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Chapter 604

Chapter 604 How Dare You

“How dare you disrespect Alex?” Bob snarled as he stepped on Zachariah’s head. “Even if your bossDavid does this, I will beat the sh*t out of him like I’m doing to you!”

Obadiah was stunned. Even his men stood around uncertainly.

“Mr. Lane, please have mercy,” Zander howled. “What is going on?”

Bob landed another vicious kick onto Zander’s stomach. “I owe Alex a debt of eternal gratitude. Ifyou’re picking a fight with him, you’re picking a fight with me. Is that what you want to be doing?”

Bob knew that Alex did not like his identity being exposed, hence his hastily concocted lie.

If Alex is not sufficiently appeased from this indignation, I’m going to be in so much trouble. Why thehell did I have to poke my nose into this?

Even Bob’s entourage stood timidly at the side.

It finally dawned on Zander that he had picked a fight with the wrong person. So he has the support ofBob. No wonder he did not flinch.novelbin

“Mr. Lane, I’m sorry,” Zander wept. “I will apologize to Alex and pay for his damages.”

“You’re not even worthy to lick his shoes!” Bob roared as he aimed another kick at Zander.

Glancing around at his Maserati, Bob sneered. “Just because you bought a shiny new car for yourself,you think you’re the king of the world? Alex has a limited edition Bugatti that costs four million bucksand he doesn’t even drive that! Do you know how I know that? Because it’s permanently parked in thegarage at Sakura Club! And here you are thinking you can bully him with a sh*tty Maserati!”

“Boys!” Bob ordered, turning to his men. “Wreck this f*cker’s car!”

At his command, his men grabbed the steel pipes held by Obadiah’s guards and began pummeling theMaserati.

The woman in thick make-up screamed and ran out of the door.

“Bring her to me on her knees!” Bob demanded. “Look at this silly b*tch with a painted face. Do youthink you look good with a wall of chalk on your face?”

Bob developed an instant dislike the moment he clapped eyes upon her.

A particularly ourly man of his lifted her off her feet as she was taking fight

“What are you doing?” she screamed in a rage. “I have millions of followers on Instagram! 1 am goingto show them all what you did!”

“Stupid b*tch!” Bob roared as he slapped her across the face with all his might, dislocating hersurgically enhanced nose. “Do you think you have power just because you post naked pictures ofyourself online? Do you know who I am?”

“Why would I? You are a brute!” the woman howled, gritting her teeth in pain and clutching

her nose.

Shaking himself out of his frozen shock, Zander came over to slap his girlfriend across the face. “Areyou out of your mind? This is the second in command of Sakura Club, Bob Lane! Are you looking fordeath by insulting him?”

Previously, Zander’s girlfriend had begun streaming the alteration between Zander and Alex regardingthe car accident. Upon finding out who Bob was, the color drained from her face.

As she had dated Zander for a long time, the woman was naturally aware of Sakura Club and itsmanagement. Even the Zuckers did not dare disrespect Bob in such a manner.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Lane! I know who you are, of course. I wouldn’t dare offend you even under the threat ofdeath!”

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