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Chapter 614

Chapter 614 Why Are You Blushing

Maggie craned her neck to cast a glance at Auriel, who had yet to wake, before leaning close to Alexand dropping a quick, light kiss on his mouth without preamble.

The sensation of her soft lips lingered despite its briefness.

“I’ve already made myself clear,” she said quietly, eyes alight with ardent determination. “I love youregardless of whether you feel the same. Consider me your suitor from now on.”

Torn between exasperation and begrudging amusement, Alex was at a loss for words. If I knew thatthis was what would happen, I’d never have agreed to come on this trip. The situation with Heather isalready problematic enough, and now Maggie has just complicated things. I have to tread carefully orthe repercussions could affect the tech dome.

By now, Auriel was waking up. Yawning, she stretched lazily and rubbed sleep from her eyes. “Wow,this hot spring is doing wonders for my body. I could feel the exhaustion of having to wake up at fourevery morning leaving me.”

“Why do you have to wake up so early in the mornings?” Maggie asked, perfectly at ease. It was as ifthe last ten minutes or so had not happened.

“Training,” the other said simply, shrugging. “Mr. Charlie wakes up at four for training and wants us todo the same.”

“Well, you know what they say.” Alex smiled. “No pain, no gain.”

Auriel made a face but said nothing.

Maggie chuckled. Now that she had professed her feelings, she was much more at ease around him..“You’re a strict master, aren’t you?” she commented jokingly.

“Oh, hey. Maggie,” Auriel said suddenly, grinning. “Why are you blushing? The water’s not that hot, isit?”

The subject of her scrutiny blushed even harder. Maggie now had a sneaking suspicion that Aurielmight already have been awake when she kissed Alex. She shifted uneasily at the thought and tried toget the other girl off her back. “Well, the water’s not hot, but your body is. And it’s making me blush.”

With a mischievous wink, she went over to where Auriel was, making a show of tickling her playfully.

Giggling, the latter dodged. She scooped up some of the hot spring water with her palms and splashedMaggie, who yelped and retaliated immediately.

The two girls frolicked in the water, laughing all the while.

Alex, whose presence was momentarily forgotten, found himself unable to take his gaze off the twobeautiful ladies. The sight was enough to send a flash of heat down his body. Shaking his head in anattempt to collect himself, he dunked his head into the water to avoid looking at the pair of nymph-likegirls.novelbin

go get you something to stay hydrated.”

“Thanks, master!” Auriel chirped. “I am rather thirsty. Could you get me a fruit slushy?”

“All right, what would you like, Maggie?”

Nodding, Alex got out of the water and quickly made his exit, inwardly warning himself not to harborany inappropriate thoughts about his business partner and disciple.

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