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Chapter 799

Chapter 799 Book Out

When Shawn recognized who Alex was, he was a little surprised. But when his gaze fell on Maggie, hewas dumbstruck.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. Not one of the most beautiful but theabsolute most beautiful one. Clara could not even hold a candle to her.

Before this moment, he had thought that Clara was pretty in her own way. But now, when compared toMaggie, she looked even worse than a plain Jane.

He had clean forgotten about seeking Alex for revenge. He flung Clara’s hand away and, with a hugegrin on his face, walked to Maggie to greet her politely, “Miss, are you eating alone?”

Having only eyes for Maggie, he was completely oblivious to Alex’s presence. If I can sleep with awoman like this, I’ll have no regrets in this life.

While he did not take his lustful eyes off Maggie for a moment, Maggie only cast him a quick, annoyedglance and continued chatting with Alex.

Seeing that the man she was with was showing more interest in another woman, Clara felt a wave ofanger rise within her. She wished she could give Maggie a few scratches on her flawless face. Menreally cannot be trusted. Half an hour ago when we were in bed, he was still telling me how much heloved me and how he couldn’t live without me. Now he’s fallen head over heels for another woman inthe blink of an eye.

Clara had never believed in true love. She only treated Shawn as a stepping stone to a better future.Her only wish was that everything would go as planned so her efforts would not go to waste.

“Hubby, have you forgotten about me?” Clara wanted to make it clear to Maggie that Shawn wasalready spoken for so that she would not have any designs on him.

What she did not know was that Maggie could not care less about Shawn’s existence. A man likeShawn was like a treasure to Clara, but to Maggie, he was worse than a pile of human waste. Lookingat him, she felt nothing but disgust.

Sensing Maggie’s coolness toward him, Shawn felt rather embarrassed for himself, though h show. Heunderstood that beautiful women were often a little haughty.

Ignoring Clara, he invited himself to join Maggie at her table.novelbin

As he pulled a chair toward where Maggie was seated, he grinned and said, “Hey gorgeous, when I myeyes on you, I thought you were an angel who’d descended from heaven. You’re simply too beaut

Maggie felt nauseated. Shawn was now so close to her that she could smell his body odor. She hadnever met a more shameless man who would harass her so blatantly.

Without any hesitation, Maggie threw herself into Alex’s arms and said timidly. “Hubby, this man is socreepy. I’m scared.”

Hubby? Clara, Shawn, and Alex were all taken by surprise as soon as the word left Maggie’s lips.

Shawn had been trying to treat Alex as if he was transparent. Now that he heard her addressing him asher “hubby,” he was filled with jealousy. How can such a gorgeous lady be married to a useless pieceof trash like him?

Clara was equally shocked. I didn’t expect him to be married to such an attractive woman. No wonderhe was oblivious to me.

Alex was the only one who could not figure out what was happening. All he knew was that Shawn washarassing Maggie, and this was something he would intervene with even if it happened to a woman hedid not know.

Not noticing the expression on their faces, Alex waved to a waitress standing nearby and said, “Thesetwo people are disturbing our meal. Please do something about it.”

When Shawn and Clara heard that Alex was trying to get them chased out of the restaurant, theirfaces. changed.

“What do you mean by that? I’m a paying customer, and I’m here for my meal,” Shawn said as he satdown at the next table.

After that, he turned to Alex and looked at him smugly. It was a look that made people feel likepunching him in the face.

Since they were paying customers, the waitress had no grounds to chase them out of the restaurant.Assuming that a crisis had been averted, she tried to turn away and attend to something else.

The moment she did that. Alex called her back. “If that’s the case, I’d like to book out the wholerestaurant. The other diners can remain, but I want these two out of here.”

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