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Chapter 612

Chapter 612 A Broken Marriage

“There’s none other as outstanding as you.” Maggie said resolutely.

Such a high compliment did not lift Alex’s spirits. Inwardly, he gave a rueful smile.

The other continued with a serious expression. “I know you married your wife not because you love her.It was because you didn’t want to expose your identity to your stepmother, so you chose to settle downto keep yourself out of sight.

Even though you have a child, it doesn’t mean that your marriage is not falling apart. I also knew aboutwhat your wife went to do behind your back. If she truly loved you, she wouldn’t have chosen to beunfaithful to you just because her family needed financial assistance. I would never do that if I wereher.”

“Even if you were the only one they could count on? You’d refuse at the expense of the rest of yourfamily?” Alex asked quietly, the words exiting his mouth before he could think better of it.

Deep down, he knew that one of the primary reasons leading to his falling out with Heather was the factthat the latter had agreed to stay with Walter Wallace for three days for thirty million.

Regardless of her reasons, Alex considered it a betrayal. Although he had intervened, the actions ofwhich had led to the decimation of the Wallace family, and helped the Jenningses out of their financialcrisis, he was nevertheless bothered by Heather’s actions. Needless to say, it was driving a wedge intheir relationship, pushing them even further away from each other.

A divorce had indeed crossed his mind, but as Maggie pointed out, he was loath to do so because hewanted his son to grow up with both parents around.

“Yes.” Maggie nodded firmly at his question. “I wouldn’t have done it even if my family needed and toldme to. I am my own person, not their pawn. I would gladly sacrifice my life to help them if the need.arises, but I would not sell my body and soul for a morally questionable cause, especially if I believethere are other ways to help them.”

Alex stared at her wordlessly for several long moments, moved by her display of inner strength. Shevalues integrity above all else and can think for herself. It’s really admirable.

“I’ll be frank, Mr. Jefferson,” Maggie said in a sincere voice. She was starting to get somewhatemotional. “It doesn’t do either of you any favor to be in a loveless marriage. It’s better to part ways, notonly for the two of you but for your son as well. How do you think Stanley is feeling, having to see thecold, stony faces of his parents every day? Having a divorce would benefit everyone.”

Alex widened his eyes as he took in her words. When she puts it this way….

He had to admit that in a way, she did make sense. The conflicts I have with Heather must havealready impacted negatively on Stanley. It’s no wonder that he has been very quiet lately and doesn’tseem to want to speak to


Guilt tugged at his heart. Alex sighed internally and made a mental note to be more sensitive to hisson’s feelings and smile at him more.

“My grandfather likes you a lot, you know,” Maggie said, emboldened by the other’s silence. “He oncetold me he would love for you to be his grandson-in-law. He wouldn’t oppose at all if we got together. Ifanything, we’d have his full support. So you don’t have to worry about getting any disapproval from my


She smiled softly. “You don’t have to reciprocate my feelings. At least, not now. But you should get adivorce with Heather and set both of you free.”

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