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Chapter 582

Chapter 582 I Believe

The other Taylors then exchanged uneasy glances and doubted if what Alex said was true.

However, their doubts were quickly put to rest when they saw how tense Dean was.

They then turn to look at Alex in shock, impressed by the man’s expertise.

“What a pile of nonsense! Nothing you said was true because Dean is perfectly fine. There’s nothingwrong with him,” screamed Joyce as she looked daggers at Alex.

Still, the look on Dean’s face was enough to inform everyone of the truth.

The man even glared at Joyce to signal her to stop embarrassing him.



At that point, everyone was already staring at Alex with their mouths agape. How did he figure outDean’s condition just by looking at the man? Is it even possible for someone to be that good inmedicine?

Even the lung cancer expert was gawking at Alex in disbelief.

At first, he did not believe that Alex could guess Dean’s condition either, but after seeing the couple’sreaction, he realized that Alex was spot-on.

Observing was one of the most crucial processes in medical diagnosis. The fact that Alex was able todiagnose Dean’s medical issue just by observing showed everyone that he was truly andextraordinarily skilled in medicine.

“I trust this young physician. The medicine he practices has a long and remarkable history. That’s whyit’s called ancient medicine. Since the man claimed that he could cure me of lung cancer, I say we lethim try,” suggested an almost-bald elderly man on a wheelchair upstairs.



Philip and the other Taylors turned to call out to the elderly man, who happened to be Silas Taylor.

“Please send him to my room,” requested Silas before gesturing for his caretaker to push him back tohis room.

Even though Philip was still skeptical of Alex, he had no choice then but to follow Silas’ instructions.

Unlock succeeded

I apologize if we’ve offended you, Dr. Jefferson. If you don’t mind. I’d like to

check on my father.” Philip, the head of the Taylor family, respectfully apologized to Alex.novelbin

Had it been somebody else, they would never have been that well-mannered toward Alex, even if theyneeded the man’s help.

“Dr. Jefferson…” Jason and his sister wanted to apologize as well, but Alex stopped them with a waveof his hand.

After agreeing to the request, Alex looked up to Silas, surprised by how much respect the elderly manhad for ancient medicine.

That was why he decided to forget about what happened between him and the other Taylors andagreed to treat Silas.

Had the elderly man not expressed his admiration for the practice, Alex would have been long gone.

Seeing that the physician finally agreed to help, the Taylors breathed a sigh of relief.

It did not matter to them if Alex was actually capable of treating Silas’ condition because none of themwanted to go against the old man’s wishes then.

After all, as Silas’ children and grandchildren, the Taylors wanted nothing more than to see their sickelderly happy.

Besides that, they could tell just how talented Alex was after the demonstration he did on Dean. Theman got Dean totally figured out with just a few looks. No wonder Tyrael recommended Dr. Jefferson.We should know better than to doubt that divine physician.

After entering Silas’ bedroom, Alex had Jason help Silas to bed before starting a diagnostic. process.“Luckily, I got here just in time. If I were a few days later, not even the world’s most brilliant physiciancould save you.”

The Taylors were glad to hear that but decided to stay silent and see what else the physician. had tosay.

Since the other experts, including Tyrael and Dr. Langdon, informed the Taylors that Silas had only tendays left to live, the family was open to any suggestion.

“Do whatever you think is necessary, young physician. I’m ready to let go of this world if it’s my time todo so,” stated Silas optimistically.

One of the main reasons the elderly man wanted Alex to treat him was because he did not appreciateDr. Langdon’s lack of respect for ancient medicine.

“Don’t worry. As long as you have me, the grim reaper will know better than to waste his time on you.Now, if you would be so kind, please take your shirt off. Hand me a silver

needle, Auriel,” ordered Alex, brimming with confidence.


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