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Chapter 567

Chapter 567 Despair

+15 Bonus

Cold sweat ran all over Heather’s skin. Feeling debilitated, she finally realized that her drink wasspiked.

“Heather, are you okay? Are you drunk already? Need help going home?” Stuart feigned concern andgrabbed her hand.

“Stay away from me!”

Heather was utterly disgusted by Stuart. I trusted you, and this is how you reciprocate my confidence?By spiking my drink? You’re sick!

She then turned her heavy skull toward Jasmine and Dylan. Her heart was filled with nothing but regret.

I should’ve listened to Dylan. I wouldn’t have been drugged only if…

Too bad it was a little too late.

“Wow, Heather. Aren’t you high and holy?”

Heather’s reaction drove Stuart up the wall. Since his ploy was exposed, he couldn’t care less aboutwhat she thought. “Hey, do you think I gave you gifts worth tens of millions just for fun? Those arepayments for you to sleep with me! What? Are you saying that you didn’t know that’s how things workin the live streaming industry? Then how dare you have the audacity to ask for presents and gifts!”

Heather froze and had nothing to retort.

Of course, she knew about the vicious practices and unspoken rules. However, thanks toAnonymuncle, who only gave her gifts and asked for nothing in return, not even her Twitter, sheassumed that her audiences tipped her for her singing talent.

Stuart’s condescending remarks were a slap in the face. Heather was speechless.

“Heather, I’ll be upfront with you. Spend the night with me, and you’ll have ten million in your accounttomorrow. But if you choose to disobey, I will force myself on you, and you won’t receive a single dime!”

Heather was shaking in her shoes. She quickly darted her eyes to Jasmine and Dylan and pleaded fortheir help. “Jasmine, call Alex now. Ask him to come and save me!”

Before Dylan could say anything, Jasmine pressed her hands on his mouth to mute him and looked atHeather coldly. “Heather, you brought this upon yourself. Dylan did remind you of Stuart’s characterand how he spiked your drink. And how did you repay his kindness? You ignored his every word and letStuart cripple him. Karma bites, you know? Let’s see if Alex would still want you after Stuart screwsyou.”

Jasmine was glad at how things turned out, but Heather was in despair.novelbin

What she said was right. I brought this upon myself! If I had believed Dylan, Stuart wouldn’t have hadthe chance to spike my drink repeatedly!

“Dylan, you’re Alex’s best buddy. Do you really wanna see Stuart ravishing me?” Heather wasn’t givingup. She tried to gain sympathy from Dylan, and that made Jasmine angrier.

Can’t she see what situation we’re in? She has no remorse whatsoever and is trying to make Dylan feelsorry for her. How could she still not recognize her mistake? This is too much. Serves her right!

Jasmine’s fuming sentiments cupped her hand tighter on Dylan’s mouth. She wouldn’t let him and


16:51 Sun, Jun 11


Chapter 567 Despair


+15 Bonus

Heather have a word.

Their conversation was like music to Stuart’s ears, though. He reached for Heather’s waist and drew itto his.

“Let’s go and start our night in the room. Honestly, although you are no longer a virgin, I’ve never seenanyone as hot as you in my life. Allow me to savor your flesh tonight. Hahaha!” Stuart laughed heartilyas he slowly propped Heather to the room on the third floor.

“Let go of me! Go away!” Heather was devastated.

If Stuart really forced himself on her tonight, her name would be in tatters, and Alex would probablydivorce her,

Right when Heather gave up her last glimpse of hope, a figure appeared in front of Stuart. Hesubconsciously loosened his grip.

Without the support, Heather slumped onto the floor.


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