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Chapter 899

Chapter 899 Carmen Called The Police

Meanwhile, Carmen couldn’t stand doing nothing anymore.

After all, she lost a whopping nine billion to a swindler. If and when the police apprehend that b*stardAiden, I’m going to make sure he gets a horrible death sentence! I don’t care how embarrassing it’sgoing to be anymore! I’m going to report this to the police!

Soon, she arrived at Nebula City’s police station crying and sniffling as she related the whole story tothe officer in charge of the case, who was none other than Elsa. Elsa handed the older woman tissueswhen she saw the latter wailing like a baby.

After taking Carmen’s statement and understanding the whole situation, Elsa said, “Ms. Garnet, we’lldo our best to investigate the suspect you mentioned, Aiden Ward. However, I hope you can keep youremotions in check. This is a police station, and you’re disturbing my colleagues by crying and shoutinglike this. In any case, I understand your situation. Please return home and wait for any updates. We’llcontact you the moment we find anything.”

Carmen was unhappy with Elsa’s response because she wanted every officer in the police station tosearch for Aiden and apprehend him. Ideally, she wanted him captured before the end of the day.

“Please arrest him as soon as you can, officer! My son is in need of money! If he doesn’t get the moneysoon, he’ll-” She abruptly cut herself off by covering her mouth.

“Hmm? Does your son have an issue that may require the police’s assistance to resolve?” inquiredElsa she was curious why Carmen seemed anxious.

Panicking, Carmen shook her head. I almost spilled the beans and told her about Lucas’ situation!

Gritting her teeth, she growled, “It’s nothing. Please apprehend Aiden as soon as you can and punishhim, severely, officer!”

Elsa tried to reason with Carmen, but the latter refused to listen and only insisted the former arrestAiden expeditiously.

Resignedly, Elsa could only nod, for she couldn’t get much information from Carmen. The only lead Ihave on this case is the name, Aiden Ward. But I don’t even know if this name is fake or not. His phonenumber doesn’t exist, either. It’s like this person has vanished into thin air. I tried asking her for moreinformation she has on Aiden to see where I could start looking for him, but she couldn’t answer any ofmy questions. What’s worse, she doesn’t even have a picture of him. This only makes it more difficultfor me to track him.

“You’re probably the only person here patient enough to handle that shrew earlier, Captain Sawyer,” anofficer commented while passing by.

Smiling wryly. Elsa explained, “She’s the mother-in-law of a friend I know. Although, I think he’sdivorced


When she finished her sentence, she fell into deep thought as she recalled the bank robbery case froma -year ago. The scene of that brave and smart man solving the bank’s crisis with his own abilities wasstill fresh in her mind. In her eyes, he was a hero who prevented a tragedy from happening. I wonderhow he’s doing right now. It’s been so long since I met him, and I cant believe how much I miss him.

The officer who passed by was shocked, for that was the first him he saw the gallant Elsa blushing likea bashful little girl. He almost couldn’t believe his eyes and teased her, “My eyes aren’t playing tricks onme, are they, Captain Sawyer? I’ve never seen you blush before. Say, have you fallen in love withsomeone?”

Genen Called The Police

The bath low kisa’ countenance quickly faded and was replaced by solemnness when she heard thatBefore che could d say anything, the officer saw her expression change and scurried away aftercoming upnovelbin

Silence enumit dinthepified lisa appeared to be flipping through some documents at her desk, but hermind had drinkst dwway

Back when she teloment diabot Alex’s divorce, she was happy for reasons unknown to her.

She was bold and rettilien while apprehending criminals and cracking cases, but she was at a losswhen it came to munereading love and relationships.

Riven by internal dottover wit she should do, she was unable to focus on her work because her mindwas filled with names or Ale Vinithejendishe picked up her phone, hesitated for a moment, and calledhim, which he answered prametry quickly

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