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Chapter 989

Chapter 989 Dumb As A Pig

“There’s turmoil in the underground forces? What on earth happened?” After hearing the news from herassistant, Caroline bolted upright, her languid demeanor now replaced by solemnity.

She was well-acquainted with the underworld forces of Nebula City, having long suspected some sortof connection between the king of the underworld, Flynn, and Alex.

She recalled how Nebula City was practically turned upside down when Alex’s son vanished. Thevarious factions had banded together to scour the city for the boy, with the underworld dispatching theirfull force, effectively putting the city under lockdown.

This time, Caroline wasn’t sure what could have stirred up such a hornet’s nest. Yet, she had an inklingthat the slumbering tiger was about to roar, and someone was going to feel its wrath.

“It appears Alex’s secretary, a woman named Jessica Saffin, has been abducted,” Caroline’s assistantsaid before pausing. He wasn’t sure if he should continue.

Caroline, annoyed by her assistant’s hesitation, shot the latter a cold glare and ordered, “Speak!”

Her assistant dared not keep the matter from Caroline and hurriedly reported, “Apparently, the manbehind this is Aiden. He caused quite a scene at Four Seas Corporation yesterday and even managedto get the police involved. Aiden was arrested and had to compensate Four Seas Corporation withseven billion before the matter was solved. Likely, he abducted Jessica as some form of retribution…”

As she heard this, Caroline’s countenance darkened at an alarming pace, her bosom heaving witheach breath she took.

How could that idiot, Aiden, do something so stupid? How disappointing.

Here was a man she had considered clever, who was able to swindle nine billion with his wits aloneand whom she trusted to keep her safe. Now, it seemed like he was nothing more than a pig-headedimbecile beyond salvation.

Biting back her irritation, Caroline barked out an order, “Call that idiot Aiden! Tell him to release Jessicaimmediately and apologize to Alex right away!”

The assistant, although bewildered by Caroline’s urgency, complied. Shuddering, he went out to get hisphone and dialed Aiden’s number.

The dial tone rang once, twice, thrice, but there was still no response.

“Aiden’s phone is switched off. I can’t reach him…” The assistant gulped, fearing that Caroline mightlash

out at him.

At this, Caroline let out a laugh in frustration. Flopping back into her chair, she massaged her templesbefore dismissing her assistant with a wave of her hand. “Leave. I need a moment of peace.”

Ican’t save Aiden from his own stupidity. If this brainless pawn is destined to be discarded, so be it.However, it’s such a shame that this might be the end of Regenerateur Enterprises…

Alex was beside himself with worry. Finding a person in such a massive city was akin to looking for aneedle in a haystack.

Six grueling hours had passed since he last contacted Aiden, and not a single lead was found.

I wonder if that woundrel has done something unthinkable Jenic. The mere thought of that posibilitymade

his blood run cold

Just then, an ordinary-looking man in his thirties or forties came rushing toward Alexnovelbin

He was intercepted by Flynn’s men. As he struggled to free himself, he shouted, “You’re looking forAiden, right! I know where he is. I can take you to him”

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