from all walks of life.Meanwhile, Jeremiah was in charge of several service areas, and his hidden abilities were extremelystrong. Although the duo kept a low profile, they were not any weaker than Zayne. In fact, they might even bemore powerful than him. A man in his fifties with slicked-back hair slowly got up, dressed in an expensive suit. He was holding acigar with his fingers as he narrowed his eyes to stare at Donald. The latter was looking at him as well. As a matter of fact, that man was Adrian.

When Bryan, the private equity tycoon, had taken the drastic move, Adrian was the one who obstructedthe traffic and prohibited the import of foreign machinery and equipment. While Adrian strode toward Donald and Ysabel, the hall was filled with pin-drop silence, and the onlything one could hear was the sound of his footsteps. “You’re the Campbell clan’s outcast, Donald?” Adrian questioned as he puffed out a smoke ring. His tonewas calm and emotionless. Donald raised his head, and his lips curled into a smirk. “Yes, I am.” Adrian nodded. “You’ve got some nerves as you dare to attend the Stern family’s banquet.” Donald did not show any signs of fear. “What’s wrong with that?” Stunned for a second, Adrian then laughed aloud. “Do you not know who I am? People from all walks oflife in Pollerton would show me respect. How dare you talk to me like that, you brat?” “If I can’t speak that way, what should I say then?” Donald asked sarcastically. I’m here to get even withyou tonight. Since you dared to abuse your power to obstruct the traffic, I would have a valid reason tofinish you off. Hearing his reply, Adrian was amused. Taking a puff of his cigar, he chuckled and shook his head. “I’vereserved ten tables for tonight’s banquet. Everyone needs to take their seat according to their net worth.” He then pointed at the first table. “All of them seated at this table are billionaires. He’s Jeremiah. Thesecond table is for millionaires… Which table do you think you, Ysabel, and her family should be seatedat?” A look of mockery appeared on Adrian’s face as he finished his sentence. Mason guffawed before exclaiming, “What kind of family background could they have? Just sit at thecorner!” Some bootlickers began to chime in, “That’s right. Beatrice is only a university teacher. She could onlyearn two to three hundred thousand a year.” “It’s better for them to sit at the entrance. Haha!” Without saying a word, Jennifer sat at the side and furrowed her brows. On the contrary, Beatrice’s face flushed scarlet. In fact, she was unwilling to attend the banquet, but itwas her family’s banquet. Thus, it was a little unreasonable for her to be absent.

Ysabel looked upset as well because she felt deeply embarrassed. All of a sudden, Donald piped up, “In that case, may I know which table it is for someone with a net worthof one hundred billion?” As soon as he said that, everyone was momentarily stunned. The next second, the entire hall eruptedwith laughter.

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