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Chapter 641

Chapter 641 A Confession

“Dr. Jefferson, now that that rascal, David, has been driven away, would you be so kind as to join mefor a drink upstairs?” Jason felt that his invitation was a show of respect for Alex. Moreover, he had justdone him a favor by teaching David a lesson.

“Not today. I’m afraid. It’s getting late. I should go back.” With a wave of his hand, Alex left therestaurant.

Carlene and Liana followed closely behind.

Jason stood rooted to the ground, lost in his thoughts. It was not until Alex had completely disappearedfrom his sight that he came to the sudden realization that Alex was the first person in Nebula City tohave ever turned him down.

Nevertheless, he acknowledged that Alex had the right to do so.novelbin

Outside the restaurant, Alex turned to the two pretty ladies by his side and said. “It’s getting late. Thetwo of you’d better get on your way home. Stay safe.”

Liana nodded and said, “See you tomorrow, Mr. Jefferson!”

She turned and started walking away. As she walked past Carlene, she could not help casting a glanceat her, but there was something different in the way she looked at her.

Seeing that Liana had promptly got on a taxi and left while Carlene was still standing in her originalspot, Alex asked, “Why aren’t you going home?”

Carlene looked down at her high heels and silently lamented what an insensitive man he was. Can’t heshow some initiative and offer to send me home? After all, I did help him today in a way.

After waiting for some time, she still did not get the offer from Alex that she was waiting for. Shedecided to cut straight to the point. “Alex, can you take a walk with me?”

She was no longer addressing him as Mr. Jefferson. Clearly, her feelings toward him had changed insome


Unfortunately, unless every girl was as straightforward as Maggie and confessed out loud that sheloved. him and wanted to marry him, an insensitive man like Alex would never catch her drift.

“It’s already so late. You’d better just go home!” Alex tried to turn her down gently.

“But I’m feeling really vexed and could use your company for a while. How about just for a while?”Carlene began to sound like she was almost begging.

Alex struggled with his decision for a while before finally acceding to her request. After all, she was anice girl.

Walking side by side at times, the two of them maintained a distance between them. A gentle breezewas blowing in their faces as they strolled along the river. There were not many people out at this timeof the night.

Not knowing what to say, Alex followed silently a little behind Carlene.

Suddenly, Carlene stopped walking and stared at the cool water in the river that was rippling under theillumination from the street lamps.

Wondering what had caught Carlene’s eye, Alex looked toward the river but saw nothing of interest tohim.

Just then, Carlene broke the silence. “Alex, if only you’re not married. Maybe I’ll still stand a chancewith you.”

Startled by her sudden confession, Alex could only give a wry smile. Things like this seemed to behappening a lot to him lately. “I’m sorry. Not only am I married, but I also have a son now. You’re stillyoung and ruled by your heart. Don’t take yourself too seriously.”

“But…” Carlene shifted her gaze from the river to Alex. Her eyes were filled with adoration for him. ButI’ve really fallen in love with you. What should I do?

“We’ve walked quite a distance. Let’s call it a night!” Alex declared.

Seeing that Alex was beginning to walk away before she had the chance to tell him how she felt,Carlene dashed toward him without a second thought and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

She had only intended to stop him from leaving, but now that she ended up inadvertently hugging him,she could not bear to let go. The moment felt so real and so comforting to her.

To Alex, she had always been a reserved and soft-spoken girl, so he was caught by surprise when shesuddenly embraced him from behind.

Her body was soft and warm, and he felt the curves that he had never noticed in her before.

Distracted by those lustful thoughts, Alex had actually forgotten to push her away.

“Alex?” The confusing and awkward moment was disrupted by the voice of a woman coming from afar.Her voice was filled with disbelief.

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