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Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Land Reclamation Confirmed

He’s right! How could I forget about Horizon Group’s influence over the city? How could I possiblyoverlook the fact that Lord Campbell is a god?

Kingsley didn’t explain anything to them. Instead, he took out a piece of paper with two fingers andtossed it at Shannon.

The paper was a photocopy of a document. It was covered with seals and signatures from twenty tothirty people. The document even had a serial number at the top.

“Get me a computer!” Shannon then ordered.

Soon, a waiter handed a laptop to Shannon. She then logged into the Global Public Announcementwebsite and entered the serial number.

Moments later, she went slack-jawed.

Previously, her search for any information about Pollerton Estates was fruitless. At that moment,however, the entire web page was filled with the announcement of the land reclamation.

The web page also indicated that the publicity period had long expired.

In this case, it would mean that a person at her level had no jurisdiction to participate in any of the landreclamation procedures.

Unwilling to give up, Shannon opened another website and entered the serial number once again.

This time, she logged into the approval search website.

It yielded the same results as the photocopied document, meaning that the photocopied document wasgenuine.

Shock overtook Shannon. She subconsciously lifted her head and stared at Kingsley.

“Did you manage to find what you’re looking for? This document is the approval for the land reclamationat Pollerton Estates. It’s located right behind Southwood E-commerce District!” Kingsley explained.

What? So, this paper represents the approval for land reclamation?

Shannon was still in disbelief.

“What? Does the Horizon Group have such a capability? How did they convince the Nations’ Union todowngrade a Class One Conservation Area to a Class Four Conservation Area?”

“Is Lord Campbell’s capability that terrifying? This makes it the third time the Nations’ Union has granteda downgrading of a conversation area in history, am I correct?”

“I’ve heard that Lord Campbell has yet to turn thirty years old!”novelbin

In an instant, the area was abuzz with chatters. The shocking news blew everyone’s minds away.

Conner then asked excitedly, “Is Lord Campbell here?”

Kingsley replied arrogantly, “Do you think someone from Tayhaven’s Wilson family is qualified enough tomeet Lord Campbell personally?”

His response pissed both Nigel and Sylvia off, but they didn’t dare to voice their thoughts. After all,Kingsley was speaking the truth. The Wilson family was, in fact, unqualified to solicit a private visit fromsomeone like Donald.

“General Felton, please tell Lord Campbell that the Wilson family would assist him in Pollerton Estates’land reclamation. We swear not to cause any trouble for him on the project too. Our family has a steelstructure department and an earthwork department in Pollerton. In the event where Lord Campbell needshelp, they would be of assistance,” Conner proclaimed.

Kingsley nodded in reply. He then pointed at Sylvia and said, “You, old lady! I’ve heard what you’ve saidjust now! I want you to apologize to her!”

The crowd was startled by such a request. All eyes were on Jennifer immediately.

Did Kingsley ask Sylvia to apologize to Jennifer just now? Wait a minute. So, Jennifer and Kingsley knoweach other? Does she know the entire Horizon Group too? If she does know the Horizon Group, it wouldexplain how she could wear Eternal Love and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Anyway, how did an ordinarygirl like her end up associated with the Horizon Group?

Sylvia’s expression contorted instantly. She glowered at Kingsley and demanded, “Why should Iapologize to her?”

Kingsley narrowed his eyes at her and said, “You’ve made your promise. How could you go against itnow?”

Sylvia did swear that she would apologize to Jennifer if the land reclamation in Pollerton would happenwithin three years.

However, she didn’t mean it. Moreover, she had not anticipated the land reclamation nor the involvementof the Horizon Group owned by Lord Campbell.

“Does Jennifer have any relation with you all?” Sylvia demanded.

Upon hearing that question, Conner’s heart dropped, and he could feel chills going down his spine.

D*mn, old lady! Do you know who you are talking to? He is one of Lord Campbell’s Four Greatest DivineGenerals!

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