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Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Unexpected Guests Wynter’s heart ached even more at the sight of Donald, whose food intake was so little that he had tohave a protein injection once every two days in order to maintain the nutritional level that his bodyneeded. Besides, Hannah had told her that there was no point in getting surgery. “Donald, how am I going to live if you’re no longer with me anymore?” Wynter couldn’t help but hug himand bury herself in his chest. “Don’t worry. I’ll get better,” assured Donald, but Wynter shook her head in response. She had seen the suffering that cancer patients went through before they passed away. Donald’scondition was exactly the same as theirs—unable to eat and had to rely on protein injections to sustaintheir lives while their bodies grew weaker and weaker. “Get me a glass of water, please,” muttered Donald. He then grabbed his phone, rushed into therestroom, and began to throw up. Afterward, he took the glass of water from Wynter and rinsed his mouth. Snorting a bitter laugh, heswitched on his phone to check the messages from his subordinates. novelbin

Lord Campbell, all the best equipment had arrived in the country. Once the construction of LordCampbell Mountain Villa is completed, we can assemble them immediately. Lord Campbell, we’ve bought the raw material needed for controlled fusion technology. It costs onehundred million per kilogram. We’ve acquired eight kilograms of it. The molecular formula of Jadar Stone is found. Exposure to intense sunlight could really destroy itsmolecular structure. The theory you suggested—to expose Jadar Stone under the solar flares—is viable! The artificial sun created using the controlled fusion technology can be officially launched a month later! Nodding, Donald called Kingsley and instructed, “Tell Jennifer to sign the contract and complete theconstruction of Lord Campbell Avenue as soon as possible.” “All right, Lord Campbell. There is something I need to report, though,” replied Kingsley promptly. “What is it?” asked Donald.

“The Wilson family from Tayhaven asked for my permission to select a representative themselves to signthe contract. I told them that as long as Jennifer agrees, I have no problem with it,” said Kingsley. Hefurther explained, “I’m not sure about your attitude toward Ms. Wilson currently, but I understand I can’tmake it too obvious that I’m looking out for her. Hence, I responded as such. What do you think?” “Well done.” Donald nodded. Meanwhile, Jennifer received four unexpected guests at her home—Sylvia, Nigel, his fiancée, Shannon,and Jonathan. Wearing a gloomy expression as though everyone had owed her money, Sylvia scanned around thehouse, ignoring Skylar, Kevin, and the rest. “Where is Jennifer? She’s not hiding, is she?” Sylvia marched into the living room and flumped onto thecouch, intimidating Leonard and Linda with her behavior. Hearing the noises outside, Jennifer exited her bedroom at once. “What’s the matter?” she inquired. “We’ve contacted General Felton just now. We’ll sign the contract tomorrow,” announced Sylvia. Jennifer’s eyes widened with disbelief. “That’s not possible!” Making no attempt to hide anything, Sylvia replied, “To tell you the truth, General Felton said as long asyou agree, he would, too. Which means he cares only about signing the contract. It doesn’t matter whomhe signs it with.” “It’s Jennard Construction that won the bidding, not the Wilson family from Tayhaven!” protested Jennifer,which Sylvia disregarded. “Jennard Construction is part of the Wilson family. The money you used to establish JennardConstruction came from us!” “It only cost me fifteen hundred to register Jennard Construction and obtain the business license. I didn’tuse a single cent of the Wilson family!” Jennifer stood her ground as she needed money urgently. Sylvia’s expression was frighteningly cold. “Everything you have today, including this apartment you livein, is given by the Wilson family. Without us, all of you’d still be cramming together in that ramshackleslum!”

“It’s decided. We’ll meet General Felton tomorrow. It’s not up to you to decide whether you like it or not,”added Jonathan slowly.

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