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Chapter 732

Chapter 732 The Cure

All eyes were on Yama as he popped the divine pill into his mouth. Everyone was watching him.expectantly as this was the first time they had heard of a pill with such miraculous powers. Can it reallymake a paralyzed man stand up and walk again?

Mina could not bear to look. No one was probably in greater emotional turmoil than her at this point in


Swallowing the pill, Yama felt energized and refreshed, as if he had instantly turned ten years younger.

This renewed energy gave him the confidence to try standing up from his wheelchair.

Having been paralyzed for ten years, Yama could finally feel his legs again.

In the next second, something amazing happened. Yama actually stood up from his wheelchair andcould even stand up steadily.

“Good heavens!” The sight of Yama standing on his feet came as a great shock to everyone whowitnessed it. No one had thought that a medicine that could cure paralysis really existed.

“Uncle Yama, you’re really standing up! From now on, Tokugawa Pharmaceutical will rise to greaterheights under your brilliant leadership!” Takeshi said deferentially.

Yama could not contain his excitement. He was in a state of elation as he tried to walk, jog, and run.

This time, he was finally free from the wheelchair that had accompanied him for the past ten years. Hwalked to Takeshi and gave him a pat on his shoulder, saying, “You deserve great credit for bringingthe divine pill!”

Takeshi was clearly pleased with himself. He had done a great favor for the Tokugawa family by briback the divine pill. From now on, everyone in the family would have nothing but good things to sayabout him.

In the midst of the celebration, Takeshi did not forget his sister. “Uncle Yama, in our quest to bring thedivine pill home, Haruko has been captured by the deplorable Eurasians. What’s more, they haveevidence that we stole the divine pill. If we plan to mass produce it and market it to the whole world, thesaid we have to pay them ten billion to buy the formula from them.”

After hearing what Takeshi said, Yama sank into deep thought. Ten billion was no small amount toTokugawa Pharmaceutical.

However, having experienced the miraculous healing power of the divine pill for himself, he wasconfident that they would be able to recover the cost of ten billion within the first year of production andsales. By the second year, they should be reaping huge profits.

Combining all the assets owned by Tokugawa Pharmaceutical, Yama estimated that its net worth wouldbe slightly above ten billion, of which seventy percent were in the form of loans. However, he was surethat the divine pill would be a worthwhile investment.

Mina, who had been observing quietly from a corner, remained silent. She, too, had not expected thedivine pill to be such a miracle cure.

There was loathing in her eyes as her gaze fell on Takeshi. It was bad enough that this cousin of herswas snatching Tokugawa Pharmaceutical from her after all the blood and sweat that she had investedin running it.

If Yama were to have a son, her only path in life would be to end up as a pawn in a marriage ofconvenience. Takeshi, just you wait and see. Don’t let me catch you when you’re down and out. I won’t

miss the chance to trample on you!

Lost in the victorious mood of the divine pill’s miraculous healing powers, Takeshi and Yama werecompletely oblivious to Mina’s feelings.novelbin

After sorting out the documents from the finance department, Yama transferred the ten billion intoAlex’s


Now that he was done with the official business, Yama was eager to embark on his favorite activities.

First on the list was to seek female company. Having been deprived of them for ten years, he could notwait to get back in the game with a couple of women.

However, he was aware that it would not be an appropriate thing to do, what with his daughter andnephew still right there with him. It might also harm his public image if he was caught engaging in suchactivities so soon after his miraculous recovery. Therefore, he decided to go racing instead.

Race cars were something he enjoyed mounting as much as women.

Takeshi had a suggestion. “Uncle Yama, why don’t you take my Bentley? It’s a powerful car that’s sureto give you an adrenaline rush!”

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