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Chapter 764

Chapter 764 Ginseng Of A Thousand Years

After kneeling in front of Skyworth Clinic again, Yates shouted, “Dr. Skyworth Clinic, I’m Yates Leighton.and I wish to meet you. If you refuse to see me, then I’ll keep kneeling outside of your clinic until youdo,


By then. Tyrael was already by the doorway of his room in the clinic. When he heard Yates voice, hehalted in his tracks before a sigh escaped his mouth.

The illegitimate son of the Leighton family had always been meek around Callum, but after interactingwith him a few times, Tyrael had come to realize that Yates was cultured and well-mannered.

Furthermore, Tyrael felt sympathy toward Yates for being trapped in an awkward situation in theLeighton family.

Both Yates and Callum were the descendants of the Leighton family, yet their standing in the familywas worlds apart. The latter was treated like a king, but Yates was treated worse than a servant.

That was why Tyrael’s stance wavered after hearing Yates words.

After a beat, he turned around and opened the main doors. It was then he saw Yates kneeling on theground with a look of sincerity on his face.

By then, the annoying Callum was nowhere to be seen.

“Follow me.”

“Thank you. Dr. Skyworth!” Yates exclaimed, overjoyed. He hastily rose to his feet and trailed behindTyran

The moment he stepped into the clinic, Yates took out a rectangular red box. The engraving on thewooden box was simple, but the workmanship, in general, looked rather dated.

Without missing a beat. Yates opened the box to reveal a snow-white ginseng.

He then gently placed the ginseng in his hands and presented it to Tyrael. “Dr. Skyworth, this is athousand-year-old snow ginseng given to me by my mother before she passed away This ginseng hasbeen passed down several generations in our family. I know you respect Dr. Jefferson a lot, so I amhoping to present this thousand-year-old ginseng to Dr. Jefferson in hopes of requesting him to lend ahelping hand to the Leighton family”

Hearing that, Tyrael lowered his eyes to look at the relatively small white ginseng It was then his heartskipped a beat.

Oh my God! This really is a thousand-year-old snow ginseng

He had only seen the description of a rare treasure like it in ancient medical books. As far as he knew.something like a thousand-year-old snow ginseng did not exist in real life.

After all, the oldest snow ginsengs he had come across were at most a hundred years old.

Although the snow ginseng in Yates hands was no longer than a short stick, it was almost translucent.That was because a layer of wax had formed on its surfacenovelbin

Most ginsengs did not have a layer of wax on their surfaces, for wax formation only occurred after


Therefore, Tyrael only needed a glance to ascertain that the snow ginseng in front of him was truly athousand years old.

I never knew that it existed!

Unable to suppress his astonishment, he asked, “Is this. Is this really yours? How did you get yourhands. on something so precious?”

He remembered that Yates had said that the ginseng had been passed down for generations in hisfamily.

As the latter was only an illegitimate child of the Leighton family, he was already lucky enough not to betormented, so Tyrael could not figure out how Yates could possess such a precious herb.

Yates nodded before a sorrowful expression crossed his face. It took him a while before he couldrecompose himself enough to say, “Dr. Skyworth. I’ll be honest with you. My mother was born andraised in Coldbridge. Her grandfather, her great-grandfather, and all her other family members hadbeen picking herbs in Coldbridge throughout their life. This ginseng is from my mother’s family; it is herfamily heirloom.

At that point, tears rolled down his cheeks, but Yates quickly wiped them away.

“When my father, Nicholas Leighton, had just begun his pharmaceutical business, Coldbridge was aplace he frequented. Back then, he lied to my mother that he was single. When my mother waspregnant with me, she had to suffer insults from others about how she had gotten pregnant out ofwedlock. In the end. she left her hometown with me and went to Jazona. It was until I was six yearsold-when my mother was about to pass away from her illness-did she contact iny paternal grandfather.She was afraid that I would be left all alone in this world. After the call. Grandpa took me into theLeighton family, thinking that I’m still a Leighton and should not be wandering in the streets.”

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