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Chapter 860

Chapter 860 How Utterly Arrogant

Whoa! Is this young man wholly fearless of death? He barged into the basement all alone, still calmand unruffled in the face of more than twenty people. Now, he even told Mr. Haberman to phone theWallace family and have them make a trip over. How utterly arrogant!

After Hans got his head struck by Alex with the gun, it started bleeding. That was the first time he wastreated by someone other than a member of the Wallace family in such a manner. Resentment surged

within him.

Fishing out his phone, he gave Jared a call.

In no time, the call went through. Jared’s voice drifted out of the phone. “What’s wrong? Is somethingthe matter that you’re calling at this hour?”

Although Hans hated Alex, his life was still in the man’s hands. For that reason, he reflexively glancedat Alex. The latter gave a dip of the head.

It was not until then that Hans replied, “There’s trouble on my side, Mr. Wallace. A young man brokeinto the basement. He’s now asking to meet you!”

Seeing that the man was being so diplomatic that the effect he wanted was entirely lost, A phone fromhim. In a deep voice, he barked, “Old man, I didn’t expect you to do such a de as the patriarch of theWallace family! You’re downright shameless in your old age! Let me truth-the demolition of the villa onthe outskirts of Nebula City was my doing. The same a matter this time. If you don’t come, I’ll becollecting the evidence, and you can anticipate bein news tomorrow!”

After saying all that, he hung up straight away. In the next second, he turned his murderous gaze &men there.

“Did you ever consider whether the same fate would befall your own child one day when you were doinsuch a heinous thing?”

Speaking of that, he gave a self-derisive bark of laughter before he continued, “No, that isn’t right. Iforgot that the lot of you no longer have such an opportunity. After all, monsters aren’t worthy of beingfathers in their lifetimes.”

As soon as he had finished speaking, he raised the gun in his hand and fired twice. Following two loud.bangs, two men fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned. While they had the advantage of numbers, they could not do anything aboutAlex when the man held a gun. If they were to attack, it would undoubtedly be a suicide mission.

Just when they were planning to make a break for it, Hans shouted at the top of his lungs, “Attack,d”mn it! There are no more bullets in the gun! Seize him, quick!”

There were six bullets in the gun. Alex had fired thrice earlier and twice right then, so he had no moreammunition. In other words, he was not a threat anymore.novelbin

Getting to his feet, Hans planned to beat the man up and vent the humiliation he endured while he washeld hostage earlier. Alas, he forgot that Alex could still kill everyone there without breaking a sweat,even if the gun in his hand had run out of bullets.

At that moment, Hans was closest to Alex. If Alex had wanted, he could have easily snapped the man’sneck. However, he found such a death too painless for someone who had committed so many wicked


Alex was exceedingly ruthless when he made his move. By the time he had effortlessly dispatched fiveto six people, no one there dared to charge at him anymore.

Instead, they all wanted to flee. Alex streaked over to the exit and blocked the path, allowing nary asoul to escape without his permission.

Sheer panic swept over everyone. Their way to freedom had been cut off, and Grim Reaper was stillthere. Verily, death was all that awaited them.

Meanwhile, at the Wallace residence in Lumenopolis, Jared clutched the phone in his hand with a darkexpression on his face.

At first, the base in Nebula City was destroyed! And now, even my greatest source of organs has cometo light!

“What a useless piece of trash that he can’t even handle things well!” He swept the glass on the tableto the ground.

It was his first time being threatened by a young man, and he felt that his authority had beenchallenged unprecedently.

His eyes narrowed into slits, brimming with murder. No matter what, I’ll have that kid pay the price!

Thereafter, he again picked up his phone and made a call.

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