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Chapter 772

Chapter 772 Indebted To Him

Callum, who was slapped in the face had to brace himself through another thrashing session However,Nicholas men had pretty merciful toward Callum on account that he was the successor of the Leighton


When he staggered his way to the living room and heard David begging for Alex’s help, he thought theformer had fallen for Alex’s lies

He’s just a har’ He has been going around deceiving others with his lies! There’s no way he’s capableof saving David’ “Dad, he’s just a liar! Are you seriously counting on him to save Mr. Zucker?”

David was on the verge of going berserk again when he heard Callum He couldn’t stand others tryingto make a ruckus again when he had groveled at the mercy of Tyrael and Alex.

If something happens to me. I’ll take the members of the Leighton family to hell with metnovelbin

David marched in Callum’s direction and launched a powerful kick at Callum’s crotch without holdingback

“Stop getting in the way unless you want me to be impotent for the rest of my life! I swear, if youmessed this up for me, I’m going to let you have a taste of whatever I’m going through!”

David turned around and instructed his men, “Drag him away and teach him another lesson! Just makesure he’s alive!”

His men took note of his instructions and dragged Callum, who was groaning in pain on the ground, awfor another session of beating

Watching the scene, Nicholas was heartbroken because as ignorant as Callum might be, he was stillhis son. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything much he could do to stop them aside from praying for thebest.

As for Yates, he couldn’t care less about Callum as he watched on in indifference. However, wheneverhe looked at Alex, admiration would shine in his eyes.

He thought Alex was truly an admirable figure. Whenever Alex showed up, others would show himrespect and take him seriously the way Yates desired the most.

On top of being indebted to Alex. Yates thought he had a lot to learn from the honorable man.

David returned to Tyrael and Alex shortly after he took care of the ignorant Callum. He askedcourteously, “Dr. Skyworth. Dr. Jefferson, what are we supposed to do next? I really can’t take itanymore! It feels like something is biting me twenty-four seven, but there’s nothing I can do about it!”

In response, Alex announced coldly, “Yates the sole reason I’m here to check on you. In short, he’s theone you’re indebted to amongst the Leighton family.”

Nicholas tapped on Yates’ shoulder and complimented, “Yates, you’ve done a great job! I’ll definitelykeep your contribution toward the Leighton family in mind!”

Unaware of the things going on in Nicholas’ mind. Yates thought he would be appointed the chairmanof Leighton Pharmaceutical in the near future.

Thrilled by the compliment, he played along with his father and said. “Dad, I’m just carrying out my dutyas a member of the Leighton family”

Nicholas paid no heed to Yates words and even sneers at the latter when the others weren’t noticing

He thought it was time to wrap up the conversation with Yates his illegitimate son, since Callum, theson he truly cared about, was still suffering out there

Hence, he said, “Well, it’s a blessing for the Leighton family to have you. Now, it’s your turn to take abreak after all the hard work and contribution you’ve offered for the family.”

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