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Chapter 587

Chapter 587 Get Alex Here

With that, Stuart pulled out a black gun and aimed it at Carmen, who immediately turned as pale as aghost before exclaiming. “You can’t do this! This is… This is against the law!”

“Do I look like I care? We’re in the suburbs; who do you think is going to find out? After killing you andAlex, we’re going to dice you up and dump you into the sewers. As for Heather, she’ll stay locked awayin this villa. Nobody’s going to know what happened here today–not even a soul.”

Frightened by Stuart’s words, Carmen started crying and begging. “You’re only doing this because youwanted to get back at Alex for what he did to your legs, right? This is between you and Alex; it hasnothing to do with me or my daughter. Do whatever you want to that piece of trash, but please just letus go.”

“Let you go? As if! Like I said, you and Alex will be dead by today,” promised Stuart gravely.

“Please don’t do this, Stuart! I know you don’t want to hurt us. You’re just angry because Alex brokeyour legs; I can understand that. Please, Stuart. I beg you. You do what you must to make sure Alexpays for what he did, but please let Heather and me go. I promise you that I’ll have Heather marry youwhen this is all over, okay?”

“What makes you think I want to marry Heather? She’s nothing but used goods. Do you actually thinkthat she’s worthy of marrying into our family? To me, the only thing that she’s worthy of becoming is ourslave. She’ll be for our enjoyment only.”

When she heard those words, Heather could not help but roar furiously at the man. “Stuart, you animal!You’re the scum of the earth; that’s what you are!”

“You’re right. I am a scum,” admitted Stuart unashamedly.

“You think you can get away with this? Whether you believe it or not, justice will eventually find its wayto your doorstep,” continued Heather.

“Justice? Sure, let it come. But before that happens, I’ll make sure I have the time of my life with you.”

Looking at the somewhat maniacal Stuart, Carmen began to regret her decision.

She would gladly slap herself repeatedly if it meant that she could turn back time. What was I thinking?I was so blinded by the two million that I ended up serving up my daughter and myself to the devil on asilver platter.

“Heather, I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am about this. If I had known… I’m sorry.” Because ofshaune and guilt, Carmen cried even louder after apologizing to her daunovelbin

Staring at Carmen, Heather still felt nothing but disappointment for her mother, so she said nothing inresponse.

“We’ve wasted enough time, Stuart. It’s time to get Alex to join the party,” reminded Elvis.

Stuart nodded at his father before turning back to Heather and Carmen. “If you two want to live, Isuggest that you call Alex. Who knows, he might just be able to turn the table on us and save you.”

With that, Stuart threw his head back and started cackling again.

“Heather, call that piece of trash now. We wouldn’t even be in this situation if it weren’t for him!” urgedCarmen.

However, after glancing at Stuart’s gun, Heather got hesitant. If I ask Alex to come, he’ll be killed.

If it were not for the weapon, Heather would have gladly called Alex since she had witnessed. firsthandjust how well-trained the man was in combat. Alex was more than capable of fighting off a few men

when he went against Susan. Still, no matter how good he is, he can’t stop a bullet. If Alex comes,Stuart will no doubt shoot to kill.

Heather could not make up her mind whether to call Alex or not. Even if I don’t call him, it’s not likeStuart is going to just let us go. If I inform Alex of our situation, he might be prepared enough to turn thesituation around.

With that thought, Heather finally decided to take her phone out. First, she sent the man her locationand informed him of their predicament.

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