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Chapter 606

Chapter 606 Keep Your Filth Off My Shoesnovelbin

He did not know that it was Alex who had forced Jacob and his sister to have licked the urinals whichhad forced Henry to leave Harper.

The incident was so widely discussed that it became a favorite topic of gossip throughout the city,which ridiculed the Jennings siblings as shi caters and p*ssdrinkers.

I can’t believe Alex is going to make me lick urinals! I can’t afford to be a laughing stock like theJennings are!

“I was not aware of who you are, Alex. Please forgive me just this once. Isn’t the destruction of my carenough to appease you? Please have mercy on me, I’m begging you!” Zander knelt before Alex’s feetand sobbed.

I don’t want to end up like the Jennings!

“Get your filth off my shoes.” Alex kicked out at Zander before turning his gaze on the woman, whojumped in fright.

I don’t want to have to lick urinals, either!

She was well familiar with the tale as well, having participated in the ridiculing of the Jennings siblingson her stream.

I should not have made fun of them! Now I’m going to pay for it!

“Please don’t make me lick urinals too,” Zander’s girlfriend begged Alex as she shuffled on her kneestoward him. “Zander was the one who picked a fight with you, I had nothing to do with it! I’m just ameek and mild woman, please do not bear a grudge against me!”

“By the way,” she added as a burst of inspiration struck her, “I’ll do anything you want if you let me offthe hook. I can even sleep with you if you so wish in exchange for letting me go. Please?”

The humiliation of tasting public urine is far worse than renting out my body for his pleasure.

“You broken-nosed b*tch,” Auriel said scornfully. “How dare you think so highly of yourself as to sharethe bed of my master?”

After a slight pause, she added, “Only a woman as beautiful as Maggie is worthy for my master! Youare not even fit to lick his shoes.”

Though Auriel meant that as an offhanded remark, Maggie started and glanced

reptitiously at Alex before blushing bright red.

“You’re being appropriate, Auriel.” Alex rolled his eyes. This girl is running her mouth again. Maggie isright there! How would she feel about this?

Without thinking, he turned back to look at Maggie only to realize that she was watching him with abright red face who dropped her gaze in horror at being found out.

Alex shook his head helplessly. “Send these two in for some janitorial duties,” he said to Bob. “I wanteach one to lick ten urinals clean; they can leave when they’re done. By the way. didn’t she claim to bean influencer and had wanted to cybershame me? I want their punishment to be filmed and distributedto all social media platforms.”

How dare they intimidate and extort Auriel and threaten to ruin my reputation over the Internet. Thisslight must not go unpunished.

Zander and his girlfriend looked as though they were about to pass out. The woman clung to dear lifeon Alex’s calf as she sobbed for mercy. “Alex, please-”

Before she could finish, Bob grabbed her by her hair and threw her off of Alex.

“You heard Alex!” he turned to his men. “Take them to the washroom!”

After Zander and his girlfriend were dragged off, Obadiah shuddered in fear as he realized that Alexhad his eyes on him.

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