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Chapter 312

Chapter 312 None Of Your Business “That’s enough! This meeting is dismissed!” Donald stated. Everyone instantly heaved a sigh of relief. Nigel was especially relieved. He felt that he had just avoideda catastrophe. As everyone started to leave, a lot of them looked at Jennifer. They were full of envy, jealousy, anddoubt. It seemed that they were determined to seize the opportunities found in the construction of LordCampbell Avenue. The research involving controlled fusion technology, which was conducted throughout the world, was stillin its infancy. However, Donald had already managed to control it to a certain level. Once it could be promoted for commercial and non-commercial usage, it was a wonder how manyeconomic benefits and historic changes it could bring about. Energy would cost next to nothing, and the price of crude oil would plummet. There would be all sorts ofchain reactions across every sector. In other words, Donald would become a renowned figure in the world if he could successfully makecontrolled fusion technology readily available to ordinary consumers. His family could also become theEleventh Prestigious Family in the country.

When the door to Donald’s office was closed, everyone started to disperse. Sylvia stared at Jennifer and scoffed at her before leaving. Jennifer looked very excited. She took out her phone and sent a text message to Donald: Donald, Imanaged to bid for the construction of Lord Campbell Avenue! I’m so happy! Inside the office, Donald read the text message. He thought to himself for a bit before replying:Congratulations. Jennifer shared her happiness in her next message: The land reclamation project has recently beenapproved. I plan on taking out one hundred million and getting the Miracle Doctor of Pollerton to treatyou. I’ll always be there for you no matter what the future holds. novelbin

Donald replied before turning his phone off: There’s no need for that. Sebastian returned to the Freedman Clan’s mausoleum. His expression darkened, and he slammed hisfist on the table. “That guy, Lord Campbell! So secretive and sneaky! Who does he think he is!” Timothy had a lot weighing on his mind. He said nonchalantly, “It can’t be helped. He’s very influentialoutside of the country. There’s also the fact that he guarded Quadfield. He’s made a lot of contributions.” Sebastian scoffed. “I can’t believe the wealthy Freedman clan is afraid of a foreign tycoon!” Timothy wanted to mock Sebastian. However, the expression on his face remained unchanged. Henodded lightly. Sebastian fiercely tugged on his tie. “I’m in a very bad mood now! Find me a woman who I can releasemy pent-up stress on!” Timothy replied in a serious tone, “I think you should calm down a little.” Sebastian did not care. He waved his hand, beckoning a man from behind to come to him while walkingon tiptoes. The man nodded lightly. Timothy felt a bit terrified. The man who was Sebastian’s personal bodyguard was none other than PeterChance. Peter was fifty years old this year. He was the top fighter in Valorous Group, and he was veryskilled in performing Valorous Kicks with both his legs. Peter was also good at tracking people down andgathering intelligence. “This woman doesn’t look half bad. Have a look at her, Mr. Freedman.” Peter handed a photograph overto Sebastian. The person in the photograph was none other than Wynter. “That’s the precious daughter of the Lowe family. You can’t touch her,” Timothy warned sternly. “The Lowe family?” Sebastian had a mocking expression on his face. He did not care. “The Lowe familyrelies on the Freedman clan to get ahead. They’d be absolutely delighted to learn that I fancy Wynter.Peter, go and bring her here at once!” Timothy sighed lightly. I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse that the Freedman clan has an heir likethis. Meanwhile, Wynter was examining a music video script at Donter Pictures. The music video would haveto be filmed very soon, but she still had not found the male lead for it yet. This made her feel a little

discouraged. Vanessa stood behind Wynter and was being very obedient. After all, Vanessa was currently rising to fame. She played the role of the female lead in two films, whichturned her into a new famous actress. “Would you consider it, Julian?” Vanessa asked gingerly. Julian Harper was an actor in a film production company owned by the Freedman clan. He was veryfamous throughout the country. Since Julian had millions of fans and was very handsome, he was thedream man of countless women. However, Wynter did not like Julian. She felt that he was an immoral man. Therefore, she gave Vanessa an indifferent glance. “Don’t meddle in things that are none of yourbusiness, okay?”

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