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Chapter 979

Chapter 979 Lunatics

Alex was surprised. Who on earth had I offended? How did I manage to anger this bunch of lunatics?Just let me disappear!

Shouts could be heard all around him. A feeling of helplessness settled heavily over Alex. He had notmeant for this to happen. However, there was no other way. No matter how strong he was, there werejust too many cars.

After all, the people of the Master Realm are not gods. Alex was truly powerless in that situation.

After narrowly dodging a car that had almost run into him, Alex noticed a foreign-looking man withblonde hair, blue eyes, and a sharp nose behind the wheel.

The men in the other cars all had the same foreign look. They did not look like decent, upstandingmembers of society. They all sported loud tattoos on their faces and necks.

Alex had initially thought those men had been sent by Aiden. After all, he had offended Aiden earlierthat day.

However, thinking about it again, Alex was not so sure it was Aiden’s doing anymore. Aiden wouldn’t beso crazy to do such a thing! Besides, he’s still in Eurasia! He wouldn’t dare to do anything illegal, right?

Alex ran to the elevator. With trembling fingers, he punched the buttons repeatedly while praying in hìs.heart, Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!

As long as he could get to the second floor or higher, the cars would not be able to reach him. Then,Alex would not feel so powerless.

The elevator door dinged open. Alex rushed in and watched with a hammering heart as the doorsclosed on the cars that were screeching toward him.

After quickly pressing a random floor number, Alex slid to the elevator floor and let out a long sigh ofrelief.novelbin

The ground floor of the shopping mall had been badly damaged by the cars crashing into it. Manyinnocent shoppers had been injured. The mall staff had even alerted the police.

The men in the cars stepped out. They were all tall, muscular men who looked to be in their twentiethirties. There were about twenty or thirty men in total.

The men got into the next elevator and followed Alex to the second floor. They clearly had no intentionletting Alex escape.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Alex threw a refrigerator into the elevator before the men could

even react.

The men were caught by surprise. The men standing near the door managed to dodge the refrigerator,but those standing at the back were not so lucky.

The refrigerator had been thrown by Alex with such force that it became deformed, and several mendied on the spot.

Alex had never been one to be merciful to his enemies. After all, to be kind to the enemy was to becruel to himself.

The men became enraged at the death of their comrades. More than ever, they wanted Alex dead.

Several men rushed toward Alex with long daggers clutched in their hands.

Without their cars, the men stood no chance against Alex. Not many people could hold their groundagainst him.

There was no fear on Alex’s face. Mortal Force gathered and throbbed in his palm. His eyes turned tosteel as he stared down the man rushing toward him.


Alex hit the man with his palm, blasting him with Mortal Force of the Master Realm. The man flew along way backward.

He crashed through everything in his path and finally fell to the ground ten meters away. He spat out amouthful of blood and promptly slipped out of consciousness.

The other men paused in their tracks as terror took over them.

W-What just happened? What’s going on?

The men’s jaws fell open in shock. Their mouths hung open for a long time. The scene was beyondtheir comprehension.

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