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Chapter 628

hapter 628 Poor Demi

A few well-built young men outside of the Jenningses’ villa was the reason why the door ended up onthe floor. Terrified by the display of strength, the servants at the residence quickly scattered away likemice.

No one dared to stand in the tattooed brutes’ way, for not only did they come in a group of seven, butthey were also armed with baseball bats. Anyone who valued their lives knew better than to stand upagainst those brutes.

Leading the group was none other than Zachariah himself, who happened to work for David, one ofJacob’s creditors.

Zachariah purposely requested to be assigned to collect from the Jenningses because he stillremembered how Alex humiliated him.

Ever since the man made him lick the urinal, he became the joke of Nebula City. Since he could not gethis revenge on Alex, he decided to take his anger out on the Jenningses.

The man then stormed into the house and swung his baseball bat brazenly at an antique vase,smashing it into millions of pieces.

At that moment, Demi immediately picked herself up to stare distressfully at the mess that used to beher beloved vase.

“Who the heck are you? How dare you smash our family antique!” roared Demi at Zachariah.

When Jacob saw the brutes walk in, he instinctively started moving out of the living room. However, hedid not get far when two of the brutes swiftly caught up and seized him.

“Where do you think you’re going? You seem to have forgotten that you still owe us money,” remindedZachariah as he tilted Jacob’s chin with the tip of his baseball bat.

“Zachariah, it’s so nice to sec-”

Before Jacob could finish his sentence, Zachariah gave the man a hard slap on the face. “What? It’snice to see me? Somehow, I find that hard to believe. You better have my money. Or else, I’ll break allfour of your limbs and make you a cripple!”

Jacob was smacked so hard that two of his teeth got knocked out. The sheer force almost put theman’s lights out, and it was enough to break his parents’ hearts. They wanted to help him but werestopped by a

few brutes.

“We’ll get you your five million, but don’t you touch him!” commanded Demi as she glared fiercely at theman who hit her favorite grandson.

Even though it was true that the Jenningses could come up with that much money, they would have tosell Jennings Corporation to make it happen.

“Five million? No, no, no. You lot owe us ten million now. And if I don’t get the full amount by today, Ipromise you that this bastard will lose his limbs,” reminded Zachariah.

Jacob’s mother repeated after the man before

With their financial situation, the Jenningses would have to sell more than just the company to come upwith ten million. They would have to sell off the villa as well.

Demi started to get anxious when she imagined how she would have to live the rest of her life out in thestreets if that were to happen.

Seeing how nobody came up with a solution, Zachariah got impatient, so he moved his baseball bataway from Jacob’s chin and cocked it behind his shoulders.

Zachariah only did that because he wanted to add to the tension. However, Jacob got so terrified by theman that he immediately peed his pants.

“Please have mercy! Please! Don’t break my limbs!” The man kneeled before Zachariah and startedbegging.

Disgusted by Jacob’s act of desperation, Zachariah kicked the man away and sneered. “Get away fromme. you filth! If you can’t get me my money, you better start planning your life as a cripple!”

The smell of urine on Jacob only angered Zachariah even more because it reminded him of the urinalthat Alex forced him to lick.

“Granny, you have to save me! I don’t want to be a cripple!” Jacob continued his begging as hegrabbed onto Demi’s hands tightly.novelbin

With her eyes widened in rage, Demi remained silent as she did a rapid expulsion of air through herflared nostrils.

Zachariah then ordered his men to start trashing the residence while he approached a framed photo ofDemi’s late husband. With a swing of his bat, the man smashed yet another beloved item that belongedto


After screaming at the horrible sight, the elderly woman fainted and collapsed on the floor. Heatherquickly walked over to see if she was all right.

Just when the young woman was about to help Demi up, she realized something was off. After placingher finger below the elderly woman’s nose to check for breathing. Heather was immediately takenaback.

“G-Granny is d-dead,” stuttered Heather.

At the sound of that, Zachariah’s face turned pale as a sheet, for he never expected that his actionswould cost someone their lives. They can’t blame me for that old woman’s death. This is all Jacob’sfault! None of this would happen if he paid up.

Since the situation had escalated, Zachariah decided not to stick around any longer, so he quicklyordered his men to leave the villa.

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